View Full Version : The Olympics?

8th August 2008, 10:33
So come on, what you do think of the Olympics about to start in China? Love it? Hate it? Boring? Inspiring? Interesting? Not interesting?

Personally, I think its a great celebration of the world being united through sporting event for a few weeks.

Reading through the UK bulletin boards on the net, theres seems to be a consensus that its a waste of money, we shouldn't be supporting a country with a dismal human rights record, etc, etc. Its NOT just about human rights, and it saddens me that every major event has to become so politicised by minority groups with their own agenda. How about we show some respect to Team GB and wish them all the best, they've been training hard for this event.

8th August 2008, 12:30
i am actually excited:D i like watching the swimming esp the synchronize, like gymnastics too:xxgrinning--00xx3: so all the best for the athletes:D

8th August 2008, 12:47
Waste of money wherever it is.....especially concidering how much the BBC spend on it for a minority sport.

...and our Olympics have gone up another few Billion.....

8th August 2008, 13:08
The opening seems to be keeping me entertained as i sit here feeling reall ill

8th August 2008, 13:10
Are you wearing infrared so you can see the people? :rolleyes:

9th August 2008, 05:39
woke up at 3am, turned the tv on, and the beebs showing women's Beach Volleyball :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th August 2008, 06:55
My friends saw the dress rehearsals of fireworks and said it was so lovely. I wished I saw the actual fireworks show during the opening. I've been visiting the official website for recent updates. More exciting and interesting though capturing the moments on tv.

Beach Volleyball :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Another :xxgrinning--00xx3: for a volleyball fanatic in me. :icon_lol:

9th August 2008, 08:59
My friends saw the dress rehearsals of fireworks and said it was so lovely. I wished I saw the actual fireworks show during the opening. I've been visiting the official website for recent updates. More exciting and interesting though capturing the moments on tv.

Another :xxgrinning--00xx3: for a volleyball fanatic in me. :icon_lol:

Im sure Joe enjoyed the Volleyball but dont ask him what the score was:D

9th August 2008, 09:17
Im sure Joe enjoyed the Volleyball but dont ask him what the score was:D

Got it! :D:icon_lol:

9th August 2008, 12:39
i am actually excited:D i like watching the swimming esp the synchronize, like gymnastics too:xxgrinning--00xx3: so all the best for the athletes:D

Tell me, if one synchronised swimmer drowns, do they all have to?


9th August 2008, 12:45
Tell me, if one synchronised swimmer drowns, do they all have to?


Then they need synchronised life guards and first aids:Erm:

9th August 2008, 14:05
I love it! i'm watching the opening yesterday n waiting too long of the Philippine flag.. i was so happy i seen it hehehe!

9th August 2008, 14:07
British flag as well.

9th August 2008, 14:28
British flag as well.
The symbol for Underachievers :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2008, 17:27
pinoys competing (http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/storypage.aspx?StoryID=127409)

Hidilyn Diaz (http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/storyPage.aspx?storyId=127406) - 58kg womens weightlifting
James Walsh _ 200m mens butterfly

Miguel Molina - 200m mens breaststroke

Harry Tanamor - light flyweight Boxing (V's Manyo Plange, Ghana)
Mark Javier - 70m archery

10th August 2008, 22:55
The symbol for Underachievers :xxgrinning--00xx3:

hmm we got our first gold :P first of many (i am dreaming of course!)

10th August 2008, 23:13
, we shouldn't be supporting a country with a dismal human rights record, etc, etc. Its NOT just about human rights, and it saddens me that every major event has to become so politicised by minority groups with their own agenda.

Leaving the use of resources out of it I think in this case its about China and its agenda to achieve world recognition and this of course is political and as you say saddening just as the 1936 Olympics were in Germany

You only have to look at the hordes of "world leaders" minority groups every one, all there on there nationalistic jollies attempting to gain a few brownie points on the backs of Athletes instead of getting on with the jobs they are paid to do .

11th August 2008, 09:10
We gave that amateur boxer £70,000 a year just so he could get fat :doh

How the hell can a jockey lose more than the weight he was over in the morning before the race? :NoNo: