View Full Version : Does Age Really Matters?

1st September 2008, 15:50
No...age is no problem..if you love them..whats a number...I'm 58..my missus is 40...never ever given it a thought...I just love her...so the mere fact that with me being so, so gwapo never entered in to the equation....I love her because she is Nisa..nobody else !!! Go for it my friend....

1st September 2008, 16:18
Age doesnt matter...but size does :Rasp:

1st September 2008, 17:56
I dont think age matters in either direction. Of course views will be tempered by cultural, societal, and other key determinants. At the end of the day it depends on where each within a relatonship are, relative to each other in terms of maturity etc and also what one is looking for.

Mrs Daddy
1st September 2008, 19:16
am the living proof of that:D age is not really a matter:)

Mrs Daddy
1st September 2008, 19:20
Does Age really matters?

Woman older than man?

Most lads prefer younger gals! so what if you met a year or two older gal? Would you still pursue meeting her or would you find someone who is much younger?

hope you dont mind me asking but is that your case:Erm:if so...dont worry about it:)

1st September 2008, 21:24
age doesnt matter,as long as u love each other!:):):)

1st September 2008, 21:42
age doesnt matter....
It does if your names Gary Glitter :omg:

1st September 2008, 22:12
gary glitter didnt feel love,its only lust, coz he is a pervert man!

1st September 2008, 23:14
size does matter lol

2nd September 2008, 04:29
Does Age really matters?

Woman older than man?

Most lads prefer younger gals! so what if you met a year or two older gal? Would you still pursue meeting her or would you find someone who is much younger?

Age doesn't matter as long as you love each other:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Woman older than man?

Physically speaking :Erm::Erm:woman remains look younger even she's older to a man :rolleyes:

2nd September 2008, 04:35

Shoe size? ring size?:rolleyes::D

2nd September 2008, 06:48
Age can be a funny thing!

The first time I married my wife was 3 years older than me.

She hated getting older, so as she did so she lied about her age.

When we got divorced 25 years later all the paperwork showed she was 5 years younger than me.

She then went back to work again. When she had to retire at 60 her employer thought she was 50, because her paperwork said that.

As I said, age can be a funny thing !

PS I am 68 my Pinay wife is 37, As for the difference, she does quite well trying to keep up with me ! (Just off for a run now) Bye.

2nd September 2008, 08:00
Love doest matter for me....my case my hubby is 9years older than me and he look like 30 hehehe :):icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3: Sometimes I'm the boss and sometimes he is the boss. We think the same but sometimes he is so demanding:Erm::Erm: hayyy maybe older man are like that but its OK :)

2nd September 2008, 08:25
me 46, Ligaya 32... she may be 14 years younger but she is at least 14 years wiser!!!! :BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

2nd September 2008, 08:39
me 46, Ligaya 32... she may be 14 years younger but she is at least 14 years wiser!!!! :BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:
me 28,hubby 56:icon_lol::icon_lol: and our baby daughter 6 mos old:icon_lol::icon_lol:

2nd September 2008, 08:53
......ring size?:rolleyes::D
:omg: That's disgusting :action-smiley-081:

2nd September 2008, 09:09
Age doesn't matter as long as you love each other:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Woman older than man?

Physically speaking :Erm::Erm:woman remains look younger even she's older to a man :rolleyes:

i dont agree to that..woman usually easily looks more mature or older than man...if she dont know how to take care or bring herself...thats physically.

2nd September 2008, 10:50
No offense meant to others & no violent reaction please, I just want to be honest...never seen myself going out with a man twice my age...its like dating my Dad or my granpa. :omg: 10yrs older maybe fine but more than that...:NoNo:

2nd September 2008, 11:00
I'd date my dad....but then I'm a weirdo :Cuckoo:

2nd September 2008, 11:21
i dont agree to that..woman usually easily looks more mature or older than man...if she dont know how to take care or bring herself...thats physically.

