View Full Version : Rescheduled Barrio Fiesta September ?

11th August 2008, 13:45
I saw somewhere on the web (can't find it now) that the Fiesta might be taking place in Lampton ark Hounslow 13 & 14 Sept. Anyone else heard this ?

11th August 2008, 14:03
I saw somewhere on the web (can't find it now) that the Fiesta might be taking place in Lampton ark Hounslow 13 & 14 Sept. Anyone else heard this ?

Yes its on this website http://www.philippinecentre.com/


11th August 2008, 14:25
Yes its on this website http://www.philippinecentre.com/


Many thanks. They mention issuing a further statement after their meeting with the authorities w/c 4/8. I hope it is going ahead it was very disappointing to 1000's when it got cancelled last month

11th August 2008, 18:53
Good news but i wonder if it might be a mini mee version with less stalls and people?

12th August 2008, 01:08
Good news but i wonder if it might be a mini mee version with less stalls and people?

I'd hazard a guess at less stalls - people I guess that depends on weather, travel arrangements, being able to spend the time etc. Although a mini set up I enjoyed the Morden one back in I think June.

12th August 2008, 09:45
Best part of the British summer is September :)

12th August 2008, 09:51
Best part of the British summer is September :)

It can't be worse than August :rolleyes:

20th August 2008, 15:04
There is a 7th Aug update on the site mentioned on post 2 above. Looks like the organisers have handed money over to the council. So far so good................

21st August 2008, 08:24
yes....so excited now.we gonna make it coz were in spain
at the moment,back on sept 11..(just lucky)

21st August 2008, 13:48
September 11 :omg:

21st August 2008, 16:28
September 11 :omg:


6th September 2008, 02:28
Still looking OK hope the weather gets better

6th September 2008, 09:05
We have the remains of Hurricane Hanna heading this way.....Happy days :)

6th September 2008, 20:37
We have the remains of Hurricane Hanna heading this way.....Happy days :)

Thank you ireland, wales and the South west for acting as a windbreak:D