View Full Version : It was great to see the London 2012 Party

24th August 2008, 19:23
Did any of you manage to get along to Pall Mall for the London 2012 handover party from Beijing, I a sad to say I did not ,but seeing it live on my plasma showed me what we can expect in 4 years time.

I have to say it was fantastic, great opening number "She's a lovely girl" some great background music from the LSO ( I think it was LSO) and some great artistic dancing from various artists in London, and a fantastic fly past by the Red Arrows.

The Finale was superbly put together and Heather Small of M People, sang the great song "PROUD" and earlier numbers like London Calling, and the greatest song ever written "Imagine".

After witnessing some of the state controlled choreographed manouevers in China, London was a complete breath of fresh air, just showing what we are capable of, I think our ceremonies will be fun, party like, and If they use some of the Notting Hill artists in the opening scenes, or closing scenes it will be fantastic.

A great day out, for anyone who was in the crowd.

24th August 2008, 20:07
I agree:xxgrinning--00xx3: I am watching it on telly:)

25th August 2008, 13:28
Was in london on friday and strolled past the setting up on the way to a customer visit first managed to watch m people and the "we will rock you musical" bods rehearsing from a customers in one of the ofiice blocks in Victoria.

Looked very professional but still more party party than chinas beautiful to watch but somehow missing a little bit of the come along and enjoy yourselves which is surely the point.

Also earlier in the week at another customers i saw plans for some of the infrastructure work which is already due to take place all over london due to 2012 and will make a huge difference to the city for years to come.
So looks like London should do very well from 2012

25th August 2008, 14:18
So looks like London should do very well from 2012

Nice to hear something positive about the 2012 Olympics - all I've heard on radio and the net is moan, moan, moan.

Divided we stand, divided we fall. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th August 2008, 15:29
Excellent I just watched BA 038 from Beijing land at Heathrow, what a sight ! and our Olympic heroes are about to get off,

The Great just got put back into Britain.

Now its time for the whole country to get behind our national olympic team and I was up in the Stratford area recently and as Andy says, London is going to be superb in 4 years time for these olympics with the Olympic Javeline service, the infrastructure, I am so looking forward to it, I have never been so proud to be British as I am now.

For Filipina's on this forum who are about to be naturalized as British Citizens, this is your time, and there is not a better time to become British,

Enjoy your new Nationality and be proud.