:doh Just only IMHO and observation to some friends I've known:rolleyes:, I’m not sure if the author of the thread referring to herself:Erm:, if that so, physically (from her avatar) I can’t find her older than her partner.:)

2nd September 2008, 11:21
I quite enjoy our 14 year gap, it encourages me to keep fit, have a younger atttitude to things in general whilst being an older dad is fantastic. We are much better placed financially then I was 18 years ago and I am really enjoying our 6 mth old baby and Ligaya can stay at home with him. My then wife had to go back to work quickly due to the recession, negative equity and just starting out on our careers. We have shared our hobbies of diving, trail running and dragon boat racing and do not feel 14 years apart (except when I mention I was in university when U2's Joshua tree came out and she replies that she was 5!!!!!). I do tend to agree that gaps of more than 20 years do make you wonder about common interests, experiences, desires etc... i.e. some of the accepted ingredients of a succcessful long term relationship. Then again I know several couples with significant age gaps who seem more "happy and contented" than "regular" couples so what do I know:doh:doh

if you are happy who cares:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

2nd September 2008, 11:25
:omg: That's disgusting :action-smiley-081:


I'd date my dad....but then I'm a weirdo :Cuckoo:

As usual:rolleyes::D:Cuckoo::Cuckoo::Rasp::Rasp::ARsurrender:

2nd September 2008, 11:34
if you are happy who cares:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy: i agree with u scott,we are living 2gether for 2 yrs now and evrything goes very well,infact we going out 2gether most of the time as hubby works only 3 days a week:BouncyHappy:

2nd September 2008, 12:26
I always remember the story of a 96 year old man who wed a 21 year old woman. Asked tactfully whether he was at all concerned about health issues during the forthcoming wedding night activities, the man replied, "not at all, if she dies, she dies".

2nd September 2008, 15:08
im 43:) & hubby is 60.too old:):):)but im happy and contented with him.

2nd September 2008, 16:48
I always remember the story of a 96 year old man who wed a 21 year old woman. Asked tactfully whether he was at all concerned about health issues during the forthcoming wedding night activities, the man replied, "not at all, if she dies, she dies".

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: Exactly after a week in all weather 12-14 hours a day I find its the youngsters that are struggling to keep up:D

2nd September 2008, 17:28
I'm 25 my hubby is 46 and sumtimes he 's more childish than me. Hmmm how about the height does height matter? I'm 5ft and my hubby is 6'3, when were 2gether i really wish i was tall... but then what can I do? I was born petite and will forevr be like this..

2nd September 2008, 19:56
height doesn't matter also,coz if u go sleep[bed] together.it is the same height:):):)

2nd September 2008, 20:07
dont worry age doesn't matter what matter is your old enough to decide for yourselves ...im 28 my hubby is 21 :D

2nd September 2008, 20:21
I guess it's all down to your personal preference at the end of the day.
My girlfriend, is 11 1/2 years younger than me.
Probably, the majority of couples in the Western world, are of similar ages. Having said that, the majority in the East are probably too?

It's just when East meets West. :)

2nd September 2008, 21:00
Hmmm how about the height does height matter? I'm 5ft and my hubby is 6'3, when were 2gether i really wish i was tall... but then what can I do? I was born petite and will forevr be like this..

important point height, my misses is 5ft 1, just the right height so i can lean my elbow on her head when i'm tired :D

i'm 6yrs older than the misses, she will still be working and earning money after i've retired :xxgrinning--00xx3:

well look at this guy, 84 years old, 86 wives and 170 kids :yikes: :NoNo: :doh


"A man with 10 wives would collapse and die, but my own power is given by Allah. That is why I have been able to control 86 of them," he told the BBC :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd September 2008, 00:20
it does matter to me! what if the man cant even stretch his back anymore????

3rd September 2008, 10:08
it depends on how many years is the gap.if its more than 20 years,i think its not ideal.not unless u need father figure.
but if u think that youre compatible,then go for it.do the things that make u happy,that matters most.

3rd September 2008, 14:45
I've enjoyed reading your replies! THanks! Helps me feel more confident! I'm actuali referring to myself 'cos im older than my bf. I know most of the ppl here are the hubby or bf is older but in my case im older than him.

You don't look like you're much older? You both look good in your avatar...
Good luck! to you. :)

3rd September 2008, 14:51
I've enjoyed reading your replies! THanks! Helps me feel more confident! I'm actuali referring to myself 'cos im older than my bf. I know most of the ppl here are the hubby or bf is older but in my case im older than him.

What's your age difference? :)

3rd September 2008, 14:57
I've enjoyed reading your replies! THanks! Helps me feel more confident! I'm actuali referring to myself 'cos im older than my bf. I know most of the ppl here are the hubby or bf is older but in my case im older than him.
My missus is 9yrs older than me.....makes no difference.....she likes being called mum :omg:

3rd September 2008, 15:39
If I felt my age then the age gap probably would be an issue .... but at 54 I feel that I'm just past adolescence! My only real concern is that Ruby, who is 24, may end up being a widow at a relatively young age.

