View Full Version : Need HELP

27th September 2008, 11:15
Hello everyone i just want to ask for those who applied for spousal visa application there's a question there that says...
Do you intend to work in the UK?
Me and my hubby are confused what to answer if its a Yes or a NO..

Your advice is highly appreciated..

27th September 2008, 11:21
If you intend to work in the UK its YES if you don't its NO...

In my opinion yes is a better answer but then you will have to know what type of job you plan or are capable of doing.

27th September 2008, 11:58
if your husband hasn't much savings or he hasn't much left of his wages each month, it could well help your visa app by putting yes, as for a spouse visa you can work straight away, unlike a fiancée visa where you cannot work til you have FLR :D

27th September 2008, 13:03
I answered YES to that question since I really intend to work once I'm there. :)

27th September 2008, 13:13
I answered Yes also but as of now i didn't work yet coz am busy look after of our little son.

27th September 2008, 13:21
Wow! Thanks for all the reply it sure helps..
I have plans of working as well once my daughter is grown up.

27th September 2008, 13:57
For our fiancee visa application we are planning on writing...

Yes, unskilled work once I am married and FLR has been granted.

Is that an acceptable answer?

27th September 2008, 15:52
For our fiancee visa application we are planning on writing...

Yes, unskilled work once I am married and FLR has been granted.

Is that an acceptable answer?
Yes very acceptable answer it sure helps.
Good luck on our application both..:)

27th September 2008, 21:16
:)hi miayela,

i did answered 'yes', as well....Goodluck on your application.

28th September 2008, 09:27
:)hi miayela,

i did answered 'yes', as well....Goodluck on your application.
Thanks i aready put a YES on my application..
Thanks for all the help..:)

28th September 2008, 09:41
i did answer NO silly girl lol