View Full Version : Seven days to go..

2nd October 2008, 23:48
The time is fast aproaching for our bundle of joy to pop out in to this World..The nerves are begining to fray a bit (mine not Nisa's) I wish I could just grin and laugh everytime I saw her like she does to me...I have never met anyone so happy as her....Maybe it's a lady thing, but I hope everything works out ok... :xxgrinning--00xx3: but...no more I say (well..at 59 I'm feeling a bit knackered now:ARsurrender:) Well..here's hoping....:Kilt:

3rd October 2008, 03:26
Congratulation to both of you and wishing you a healthy baby.



3rd October 2008, 04:38

Congratulations!!!...may your wife have a safe delivery and a healthy baby.


3rd October 2008, 06:34

3rd October 2008, 13:14
Thank you all..but we are still keeping our fingers crossed about the whole happening...at our ages...we have worries..but we will soon know how God has played his cards...again..many thanks...

3rd October 2008, 13:58
Thank you all..but we are still keeping our fingers crossed about the whole happening...at our ages...we have worries..but we will soon know how God has played his cards...again..many thanks...

congratulations to both of you!

3rd October 2008, 14:25
congratulations and i will be saying a prayer for you both, goodluck!

3rd October 2008, 16:28
Congratulations to both of you...another little angel :)

3rd October 2008, 16:29
Many congratulations to you both and best of luck for the happy arrival!

Must say I'm very jealous of you and can't wait til its mine and Berts turn!

Take care of each other

3rd October 2008, 20:28
Our congratulations to you!

3rd October 2008, 21:30
Ohh cruisingkerry...don't worry your turn can come anytime......but I don't fancy Bert....hehehe (only joking...is he still laughing ?)

4th October 2008, 11:58

4th October 2008, 12:37
Congratulations to both of you..

5th October 2008, 12:03
Hmm you can tell that Junior has one Filipino parent....he's late...just like his mummy always was..hehehe...Never ever on time....still..I hope he's born with a smile on his face like she always had when explaining why to me.....hahaha

5th October 2008, 16:32
congratulations :)

7th October 2008, 16:26
Ohh cruisingkerry...don't worry your turn can come anytime......but I don't fancy Bert....hehehe (only joking...is he still laughing ?)

Yep, I'm still laughing!

Take care
K xx

7th October 2008, 23:00
im very happy to both of u:D congrats iether its a baby boy or baby girl[wish that i have like that also.

8th October 2008, 09:07
Congrats to you and to your husband.... GOD BLESS YOU

8th October 2008, 16:07
Congratulations ... I hope that all goes well.

I'm looking forward to end of February/beginning of March when our little one is due to put in an appearance. At just 55 y/o, I'll be a little younger than you.

8th October 2008, 18:40
Thank you PeterB and everyone else who have wrote on here.....but she still will not pop Junior out.....but today...she said " Dad (she calls me that) I have pains and cannot walk too far" so maybe junior is on his way at last....then there will be another clan member of the oversea's branch of the MacDonald's....hehehe

15th October 2008, 22:41
Hmm..this is taking the bit about Filipino's being late a little bit farther...7 days overdue and still no Junior....maybe tomorrow....sigh.......hehehe

16th October 2008, 08:25
:omg: 7 days overdue? What's the date of her expected delivery?
She need to see her obgyne asap.Will she deliver normal or cs (caesarian)?
Anyway goodluck she will be fine I'm sure..:xxgrinning--00xx3:
You're so excited:rolleyes: :Cuckoo::Rasp::Rasp::cwm12::BouncyHappy:

Again congrats:)

16th October 2008, 16:16
Thank you Kukurokuk...it's just 4.15pm here in UK. and she has just gone in the hospital delivery room in Manila....11.15pm. there I think...heart pounding now....hope everything is OK...and she has Junior soon......come on girl..you can do it.....

16th October 2008, 17:05
Thank you all for your messages...Junior was born at 4.20pm. UK time...7lb..8 ounces..with a superb pair of lungs...hehehe.. Jack Andrew MacDonald jnr. he was born healthy and normal...please forgive me for saying that...but we have been worried because of our respective ages. 40 & 59...but all is well..thank God...but he would have been loved anyway, and anyhow if not so.....off to the Pub now to celebrate....again many thanks to all the well-wishers....thanks..

16th October 2008, 17:44
Congratulations to you both and a very warm welcome to Jack jnr, another wee MacDonald, the clan grows bigger every day. :appl:
Louella & Iain.

16th October 2008, 17:56
Congratulations to the new Mommy and Daddy..welcome to the world Jack Jr..:)

16th October 2008, 18:01
Thank you all for your messages...Junior was born at 4.20pm. UK time...7lb..8 ounces..with a superb pair of lungs...hehehe.. Jack Andrew MacDonald jnr. he was born healthy and normal...please forgive me for saying that...but we have been worried because of our respective ages. 40 & 59...but all is well..thank God...but he would have been loved anyway, and anyhow if not so.....off to the Pub now to celebrate....again many thanks to all the well-wishers....thanks..

Fantastic! Best Wishes!:Hellooo::BouncyHappy::Hellooo::BouncyHappy:

17th October 2008, 19:26
Congratulations to all three of you!

We have 4 1/2 months to wait. I'm pleased to hear that there were no problems with 40/59 - we hope to be okay at 25/55.

17th October 2008, 21:20
Congrats :) great mum and baby are both healthy:)

17th October 2008, 23:05
Fantastic news! Really pleased for you all. Come on the rest of you Jassmine, marylen, etc. You know who you are...waiting for your good news too! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2008, 16:06
Congratulation evrything was going well.. happy being a parents!

19th October 2008, 16:25
congrats, all that matters is mom and bb are :xxgrinning--00xx3:

you better get all the rest you can, trying to catch 23month old little joe is killing me, and i'm younger than you guys :doh

he be 2yrs old on the 5th of nov :xxparty-smiley-050: i better go and have a nap :NEW5: