View Full Version : just an up date

10th August 2008, 20:43
hello just thought i pop in and give you an update on frances visa application.yesterday frances mailed our appeal back to to embassy in manila with a letter from the caterer saying the document was genuine,and also the reason she did not mention me in her previous application for a visit visa last year.i'm hoping that lady eco might ghange her mind and give us the visa but i doubt it.if not i'm planing another visit in oct and we will get married.i think its going to be so hard when i have to leave her there,but im hoping next year at the court hearing in london they will see how serious we are.it just seems unbeliveable they did not give the visa when we had every single requirment.i thought if you had all the requirements you got the visa but i guess thats not the case.thanks again everyone for everything you have done for us both.are fight will continue . ps am i able to attend the hearing?

10th August 2008, 21:14
Glad you were able to decide Phil the process goes on , now you have covered the bases lets hope the result is favourable

from what i recall here if your lady is called in although there is a general discretion, in the Fills they don't let you in the door sure someone else will correct if i got that wrong

10th August 2008, 21:43
sorry i ment if there is a hearing in the uk will i be able to attend it?

10th August 2008, 21:48
keith i see your from devon im from the devon somerset border

10th August 2008, 22:55
Im near bideford and you?

10th August 2008, 23:01
im from exmoor .not far away ,maybe we can meet sometime

10th August 2008, 23:03
so are you married? have you applied for a visa yet

10th August 2008, 23:17
No not yet off to the Phills soon you should soon have private message rights if you keep posting perhaps we could arrange somthing:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2008, 23:38
ok look forward to that

11th August 2008, 00:02
goodluck to you and Frances...May she can have her visa soon...

11th August 2008, 01:55
I hope that something good will come out of the appeal. Don't lose hope and patience. You'll be together soon....:)

11th August 2008, 07:59
thank you Menchkin and Telford,Were never going to loose hope

11th August 2008, 08:37

11th August 2008, 09:06
keith i see your from devon im from the devon somerset border

Im near bideford and you?

What a lovely couple :icon_lol:

11th August 2008, 11:03

11th August 2008, 19:26
All the best Frances and Philip!

11th August 2008, 19:34
Glad to see your fighting on, all the best:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Always a good idea to have a plan b:)

11th August 2008, 19:49
Goodluck to u Philip and Frances...:)

11th August 2008, 20:02
thank you kimmi

11th August 2008, 23:44
hello just thought i pop in and give you an update on frances visa application.yesterday frances mailed our appeal back to to embassy in manila with a letter from the caterer saying the document was genuine,and also the reason she did not mention me in her previous application for a visit visa last year.i'm hoping that lady eco might ghange her mind and give us the visa but i doubt it.if not i'm planing another visit in oct and we will get married.i think its going to be so hard when i have to leave her there,but im hoping next year at the court hearing in london they will see how serious we are.it just seems unbeliveable they did not give the visa when we had every single requirment.i thought if you had all the requirements you got the visa but i guess thats not the case.thanks again everyone for everything you have done for us both.are fight will continue . ps am i able to attend the hearing?

Phillip, Frances -- I think you have done enough for your appeal to succeed - you could have got a lot more paperwork, maybe, but I think the letter you have provided is a VERY FAIR response to what seemed a harsh decision, and I think when the judge sees this letter it will be hard for him not to grant the appeal. You responded quickly so I hope the decision will be equally swift. I would put my money 95% on your success. In my view, you shouldn't get too excited about attending the hearing if it is in UK. I just think you will be OK, and the judge wouldn't need to spend much time, just to read the letter. I think the other objection was just added to prop up the case. I think they turned you down because they didn't get through to the caterer after a few tries and, because they only have very limited time to make enquiries they threw it out. However the fact you were using a small caterer for the wedding is entirely plausible and acceptable. If you had booked a mega-caterer they might have got even worse bogged down in their switchboards!

12th August 2008, 07:53
all the best frances and philip.

24th August 2008, 23:00
hello just wanted to say the embassy called Frances to say the case is going to be reviewd on 21 oct,but looking at the AIT site it says the papers are sent back to the embassy in manila where the ECO can change her mind and issue the visa if she wants to .the time scale for this is one week according to the AIT site.do you know if the embassy are within their rights to make us wait over 2 months to review the case?
we wanted to arange the wedding for about that time but we can't plan anything not knowing the outcome because frances will be my wife and we have the wrong visa if they should overturn their decision.i wonder if they would change to spouse visa if we were married ?

25th August 2008, 08:49
.....do you know if the embassy are within their rights to make us wait over 2 months to review the case?...
They can do what they like :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Compared with 5+ years ago, 2 months is bloody quick. :)

12th September 2008, 21:10
just another update .i asked my mp to write to the embasy on my behalf and this is the reply
"thank you for your letter to the ambassador of 3 sept concerning mr ------- and his fiancee frances -----.As head of the visa section,i have ben asked to reply regarding your constituants concerns.
Looking at the procedures that have been followed im satisfied that these have been in keeping with UKBA policy.the refusal is a logical result of the applecation.following the receipt of the appeal,the case will be reviewed again and unless it is reversed it will be passed to the AIT for appeal.
whilst i do not know when the appeal will be herd,i am aware that the flow chart that mr ------- quotes from but his inturpration is incorrect .what is actually stated is that whole process from receipt of an appeal at post to its despatch is 8 weeks.there is no fixed time frame for which action should take how long.at the moment we are suffering from 30%increases in the volume of applications without any increase of support."

I realise you will be dissapointed .however ,as i am sure you realise ,i have no influence over the decisions made by imagration officers.Iwould advise you and your fiancee to adhere to any advise given by the entry clearance officer and address any points that ar raised to the refusal for entry.

well thats the letter i had back from my MP not alot of help really .Just thought i would update everyone you have all been so kind .

Are fight will go on . phillip

12th September 2008, 23:00
hi philip,
Goodluck to you and frances.
All the best.


12th September 2008, 23:50
just another update...

Are fight will go on . phillip

Best of success, Phillip, to you and Frances. Keep pluggin'.


13th September 2008, 13:30
Wish u all the best Phillip and Frances,keep fighting for your love :)

13th September 2008, 16:32
good luck to both of u!:):):)

23rd September 2008, 06:10
good luck and just have faith.....

23rd September 2008, 08:34
thank you everyone for your kind words.the review will soon be here 21 oct ,were hoping for the best.