View Full Version : 101 Ways To COPE with STRESS

18th September 2008, 14:08
Get up 15 minutes earlier
Prepare for the morning the night before
Avoid tight fitting clothes
Avoid relying on chemical aids
Set appointments ahead

Don't rely on your memory ... write it down
Practice preventive maintenance
Make duplicate keys
Say "no" more often
Set priorities in your life
Avoid negative people
Use time wisely
Simplify meal times
Always make copies of important papers
Anticipate your needs
Repair anything that doesn't work properly
Ask for help with the jobs you dislike
Break large tasks into bite size portions
Look at problems as challenges
Look at challenges differently
Unclutter your life
Be prepared for rain
Tickle a baby
Pet a friendly dog/cat
Don't know all the answers
Look for a silver lining
Say something nice to someone
Teach a kid to fly a kite
Walk in the rain
Schedule play time into every day
Take a bubble bath
Be aware of the decisions you make
Believe in yourself
Stop saying negative things to yourself
Visualize yourself winning
Develop your sense of humor
Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better today
Have goals for yourself
Dance a jig
Say "hello" to a stranger
Ask a friend for a hug
Look up at the stars
Practice breathing slowly
Learn to whistle a tune
Read a poem
Listen to a symphony
Watch a ballet
Read a story curled up in bed
Do a brand new thing
Stop a bad habit
Buy yourself a flower
Take time to small the flowers
Find support from others
Ask someone to be your "vent-partner"
Do it today
Work at being cheerful and optimistic
Put safety first
Do everything in moderation
Pay attention to your appearance
Strive for Excellence NOT perfection
Stretch your limits a little each day
Look at a work of art
Hum a jingle
Maintain your weight
Plant a tree
Feed the birds
Practice grace under pressure
Stand up and stretch
Always have a plan "B"
Learn a new doodle
Memorize a joke
Be responsible for your feelings
Learn to meet your own needs
Become a better listener
Know your limitations and let others know them, too
Tell someone to have a good day in pig Latin
Throw a paper airplane
Exercise every day
Learn the words to a new song
Get to work early
Clean out one closet
Play patty cake with a toddler
Go on a picnic
Take a different route to work
Leave work early (with permission)
Put air freshener in your car
Watch a movie and eat popcorn
Write a note to a far away friend
Go to a ball game and scream
Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight
Recognize the importance of unconditional love
Remember that stress is an attitude
Keep a journal
Practice a monster smile
Remember you always have options
Have a support network of people, places and things
Quit trying to fix other people
Get enough sleep
Talk less and listen more
Freely praise other people

Why we CAN'T AVOID STRESS :Erm::Erm::Erm:

18th September 2008, 14:12
Hum a jingle

Why we CAN'T AVOID STRESS :Erm::Erm::Erm:

ok..."96.4FM Radio Sheep FM, playing the baaadest sounds around...."

That sort of jingle? :Erm:

18th September 2008, 14:28
ok..."96.4FM Radio Sheep FM, playing the baaadest sounds around...."

That sort of jingle? :Erm:

hehehehe DON'T LISTEN to that station then :doh:doh:doh

18th September 2008, 17:59
102.........post endless treads on a forum:D

18th September 2008, 18:19
103.................. reply to 102...........:D:D:D

19th September 2008, 04:24
Thanks for sharing:xxgrinning--00xx3:

but not to forget the link:doh:D


so you can save lines:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th September 2008, 09:00
Don't even need to read it, never suffer from stress. The are only three things for a stress free life, keeping control, taking life easy, and basically not giving a :censored: about anything! :D

Whatever you do today will be completely meaningless in 100 years, so why worry? :Erm:

19th September 2008, 09:11
Don't even need to read it, never suffer from stress. The are only three things for a stress free life, keeping control, taking life easy, and basically not giving a :censored: about anything! :D

Whatever you do today will be completely meaningless in 100 years, so why worry? :Erm:

WOW good for you BOSS ... :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:


Job change
Money problems
Heavy traffic
Legal problems

19th September 2008, 09:17
Your body sends out physical, emotional, and behavioral warning signs of stress.
Emotional warning signs include:

Sleep disruption
Inability to concentrate
Unproductive worry
Frequent mood swings

Physical warning signs include:

Stooped posture
Sweaty palms
Chronic fatigue
Weight gain or loss
Physical symptoms that your doctor cannot attribute to another condition

Behavioral warning signs include:

Acting on impulse
Using alcohol or drugs
Withdrawing from relationships
Changing jobs often
Feeling agitated most of the time

19th September 2008, 10:41
Anxiety - Does my bum look big in this?

Sleep disruption ----ZZzzzzzzz....WHAT :cwm24:....ZZzzzzz....EH :cwm24: ....ZZzzzz

Anger :CompBuster:

Inability to concentrate - Quarter passed 3 :Erm:

Unproductive worry - The grass isn't green enough :bigcry:

Sadness - :angry: ....I stood on an ant

Frequent mood swings - :furious3: :D