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31st August 2008, 16:13
hi , can anyone tell me if my filipina wife stands a chance of getting the visa she applied for this week ?? my quistion is ,,,my bank account is just about empty every month but i have a good job with good money which iv been in for 13 years now and i own my house ,but i think they might turn her down because of my bad bank account , on my last bank statmant i did have about £1300 in it , also my name on my passport is luke david pluss my surname but on my birth certifacate it is david luke pluss my surname will this matter at all , will they turn our visa down , all my documants are signed L.pluss surname ,we where married 6 months ago after we met last year for the first time , iv know her for over a year and a half now , anyone want to say something to make me stop worrying ???:doh

31st August 2008, 16:28
to minimise the chances of refusal, you should have some savings in your bank (a few £k), but many people have got a visa while being on benefit or unemployed and having no savings, but they do risk a higher chance of refusal, as to how they can support their partner :Erm:

passport and birth cert i don't think that is a problem :rolleyes:

well if you've applied for the visa already, not much you can do, but wait :xxgrinning--00xx3:

but if you have your own place and a job, with a bit of luck you should be ok

31st August 2008, 16:34
to minimise the chances of refusal, you should have some savings in your bank (a few £k), but many people have got a visa while being on benefit or unemployed and having no savings, but they do risk a higher chance of refusal, as to how they can support their partner :Erm:

passport and birth cert i don't think that is a problem :rolleyes:

well if you've applied for the visa already, not much you can do, but wait :xxgrinning--00xx3:

but if you have your own place and a job, with a bit of luck you should be ok

yes the boss is right...:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2008, 16:40
thank,s mate , yes i have my own house and well paid job but iv been spending money on the house so i dont keep much in the bank ,ill send your reply to my wife it will make her a bit happier,

31st August 2008, 16:50
thank,s mate , yes i have my own house and well paid job but iv been spending money on the house so i dont keep much in the bank ,ill send your reply to my wife it will make her a bit happier,

you could have explained in a letter of support that you've spent what's left of your wages on your home, but it would have been better if for a few months, you lived off your credit card and built up your money in your bank account, then when you've got your visa, pay the CC off with your money in your bank account :rolleyes:

but as your working and have a good job and own your own home, then you should be ok.

31st August 2008, 18:07
hi , yes i did explain in the letter that i have spent all my savings on two trips to the philippines and my wedding and most of it on my home , i just hope this will put them in a good mood , i even asked them to grant the visa as i served in the british army for many years , i hope that by saying that it might help , i served my country so i want my country to serve me now , we will see , thanks for the help mate ,

31st August 2008, 18:15
i even asked them to grant the visa as i served in the british army for many years , i hope that by saying that it might help , i served my country so i want my country to serve me now , we will see , thanks for the help mate ,

well they gave scouser keith (guy who owns this forum and he's ex army to :D) a visa, then they should grant you one to :xxgrinning--00xx3:

and your not a scouser, i hope :doh

:doh welsh !


1st September 2008, 06:34
hi, no im not a scouser im welsh by the grace of god , english father,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th November 2008, 08:33
hi , iv no clue how this site works , anyway iv been waiting just over 3 months for my filipina wife,s visa now , im getting a bit mifft, i hoped to have her here by now or at least by christmas but im sosing hope ,

16th November 2008, 08:47
hi , iv no clue how this site works , anyway iv been waiting just over 3 months for my filipina wife,s visa now , im getting a bit mifft, i hoped to have her here by now or at least by christmas but im sosing hope ,

Have you tried Phoning/emailing the Embassy?:Erm:

You can also track the application online, up to a certain point...

I would not be surprised if they still doing "local checks"...

Good luck, and hope your mrs will get here before Christmas for you.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th November 2008, 09:31
Have you tried Phoning/emailing the Embassy?:Erm:

You can also track the application online, up to a certain point...

I would not be surprised if they still doing "local checks"...

Good luck, and hope your mrs will get here before Christmas for you.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

MOD Aromulus, how does it work... How can I track my application, I'm trying to do it but it's not working... I have the receipt from VFS when I lodge my application last Nov. 10. What's the reference number to put, I forgot to asked the VFS staff about this and I didn't called yet the hotline....

