View Full Version : Gossip Chronic Illness

8th September 2008, 11:27
Gossip is idle talk or rumor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumor), especially about the personal or private affairs of others. :)

Why people loves to gossip. :Erm: Anywhere and anytime. And gossip is already a routine at home and in work places. And there are people loves to gossip and it's there habit. :doh:doh I heard that because of gossip people are fighting to death because of GOSSIP :cwm23::cwm23::cwm23: I guess there are advantages and disadvantages of GOSSIPING...

8th September 2008, 12:33
gossip will bring nothing but misery... filipinas here in our town seem to spend majority of their time gossiping about goodness knows what.. its trouble, i think that if people spend less time gossiping and just focus on their own lives things will be much much better.

8th September 2008, 14:27
gossip will bring nothing but misery... filipinas here in our town seem to spend majority of their time gossiping about goodness knows what.. its trouble, i think that if people spend less time gossiping and just focus on their own lives things will be much much better.

Sad that people loves to GOSSIP, they really love it. It's there HOBBY :doh:doh:doh

8th September 2008, 14:42
Sad that people loves to GOSSIP, they really love it. It's there HOBBY :doh:doh:doh

some people live for it sad really

8th September 2008, 17:15
thats is thier daily routine,gossiping!people who didnt know what to do to thier lifes.:NoNo:

8th September 2008, 18:26
some people live for it sad really

Exactly...:cwm23::cwm23::cwm23: I get pissed of to those people esp whn they GOSSIP you :Brick::furious3:

thats is thier daily routine,gossiping!people who didnt know what to do to thier lifes.:NoNo:

It's nice feeling if you will hear that someone will GOSSIP about you.... IN SHORT THEY ARE ONLY INSECURE :):):)

8th September 2008, 23:21
me,i just ignore those kind of people.and run away from them.much better if i think or do the best to my children,instead of wasting my time talking to this kind of people.coz at the end they didnt gonna help u.

9th September 2008, 13:26
Sad that people loves to GOSSIP, they really love it. It's there HOBBY :doh:doh:doh

Some gossip , some start forum threads everyone has different hobbies personaly i like to gossip about people who are starting new threads every five mins:D

9th September 2008, 19:26
me,i just ignore those kind of people.and run away from them.much better if i think or do the best to my children,instead of wasting my time talking to this kind of people.coz at the end they didnt gonna help u.

We better to ignore them but sometimes you can really feel that you want to have fight with them and we feel high blood on them to the point you want to have a fist fight with them hayyyyyyyy :cwm23::Brick::angry::CompBuster:

Some gossip , some start forum threads everyone has different hobbies personaly i like to gossip about people who are starting new threads every five mins:D

here in forum its different..it's our way to burst out what we feel.. giving our ideas and our experiences... We don't know each other personally so I guess it's ok to hooked in here here.. It's better to release on wht we feel. Better to know what the views of Filipino - British couple here... :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: