View Full Version : So I didn't think it would be so hard.

19th August 2008, 15:10
I went to boarding school, lived in Africa sometimes away from my family etc etc, but last Friday I left my wife in the Philippines, and I am so close to leaving my daughter with friends and going back!!!!

It is only a minute amount of reason stopping me!

19th August 2008, 16:53
I went to boarding school, lived in Africa sometimes away from my family etc etc, but last Friday I left my wife in the Philippines, and I am so close to leaving my daughter with friends and going back!!!!

It is only a minute amount of reason stopping me!

It is hard my friend. I do believe though, that staying here and consolidating your finances for the longer-term good of your family is the most loving thing you can do right now. Don't let your emotions force you into a bad decision and the commensurate bad actions.

Be strong amigo! Your family are relying on you to be strong for them.

19th August 2008, 17:37
I went to boarding school, lived in Africa sometimes away from my family etc etc, but last Friday I left my wife in the Philippines, and I am so close to leaving my daughter with friends and going back!!!!

It is only a minute amount of reason stopping me!
I think we nearly all pass thru the same feeling...

19th August 2008, 17:37
I went to boarding school, lived in Africa sometimes away from my family etc etc, but last Friday I left my wife in the Philippines, and I am so close to leaving my daughter with friends and going back!!!!

It is only a minute amount of reason stopping me!

I think many of us on here have felt like that at some time during the long process of getting a visa and getting our wives here with us. But it will all be worth it in the end my friend. Tis but a very short time in a whole lifetime.

19th August 2008, 18:48
As my colleagues on the panel have said, we all have these feelings from time to time, I just left my beloved back in Philippines, its only for 3 weeks, and I have been back 1 week and already I am suicidal, its so boring here in the house without my beloved, she says same there in Philippines, being apart by long distance is never easy.

We just work our way through it day by day, by being in touch with like minded ones, try and stay close to some friends thats why Filipinos always are in groups, they feel safer, whereas we Europeans, (in Yves honour) stick to ourselves and don't hang out in groups.

As Ian has said already quite well, getting your dearest into UK, seems like a mountain at the time, but time does take care of it, and in the end, you look back and wonder what all the fuss was about, I remember my time, it was not the best time of my life, in fact I was suicidal at times, what kept me strong was the thought of my wife in my arms at the airport, and in the end, I went to fetch her, and we came back together, Ian has said, its all worth it in the end, I second him in that.

19th August 2008, 22:37
I think many of us on here have felt like that at some time during the long process of getting a visa and getting our wives here with us. But it will all be worth it in the end my friend. Tis but a very short time in a whole lifetime.
