View Full Version : Sponsorship undertaking for Fiancee Visa?

27th September 2008, 14:10
Do you need to fill in a sponsorship undertaking (Form SU07/01) for a Fiancee Visa application?

The website states...

Those applying for settlement (ILE) as parents, grandparents and other dependant relatives will be asked to provide a completed copy of the sponsorship undertaking, (to be completed by the sponsor).

My feeling is this is just intended for family members but I was wondering if a Fiancee/Future wife qualified as a dependent relative?


27th September 2008, 14:31
Your understanding is correct. for fiancee/spouse visa application no need to submit the sponsorship undertaking form. That's only required for relatives of the sponsor.

27th September 2008, 15:48
Thanks menchkin, I thought that was the case. One less thing to worry about.