View Full Version : Philippines Subdivisions...

10th August 2008, 20:20
Has anyone here bought a Philippines property in a subdivision, whats the score there? I mean what are the maintenance cost's once you've bought a place there? :Erm:
It seems a lot of people buy a land lot and have their own home built, so whats the done thing, what's the easiest way of getting your own property in Philly?:BouncyHappy:

10th August 2008, 20:59
Nigel, we bought our place in a subdivision. Its 2 bedrooms, has bathroom, kitchen and shower room, and is on 2 floors, with plenty of room for expansion with a big garden. Cash price would be about £7000-ish in todays price. It came fully built with windows, doors, tiled bathroom and basic kitchen cabinets, all electric and water(cold) installed ready.
We bought ours through the Pag Ibig scheme, so the monthly payments are about £60 a month. The house was bought by Elsa, I had no part in the transaction simply for the reason that if they saw I was a "foreigner" the price would rocket skywards (we came across this problem when we looked at another property - suddenly they were £1000 more expensive than actually advertised, weird huh?)

As for maintenance costs, I'm not sure as we're not living there yet, but we had to install hot water, floor tiles and will shortly start on an 3 room extension to bring it up to standard.

Pete has bought a place as well in Philippines, so maybe he would give you idea of cost.

10th August 2008, 21:06
What's a subdivided subdivision called? :Erm:

10th August 2008, 21:13
it depends where location of the subdivision you're going to buy a house so the price varies. I bought my house and lot in a subdivision in Cavite for Php 2.5 million 2 years ago for 10 years to pay. I guess its better to buy a house and lot anyway there's no restriction in Phils whatever kind renovations and extension you want in your own property. My house is a 2Storey Residential house with balcony and carport, 3bedrooms, 2toilet & bath, finised with ceramic tiles on ground floor, vinly on 2nd floor. And I am proud of it:)

10th August 2008, 21:20
:):):xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: Thanks for the replies guys, I've been looking at places in Davao...maybe Cebu (And yes I am a bit nervous about living in Davao..:Erm:) I guess it's best I get a place in a subdivision, but if the subdivision is guarded, surely there will be ground rent/maintenance costs?.....no?:Erm:

10th August 2008, 21:31
:):):xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: Thanks for the replies guys, I've been looking at places in Davao...maybe Cebu (And yes I am a bit nervous about living in Davao..:Erm:) I guess it's best I get a place in a subdivision, but if the subdivision is guarded, surely there will be ground rent/maintenance costs?.....no?:Erm:

every private subdivision has a monthly association fee like me Im paying Php 350/month. To pay for the guard, rubbish collection, street lights etcc its bit of council tax in a diff way:yikes:

David House
11th August 2008, 00:32
I am in the process of buying in a sub division in Cebu. The house won't be ready until mid 2009 so I have no direct experience yet but I understand that the monthly service charge will be around 2500 pesos, to include rubbish collection and guards. There are plenty of developments in progress in and around Cebu city and I have looked at most of them. Some are pretty barren places where OCWs are buying lots on an instalment basis with the intention of building their house in a few years time. You find the odd house sited amongst a bunch of over grown waste land. House and lot packages are a better deal because then you know the area will look finished. if you want more infor send me a private message.

11th August 2008, 15:50
Don't be too worried about buying in Davao - most areas are reasonably safe.

We live on a subdivision in Tagum - there are fees, but they're small, and definitely not monthly. We've been here for almost 8 months, and not had to pay anything yet.

11th August 2008, 16:36
What's a subdivided subdivision called? :Erm:

long division :23_116_6[1]:

11th August 2008, 19:04
Here's my place in Sta Rosa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Rosa_City



If you like cool to live, choose the highlands of Sta. Rosa :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th August 2008, 08:15
we bought our house in a subdivision,in subic zambales.
we paid 1000 every mounth for the maintenance.
its worth it,now the house is rented for 3000 pounds
a mounth..good investment.

Cheryl Tyndall
12th August 2008, 08:47
Why don't you try to buy a lot in Cagayan de Oro City? 800 sq meter in a prime subdivision , 5 minutes drive from the airport. Many foreigners live there.. message me if you are interested.

12th August 2008, 09:17
we bought our house in a subdivision,in subic zambales.
we paid 1000 every mounth for the maintenance.
its worth it,now the house is rented for 3000 pounds
a mounth..good investment.

Wow! 3,000 pounds a monthhhh? you must be a millionaire in just 3 months:yikes::BouncyHappy::D

12th August 2008, 09:30
What's a subdivided subdivision called? :Erm:

subdivision within another subdivision?:Erm:

12th August 2008, 12:11
What's a subdivided subdivision called? :Erm:

Chicken coop!!:xxanimal-smiley-085

12th August 2008, 13:12
Wow! 3,000 pounds a monthhhh? you must be a millionaire in just 3 months:yikes::BouncyHappy::D

hahaha....300 only:icon_lol::icon_lol:silly me:Erm::Erm:

12th August 2008, 14:22
talking of houses back home... my hubby and i bought a piece of land there in a subd we then built our dream bungalow, it was lovely, we spent our summer there lazed by th pool in the evening and just chilled. it was supposedly a guarded subdivision.

one night we are getting ready to go bed and we heard the door by the kitchen being tried to be opened seconds later they tried the front door, so i looked out of the window and saw 3 men standing by the car in the porch... we called the police it took them almost half an hour to get to us they didnt have petrol :bigcry: !!

after that incident we decided to sell, and just stay in hotels when we go back.

15th August 2008, 21:52
:):):xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: Thanks for the replies guys, I've been looking at places in Davao...maybe Cebu (And yes I am a bit nervous about living in Davao..:Erm:) I guess it's best I get a place in a subdivision, but if the subdivision is guarded, surely there will be ground rent/maintenance costs?.....no?:Erm:

all subdivision in davao are fully guarded so no need to worry about

16th August 2008, 12:22
all subdivision in davao are fully guarded...

Are you sure about that? I've driven into a subdivision and not noticed any guards.

16th August 2008, 13:47
No, not all. Only the high end subdivision with one entrance to get inside the compound.

16th August 2008, 16:34
No, not all. Only the high end subdivision with one entrance to get inside the compound.

and the 10mt electrified fence :omg:

16th August 2008, 19:36
all subdivision i went are guarded like solariega in talomo, robinson highland,woodridge,orange groove ect.but not the cheapy subdivision