View Full Version : Learning French any suggestions

16th September 2008, 20:22
My 15 year old son Matthew bless his little heart is struggling with French, he have top marks on all subjects but I was today informed by him that i should not expect him to do well in French.
Upon hearing this I was petrified as I know that he will need at least one language to get in the university of his choice. So i told him I am going to learn French with him :doh! Have you any suggestions of software I can get thats easy to use, I just got back from PC World but they just seem to have GCSE French there.
Please HELP :bigcry:

16th September 2008, 20:24
I can suggest ROSETTA STONE...it would help...

16th September 2008, 20:28
I can suggest ROSETTA STONE...it would help...

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rosetta-Stone-French-Level-Personal/dp/1603910603/?tag=satisfactiong13-21&gclid=CLXEzMiF4ZUCFQeQGgodrRQgXg :yikes: sis its too expensive

16th September 2008, 20:28
My 15 year old son Matthew bless his little heart is struggling with French, he have top marks on all subjects but I was today informed by him that i should not expect him to do well in French.
Upon hearing this I was petrified as I know that he will need at least one language to get in the university of his choice. So i told him I am going to learn French with him :doh! Have you any suggestions of software I can get thats easy to use, I just got back from PC World but they just seem to have GCSE French there.
Please HELP :bigcry:
Send him 1 month in France in a Family far away from any damned English speaker... immersion is always the best way to learn a language.

16th September 2008, 20:30
Send him 1 month in France in a Family far away from any damned English speaker... immersion is always the best way to learn a language.

Yeah we are going to France this christmas, maybe he wil pickk up a thing or two there hopefully.

16th September 2008, 20:34
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rosetta-Stone-French-Level-Personal/dp/1603910603/?tag=satisfactiong13-21&gclid=CLXEzMiF4ZUCFQeQGgodrRQgXg :yikes: sis its too expensive

Yep sis...that is sooooooo expensive.... But really it would help him a lot and learn the langauge easily... because it has i think level 1 to 12... I can't remember...or just download it for free... My husband did that for Tagalog Langauge...

16th September 2008, 20:38
Yep sis...that is sooooooo expensive.... But really it would help him a lot and learn the langauge easily... because it has i think level 1 to 12... I can't remember...or just download it for free... My husband did that for Tagalog Langauge...

I am talking to my husband about it now, we think this would be cheaper than getting a private tutor at £30/hr. We really need him to do well in French so maybe we will get it, dunno know yet :Erm:

16th September 2008, 20:42
I am talking to my husband about it now, we think this would be cheaper than getting a private tutor at £30/hr. We really need him to do well in French so maybe we will get it, dunno know yet :Erm:

yes I agrre to that..it would be much cheaper and ENJOYABLE for him...than having a tutor...you know kids...they hate that...:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

16th September 2008, 20:46
yes I agrre to that..it would be much cheaper and ENJOYABLE for him...than having a tutor...you know kids...they hate that...:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

dunno about enjoyable, he just seem to hate learning french, he told me me its not as if he is going to live in France :BouncyHappy:

16th September 2008, 20:49
dunno about enjoyable, he just seem to hate learning french, he told me me its not as if he is going to live in France :BouncyHappy:

well sis he will enjoy it because he will do that on the computer....that is if he enjoy doing something on the computer

16th September 2008, 20:53
well sis he will enjoy it because he will do that on the computer....that is if he enjoy doing something on the computer

my son will die if he is not in front of his pc lol..... he is forever on MSN and playing ragnarok, he turns 15 this Friday and guess what he want for his bday. a quadcore:yikes:

16th September 2008, 20:59
Yeah we are going to France this christmas, maybe he wil pickk up a thing or two there hopefully.
No!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will speak English with him. He will learn nothing. I told you: alone in an area where he can't speak anything else than French to ask even for a simple thing.

Travelling with you will be be of no help to learn a language.

16th September 2008, 21:00
my son will die if he is not in front of his pc lol..... he is forever on MSN and playing ragnarok, he turns 15 this Friday and guess what he want for his bday. a quadcore:yikes:

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:....hehehehe...well then talk to him that your going to give him that "quadcore" if he will give more time learning french in rosetta stone...:D

16th September 2008, 21:04
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:....hehehehe...well then talk to him that your going to give him that "quadcore" if he will give more time learning french in rosetta stone...:D

we already ordered his quadcore with dell, but you have a good point there sis trina :BouncyHappy:

16th September 2008, 21:12
we already ordered his quadcore with dell, but you have a good point there sis trina :BouncyHappy:

hope I help...hehehehe

16th September 2008, 22:19
hope I help...hehehehe

u did sis thanks a lot!

17th September 2008, 00:24
C'est dommage! Moi, je suis prof. de francais.

Send him to me.

Otherwise, Google 'Petit Pont' - a great piece of software!


17th September 2008, 01:42
Ummm...its just an idea, how about a different language?
We dont have to worry about such things here in the USA, the Secret Societies destroyed our educational system long ago.
As long as you are able to read a People magazine you can go to most any institution of higher learning.
So long as you dont state your race as "white".
In that case, you`ll have to be able to read People and know simple algrabra.
And if your dad happens to be in one of those Secret Societies you can be nearly an idiot and get into Yale!
Look at George Bush for example:doh

17th September 2008, 09:07
Look at George Bush for example:doh
How dare you talk about our GLORIOUS WORLD LEADER like that! :cwm23: :D

17th September 2008, 09:29
Going to France is the best way. Try to stay with French families and avoid speaking English. French B&B's are excellent. Also, try watching French TV or French films in the UK.

17th September 2008, 09:57
....try watching French films in the UK.
I can vouch for that one :Cuckoo:

17th September 2008, 10:29
thanks for all the suggestions you guys, i am hoping he will at least get a B, this is all so hopeless i think part of it is his great dislike for learning a new language. i do not know why they have to do a language in school :bigcry:
am gonna try the french tv and find a decent b&b in france fr when we go there this xmas.

17th September 2008, 18:27
You could always try evening classes. I learnt Dutch that way. It's more informal and usually good fun depending on the teacher.

17th September 2008, 21:12
You could always try evening classes. I learnt Dutch that way. It's more informal and usually good fun depending on the teacher.

hahaha we actually went on an evening class tonight and guess what the teacher could not speak english properly she's french so we just sat there and looked at her pretty face and nodded along :BouncyHappy: that was fun, she was so friendly, it was just an informal class at our local church hall, maybe i should look around for a paid class!

18th September 2008, 01:15
This is very good, you could download it free from limewire I think.