16th November 2008, 09:36
MOD Aromulus, how does it work... How can I track my application, I'm trying to do it but it's not working... I have the receipt from VFS when I lodge my application last Nov. 10. What's the reference number to put, I forgot to asked the VFS staff about this and I didn't called yet the hotline....

The reference number never worked for us, when I tracked Jet application.:NoNo:

What worked was the passport number and date of birth instead...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th November 2008, 09:46
The reference number never worked for us, when I tracked Jet application.:NoNo:

What worked was the passport number and date of birth instead...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks MOD... Hmmmm it's very informative. :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th November 2008, 21:00
hi , iv no clue how this site works , anyway iv been waiting just over 3 months for my filipina wife,s visa now , im getting a bit mifft, i hoped to have her here by now or at least by christmas but im sosing hope ,

12weeks... hmmm.... are there lots of people applying for visas? it's a bit slow atm...

26th November 2008, 22:50
is it really different way of dealing the application between the Brits spouse than an immigrants getting their dependants?

My filipina friend went home to Phils 8 Nov to get her 3 children she even bought their ticket back to UK even she haven't file their application in the embassy in Phils:omg: When she arrived in manila by monday she submitted the application for her children.

Guess what just after 10 days of waiting visa approved and they'll coming to UK this coming Sat already..that's what you call lucky:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st December 2008, 19:22
hi trina and hubby , just to let you know my wife recived her visa this week after 3 months 2 days , we are very happy , i had so many doughts we would get it but in the end it seems to be easy enough , and i had many things against us getting it , thanks again ,,,,luke

1st December 2008, 19:24
well done Luke..:)

1st December 2008, 19:29
hi just to let you know my wife recived her visa this week , after waitting 3 months 2 days , so all the worry was for nothing i think ?????? she will be here in wales with me in 2 weeks time , i cant wait to see her again , ivnot seen her for 9 months , many thanks ,

1st December 2008, 19:31
hi , just to let you know my wife recived her visa this week after 3 months 2 days waitting , im over the moon , iv not seen her for 9 months , it was much easier than i thought , many thanks ,

1st December 2008, 19:34
congrats luke n wife..

All the best for u both:)

1st December 2008, 19:34
Luke, make sure ur wife have a CFO sticker on her passport, before she travels here..Congratz again..:)

1st December 2008, 19:34
hi i just thought id let you know my wife recived her visa this week after waitting 3 months 2 days , she will be with me in 2 weeks time , all that worry for nothing ????? many thanks ,

1st December 2008, 19:35
thank you , have a great christmas ,

1st December 2008, 19:35
what,s a cfo ?????

1st December 2008, 19:38
maybe u want to view this thread..:)


u're wife needs it before she can travel outside the Philippines..it is only a day seminar..is she from Manila??

if I am not mistaken it costs around 650 pesos all in all..

1st December 2008, 19:40
thank you , have a great christmas ,

1st December 2008, 19:40
CFO (http://www.cfo.gov.ph/counseling.htm)

your wife will have to attend a "Guidance and Counseling seminar" at one of the cfo offices
and obtain a "cfo sticker" in her passport, or the Philippines authorities will not let her leave the airport.

regards martin

1st December 2008, 19:46
hi thanks for that , im not sure but my wife did go to cebue for a seminar, and we both went to a marriage seminar in her home city , i think she must have got one from there ??? maybe ??

1st December 2008, 19:48
thanks martin, both myself and my wife did go to a seminar in her home city , and she did go to some kind of seminar in cebue on her own , is that what your talking about ?? she never tell,s me anything ,

1st December 2008, 19:49

should look like this

1st December 2008, 19:50
thanks martin, both myself and my wife did go to a seminar in her home city , and she did go to some kind of seminar in cebue on her own , is that what your talking about ?? she never tell,s me anything ,

if she lives closer to cebu better get it there:) tell your wife to be there early if she hasnt got it yet:)

Goodluck po:)

2nd December 2008, 19:20
Congrats Luke!