View Full Version : PAT Test (I Just passed)

3rd August 2008, 19:59
I've just passed an exam on PAT testing!!:)

I'm now qualified to do safety checks on electrical appliances!!:D

Maybe I'll get all the PAT testing contracts from all the local hotels and businesses, and become hugely rich! :REGamblMoney01HL1:

But probably not!:doh

3rd August 2008, 20:01
our PAT tester put the stickers on the plugs

3rd August 2008, 20:06
Just in time for all the power to go out in the UK :icon_lol:

3rd August 2008, 20:06
I E C Leads (Those leads for computers/kettles etc) are considered to be an appliance within themselves..

Maybe that's why?:Erm: Even an extension lead is considered to be an appliance..:)

3rd August 2008, 20:09

i've done that in the past for certain customers, the company i worked for bought a top of the range pat tester, very complex thing, they could have just bought a basic model, but it looked great :xxgrinning--00xx3:, it even had Database s/w to store the results and do a nice cert :D, problem was it took ages to do all the tests.

not easy work to do, having to unplug and move monitors, printers and pc's :NoNo:

but good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3: rather you than me :D

3rd August 2008, 20:26
Postman PAT PAT.....???:Erm:

3rd August 2008, 21:05
Well done Nigel:xxgrinning--00xx3:

so you know the difference between class 1 and class 2.

Make sure you have some decent insurance, we,ve charged plenty of customers for mistakes pat testers have made. Frying boards and alsorts:omg:
Also some testers have said items have failed we sent along a tech and find they tested under the wrong class:doh

3rd August 2008, 21:39
Yes I've learnt that it's easy to damage computers and other appliances that might have sensitive components!:yikes: From what I gather even static electricity can damage a computer!!:yikes:

It's a good point you've made there!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd August 2008, 22:10
Yes I've learnt that it's easy to damage computers and other appliances that might have sensitive components!:yikes: From what I gather even static electricity can damage a computer!!:yikes:

It's a good point you've made there!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

in 20+ years, i've ever only known one stick of memory that was working when i took it out, and didn't when i installed it again, i don't think it's that common for electrical items to be damaged by static lecky

and for 7 yrs i had to make sure everyone where i worked wore anti stat bands and used anti stat mats.

but sure, its wise to minimise any loss :xxgrinning--00xx3:

class 1 and 2, if i remember earthed and not ?

and some items , that wwere a certain model would fail certain tests, but i put that down to the way it was designed :Erm:

and if i remember correctly, its the company directors who are liable, if a customer gets hurt from a second hand product that the company sells ?

4th August 2008, 21:25
in 20+ years, i've ever only known one stick of memory that was working when i took it out, and didn't when i installed it again, i don't think it's that common for electrical items to be damaged by static lecky

and for 7 yrs i had to make sure everyone where i worked wore anti stat bands and used anti stat mats.

but sure, its wise to minimise any loss :xxgrinning--00xx3:

class 1 and 2, if i remember earthed and not ?

and some items , that wwere a certain model would fail certain tests, but i put that down to the way it was designed :Erm:

and if i remember correctly, its the company directors who are liable, if a customer gets hurt from a second hand product that the company sells ?

No but when we get prats mega test certain equipment, applying the voltage to controller boards :NoNo:

Static blowing up chips is very very rare as you say thats why you have raditors i thought:Erm::D

Many Pat testers do seem to confuse some I.T equipment trust me you wanna see the Email trail due to one bloke making a simple mistake:rolleyes:

Due to one Wally i got the Designers over from Japan ( i was hoping they would send me there ) but they sent me more than ten blokes who I had to work with. The morning after our Japanese chairman decided to welcome them straight from heathrow and pour a million glasses of sake down their necks:NoNo:

We then made up documents advising Pat testers where to test the devices and where it would not be a good idea.

Pat testing is a british test from what i know and even our factories here in the UK have a different name for the test (Earthing test) so it was more complicated than it sounded making sure both sides knew what one another were talking about.

Pat testing is a good thing to get into at the moment nigel wont make you a rich man, but many companies will not upgrade equipment in the workplace if they can help it due to the credit crunchie bar. If a device is repaired or parts replaced electrically wise it is supose to be tested but many are not which im led to belive in theory voids the test.