3rd September 2008, 16:53
.... but at 54 I feel that I'm just past adolescence! My only real concern is that Ruby, who is 24, may end up being a widow at a relatively young age....
:NoNo: Don't say that...................DAD :D

3rd September 2008, 22:27
... but at 54 I feel that I'm just past adolescence! My only real concern is that Ruby, who is 24, may end up being a widow at a relatively young age.

I`m glad this thread was started. My girlfriend is 21 yrs younger than me. I worry sometimes the gap is too great, so its been nice to read other`s opinions.
And PeterB`s comment gives me hope when I read of someone with an age gap greater than my girlfriend and me. It even gives me hope that I may yet get past adolescence!:icon_lol:

3rd September 2008, 22:34
My missus always call's me Dad...kind of feels nice now...and if "adolescence" is the name of one of Win2Win's horse racing tips.....you'll always get past them..hahaha

5th September 2008, 10:20
I am flying out on the 12th to meet my gf, Shirley, for the first time. She is a spinster aged 36. I am 60 but she insists she is 'an old lady' at her age and is not at all concerned about our age difference, despite my having highlighted it on occasions.

We shall see when we meet in 8 days time, but webcams cannot lie - can they? And I can truthfully say, knowing she will read this, that she looks pretty damn good for her age. I just hope I do!!


5th September 2008, 10:42
I dont think age is a major issue. Although I would say that I find it a bit weird an older guy, say above 40, going out with a younger lady, say 18 to 25. Social acceptability would be hard to find. For a woman going out witha younger guy would be more acceptable as we have all seen in the past.
As long as the age gap is not too extreme, then its fine. no more than 15 years difference is fine.

5th September 2008, 10:56
age should not matter if both partners want to be together, but if other people don't like it, then that's their problem not yours.

thou, with the gov raising the minimum age for a spouse visa from 18 to 21, then age is a concern to the gov, but then i can see this being challenged in court, and with the gov's record it will lose again :D

also people should be aware 'Applicants/Sponsors with a large difference in ages The rules do not state that the applicant and sponsor must be within a certain age differential, but if there is a disproportionate age difference (for example, more than 25 - 30 years), additional care needs to be taken.'
advice from an immigration specialist.

5th September 2008, 11:06
Age doesn't matter as long as you love each other:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Woman older than man?

Physically speaking :Erm::Erm:woman remains look younger even she's older to a man :rolleyes:

That's exactly true kukurokuk i agree with you.
Age is just numbers im 6 years older than my husband but everybody think im younger than him. If you love a person you dont mind about your age gap it is what you feel and how comfortable are you with each other.

Maybe its how woman takes care of herself also especially filipina woman they're concious with everything especially when it comes to physical looks.

5th September 2008, 11:12
I've enjoyed reading your replies! THanks! Helps me feel more confident! I'm actuali referring to myself 'cos im older than my bf. I know most of the ppl here are the hubby or bf is older but in my case im older than him.
Hey faralorbes im older 6 years than my husband his very responsible and he takes good care of me and our daughter.
Theres nothing wrong with age gap as long as you loved each other.


5th September 2008, 14:54
for me it depends.God is the best matchmaker.

paul brogden
6th September 2008, 17:29
hi all this is a question and i have some exsperience of this. i once dated a thai girl whos main reason for breaking up was that i was 25 and she was 28 since then i haved dated a few women most seem to want older men in fact my first thai girl friends dead husband was like 50 while she was in early 20's i dont agree with it but i understand it ,. its cos they want a man with money i think. older guy is likely to have money not only that if a guy wants to marry an asian girl he as to give money to the parents in many cases

6th September 2008, 17:53
I dont think age is a major issue. Although I would say that I find it a bit weird an older guy, say above 40, going out with a younger lady, say 18 to 25. Social acceptability would be hard to find. For a woman going out witha younger guy would be more acceptable as we have all seen in the past.
As long as the age gap is not too extreme, then its fine. no more than 15 years difference is fine.

As you are 40 at the moment lol thats an interesting observation, do be sure to let us know if your view changes say in 15 years or so:D

6th September 2008, 18:45
It's all down to 'Mind over matter'...........if she doesn't mind, it doesn't matter :D

9th September 2008, 15:06
For me age doesn't matter...My hubby is 34 me is 32 and our little angel Liam John 6 mos old.

Hello to ca143! how r u na, ur little princess and ur hubby?

9th September 2008, 15:32
It's all down to 'Mind over matter'...........if she doesn't mind, it doesn't matter :D

:xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3: :icon_lol: