View Full Version : the first time(in da Phil)

16th September 2008, 00:56
Well I finally went ahead and took the plunge of buying airline tickets to see for the FIRST TIME:) my GF in the Phil!
Usually I`m quite calm after making this type of decision but I am extremely anxious today about it (I just now purchased the tix) 1.I`ve never been to the Phil before. 2.Its on Mindanao (oh no watch out for the MILF!) 3.Is she really as great as she has seemed all these months?(am I making a mistake with this girl?)etc etc. Not like me to worry so much but then, its all so new to me.
The girl seems very nice, a real lady everything proper and all.
I`m going to be meeting her mother and father she lives with in Butuan City. I plan to stay for one week.
On the other hand shes so young...
Well if anyone could think of anything to look out for on Mindanao besides the MILF:Help1:
Or the EAF (extremely angry father:cwm23:)I would be thankful...
I know how to survive on the streets of the USA:NEW3: I lived in Detroit for years... but I`ll be a fish out of water there huh?
Or any other advise for a first time to the Phil, shakin` like Don Knotts type guy like me- thanks in advance.

16th September 2008, 02:00
stop worrying :D, can you cancel your ticket and get all your money back :Erm:

if not, oh well, you might as well go :D

i don't think i worried about it, til i got off the plane, felt the heat, then thought what the :censored: am i doing here :icon_lol:, what if she doesn't turn up, xmas eve and 6000 miles from home :cwm24: :bigcry:, cannot exactly order a taxi :doh

as for the EAF, when i meet the misses father, he told me about his collection of guns, and how he had one for each of his 4 kids :cwm24:

buy yourself a 'england' t-shirt, probably less chance of a brit getting kidnapped than a wealthy yank, and the brit gov don't pay ransoms, :icon_lol:

just joking, have a great time :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th September 2008, 06:46
Well I finally went ahead and took the plunge of buying airline tickets to see for the FIRST TIME:) my GF in the Phil!
Usually I`m quite calm after making this type of decision but I am extremely anxious today about it (I just now purchased the tix) 1.I`ve never been to the Phil before. 2.Its on Mindanao (oh no watch out for the MILF!) 3.Is she really as great as she has seemed all these months?(am I making a mistake with this girl?)etc etc. Not like me to worry so much but then, its all so new to me.
The girl seems very nice, a real lady everything proper and all.
I`m going to be meeting her mother and father she lives with in Butuan City. I plan to stay for one week.
On the other hand shes so young...
Well if anyone could think of anything to look out for on Mindanao besides the MILF:Help1:
Or the EAF (extremely angry father:cwm23:)I would be thankful...
I know how to survive on the streets of the USA:NEW3: I lived in Detroit for years... but I`ll be a fish out of water there huh?
Or any other advise for a first time to the Phil, shakin` like Don Knotts type guy like me- thanks in advance.

Hello USA,I live near in Butuan City, approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour from Butuan. So far, i didn't hear problems about MILF like other places here in Mindanao. There are many members here in forum that can give you more advices. Your gf won't let you visit her if she knows your life is at risk. Just don't flash your penny on street.:):):):)

16th September 2008, 07:16
Goodluck USA Have a safe trip and enjoy, you will be fine here:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th September 2008, 09:06
Just to be safe, buy another ticket in case one airline goes bust :rolleyes:

Welcome to capitalism, your savings have been lost in the bank, your pension is worthless, your holiday has gone to the dogs, you can't get insurance......Bring Back Castro :D

16th September 2008, 10:40
So you dont think its a one way trip then Boss:rolleyes:

16th September 2008, 10:48
Goodluck and enjoy your stay in Mindanao! Its normal to feel anxious...its all happening at the same time and it must be an overwhelming experience. If you got time don;t forget to check out the beach!! All the best!

16th September 2008, 11:13
Well I finally went ahead and took the plunge of buying airline tickets to see for the FIRST TIME:) my GF in the Phil!
Usually I`m quite calm after making this type of decision but I am extremely anxious today about it (I just now purchased the tix) 1.I`ve never been to the Phil before. 2.Its on Mindanao (oh no watch out for the MILF!) 3.Is she really as great as she has seemed all these months?(am I making a mistake with this girl?)etc etc. Not like me to worry so much but then, its all so new to me.
The girl seems very nice, a real lady everything proper and all.
I`m going to be meeting her mother and father she lives with in Butuan City. I plan to stay for one week.
On the other hand shes so young...
Well if anyone could think of anything to look out for on Mindanao besides the MILF:Help1:
Or the EAF (extremely angry father:cwm23:)I would be thankful...
I know how to survive on the streets of the USA:NEW3: I lived in Detroit for years... but I`ll be a fish out of water there huh?
Or any other advise for a first time to the Phil, shakin` like Don Knotts type guy like me- thanks in advance.

goodluck and relax enjoy your holiday with your gf

16th September 2008, 12:26
Well I finally went ahead and took the plunge of buying airline tickets to see for the FIRST TIME:) my GF in the Phil!
Usually I`m quite calm after making this type of decision but I am extremely anxious today about it (I just now purchased the tix).

Ask yourself if your anxiety is just nerves about a new experience or the result of outside influences in opposition to where you're going or why you're going to RP.. If it's your own anxiety, then I'd think about it if I were you. Ask yourself if it's a GUT instinct... and then ask yourself how accurate your previous gut instincts have been.
That was the short answer.
Personally, under other circumstances, it would have been enough for me.

When I reserved my flight and booked coach transport to airport, I felt GREAT... but then Family voiced concerns. Still felt GREAT. Friends of mine, UK mate and Pina wife, were to go on same coach and flight, so nothing to feel nervous about. Coach to airport took about 5hrs and I'm not a bad traveller, but 20miles from start of journey I started to vomit... and I spewed all the way to Heathrow.

Seven hours wait for ticket desk to open didn't help, then 5hrs wait for boarding call made matters worse and I was in 2 minds whether to go on or go home. Even in Doha, where we had a 4hr stopover, I wondered if I should go no further and return to UK.. Having consideration for my lady, who was making an overnight journey to meet me, and thinking my unease was a mixture of negative feedback and an irrational fear of the unknown, I carried on to Phils. We met, spent 12 days together, cemented our bond, and I was hooked for sure.
And that's why, my friend, I said the short answer would have been enough for me... under other circumstances.
It's that :cwm38: thing, dontcha know :D

My lady, M, and I are now in week 60 of our relationship... and I'm STILL asking myself what caused the anxiety 11 months ago. My gut instinct has never let me down in business or other areas but, currently, the jury are deliberating.

The arrangements you've stated for your visit sound like it should be a pleasant experience, and I truly hope it will be so. If your lady has none of the complications that my lady has, then it probably will be. Good Luck, mate.


16th September 2008, 14:25
I am glad to hear that she is a real lady. you never know nowadays.:yikes:

16th September 2008, 15:55
You're starting the jitters early. It was only half way through the four hour flight from Singapore to Davao that I started to doubt my sanity. But then I did it twice more, at 2 month intervals, before my latest arrival in Phils back in December.

Her father was not at all angry, despite the fact that I'm only a couple of years younger than he is!

Now, 16 months on from that first visit, life is great, we have a wonderful marriage, and a baby on the way! :)

Butuan should be relatively safe ... it's about as far away as possible from the main area of hostilities, while remaining on Mindanao.

The main thing to look out for is everyone expecting you to be so rich that you can afford to just give your money away! However, your girl should protect you from this.

16th September 2008, 17:41
You'll be fine, I'm going back to Mindanao, Cagayan de Oro City, a week on sunday for the 2nd time.
I'm feeling a little bit anxious, but it's more to do with the things, I have to do before I leave, rather than the trip.
I'm sure you'll be welcomed by her family. My gf dosen't live with her parents, but when we went to visit, her father pretty much told me I could marry his daughter...Haha!...I haven't even asked her yet.
Main things I had to look out for, was crossing roads & pot-holes. (Had a painful trip over a kerb.):doh
You don't say when you are going, but once you are on your way & you get there, you'll have a great time & wonder what all the fuss was about. :)

16th September 2008, 18:00
Hope it all works out well for you.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised by how quickly you will feel relaxed and at home in the Philippines.
The people are friendly and wonderful and you get a great feeling of well-being with the over-abundance of politeness there. :Rasp:
I hope everything works out with your new lady :)
But if for some strange reason it doesn't work out, take time to meet ladies in the shopping malls and offices, they are so nice :)
See Pete's site mentioned at the top of this site's webpage and note the warnings about the Go-Go bars. :rolleyes:
Have fun and enjoy the Philippines :):):)

16th September 2008, 18:29
Butuan is great! Do visit Wiggles! Have fun.

16th September 2008, 23:07
Wiggles Piamed? :cwm12: Whats that?

16th September 2008, 23:32
You don't say when you are going, but once you are on your way & you get there, you'll have a great time & wonder what all the fuss was about. :)

Yes when I`m going, I forgot to add that- I`m leaving for Butuan on Oct. 1. Just a couple weeks away.

Thanks all:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I feel better already huh? Its nice to hear some people here know Butuan a little.
And to hear some stories of anxiety. The main part of my anxiety stems from the fact that...well she just seems so perfect that I really want it to work.
Guess I`ll just have to get over that fact huh?:Cuckoo:

17th September 2008, 12:28
i am sure you will be fine.i too am meeting my girl for the first time-in fact i will be flying 1 month today:yikes::icon_lol:only joking. i will be nervous too my first time,the long flight,heat etc and the love of my life waiting:)
i think its a case of once you are there and are with your girl everything will be fine.as for violence,terrorists etc your gf will take care of you and you really have nothing to worry about:)when you going?i am looking forward to telling my story of trip once i get back if anyone wishes to read it!:icon_lol:

17th September 2008, 16:16
i am sure you will be fine.i too am meeting my girl for the first time-in fact i will be flying 1 month today:yikes::icon_lol:only joking. i will be nervous too my first time,the long flight,heat etc and the love of my life waiting:)
i think its a case of once you are there and are with your girl everything will be fine.as for violence,terrorists etc your gf will take care of you and you really have nothing to worry about:)when you going?i am looking forward to telling my story of trip once i get back if anyone wishes to read it!:icon_lol:

We'll all be looking forward to that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th September 2008, 16:40
The main part of my anxiety stems from the fact that...well she just seems so perfect that I really want it to work.

You've built up a relationship online, that's a good foundation to meeting in person.
She'll be glad to be on your arm & will be keen to show you off. :)