View Full Version : Q's on Naturalization

3rd October 2008, 13:19
I am prepairing my docs for my naturalization application we're planning to lodge it this Dec 2008. I got my ILR Sept 2006 and I am eligible since 2007 so let say I am going to lodge it by 10 Dec 2008 should I be present here in UK 11 Dec 2007? For some info I am out of the country 24th Dec 2007 -16 Jan 2008. If I am going to use the NCS they said its better and faster?

Any help will be appreciated. thanks

3rd October 2008, 15:44
I am prepairing my docs for my naturalization application we're planning to lodge it this Dec 2008. I got my ILR Sept 2006 and I am eligible since 2007 so let say I am going to lodge it by 10 Dec 2008 should I be present here in UK 11 Dec 2007? For some info I am out of the country 24th Dec 2007 -16 Jan 2008. If I am going to use the NCS they said its better and faster?

Any help will be appreciated. thanks

hi sis flo how come you going away after you lodge your application you don't have a passport yet even your philippine passport you need to pass it to the home office and you don't know when they return your documents. the home office they don't advice the applicant to go away while their application is on process

3rd October 2008, 17:06
I am prepairing my docs for my naturalization application we're planning to lodge it this Dec 2008. I got my ILR Sept 2006 and I am eligible since 2007 so let say I am going to lodge it by 10 Dec 2008 should I be present here in UK 11 Dec 2007? For some info I am out of the country 24th Dec 2007 -16 Jan 2008. If I am going to use the NCS they said its better and faster?

Any help will be appreciated. thanks

You needed to be in the UK at the start of the 3 year period ie the 10th December 2005.

NCS will check your application for mistakes and allow you to keep your passports (they take copies), but it won't actually make your application get processed any quicker.

3rd October 2008, 23:49
hi sis flo how come you going away after you lodge your application you don't have a passport yet even your philippine passport you need to pass it to the home office and you don't know when they return your documents. the home office they don't advice the applicant to go away while their application is on process

hi thanks for the reply and sorry to confused you:NoNo: I am not going away

3rd October 2008, 23:59
You needed to be in the UK at the start of the 3 year period ie the 10th December 2005.

NCS will check your application for mistakes and allow you to keep your passports (they take copies), but it won't actually make your application get processed any quicker.

hi thanks for the reply:) this is the statement from BIA:

Start of the residential qualifying period

The residential qualifying period will be worked out from the day we receive your application. Most unsuccessful applications fail because the applicant was not present in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the residential qualifying period. You must make sure you meet this requirement before you make your application. For example, if we received your application on 25 November 2005, you would have to show that you were in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2002

My only worries is if I lodge my application anytime this coming Dec is how long the HO will receive my application as I am not presently in the UK 24 Dec 2005. We decided to lodge my application in Dec for financial reason even we want earlier than that. I don't want my application rejected base on this qualifying period:NoNo:

I agree that NCS won't make my application quicker and faster (sorry Im wrong) the advantage in using it we can retain our passport just incase my husband need to travel for work purposes.

4th October 2008, 02:16
i think the point here, is that you have had to be in the uk at least 3yrs b4 you make a application for naturalization, as the case worker is not allowed any discretion at all on the amount of time, unlike many other visa apps. so applying after 2yrs 11 months and xx days you will be refused.

4th October 2008, 06:44
My only worries is if I lodge my application anytime this coming Dec is how long the HO will receive my application as I am not presently in the UK 24 Dec 2005. We decided to lodge my application in Dec for financial reason even we want earlier than that. I don't want my application rejected base on this qualifying period:NoNo:

I agree that NCS won't make my application quicker and faster (sorry Im wrong) the advantage in using it we can retain our passport just incase my husband need to travel for work purposes.

What date did you arrive in the UK? Where were you December 2005/January 2006?

4th October 2008, 13:42
What date did you arrive in the UK? Where were you December 2005/January 2006?

thank you for the reply again:)

I arrived here in UK 25 Sept 2004 on a spouse visa I got my ILR Sept 2006. I'd been out the country from 24 Dec 2005 for 3 weeks then most of 2006 I am in UK then Im out the country again from 24 Dec 2007 for 4 weeks again. I think since 2004 my absences outside UK is around 50 days in total.

Hope this info will help...

4th October 2008, 13:54
i think the point here, is that you have had to be in the uk at least 3yrs b4 you make a application for naturalization, as the case worker is not allowed any discretion at all on the amount of time, unlike many other visa apps. so applying after 2yrs 11 months and xx days you will be refused.

My husband is not worried about the qualifying period bec he said I am here for morethan 4 years now and not much absences since I arrived here on a spouse visa. Just that I am a bit confuse on that qualifying period that I should be here in UK For example, if we received your application on 25 November 2005, you would have to show that you were in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2002 If I lodge my application more or less might be on the 10th Dec 2008 but I am not sure how long they will receive it as I said that I am not here that time from 24 Dec 2005 till 14 Jan 2006 if I have to count 3 years backward. So I don't want to be refuse on this ground.

I think I'l be better to apply on mid Jan 2009:Erm:

4th October 2008, 14:19
My husband is not worried about the qualifying period bec he said I am here for morethan 4 years now and not much absences since I arrived here on a spouse visa. Just that I am a bit confuse on that qualifying period that I should be here in UK For example, if we received your application on 25 November 2005, you would have to show that you were in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2002 If I lodge my application more or less might be on the 10th Dec 2008 but I am not sure how long they will receive it as I said that I am not here that time from 24 Dec 2005 till 14 Jan 2006 if I have to count 3 years backward. So I don't want to be refuse on this ground.

I think I'l be better to apply on mid Jan 2009:Erm:

sis flo your able to apply now for naturalization, goodluck!

4th October 2008, 19:53
My husband is not worried about the qualifying period bec he said I am here for morethan 4 years now and not much absences since I arrived here on a spouse visa. Just that I am a bit confuse on that qualifying period that I should be here in UK For example, if we received your application on 25 November 2005, you would have to show that you were in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2002 If I lodge my application more or less might be on the 10th Dec 2008 but I am not sure how long they will receive it as I said that I am not here that time from 24 Dec 2005 till 14 Jan 2006 if I have to count 3 years backward. So I don't want to be refuse on this ground.

I think I'l be better to apply on mid Jan 2009:Erm:

In order to demonstrate the residential requirements for naturalisation you need to:

have been resident in the United Kingdom for at least three years (this is known as the residential qualifying period); and
have been present in the United Kingdom three years before the date of your application; and
have not spent more than 270 days outside the United Kingdom during the three-year period; and
have not spend more than 90 days outside the United Kingdom in the last 12 months of the three-year period; and
have not been in breach of the immigration rules at any stage during the three-year period.

Good luck!

5th October 2008, 07:08
My husband is not worried about the qualifying period bec he said I am here for morethan 4 years now and not much absences since I arrived here on a spouse visa. Just that I am a bit confuse on that qualifying period that I should be here in UK For example, if we received your application on 25 November 2005, you would have to show that you were in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2002 If I lodge my application more or less might be on the 10th Dec 2008 but I am not sure how long they will receive it as I said that I am not here that time from 24 Dec 2005 till 14 Jan 2006 if I have to count 3 years backward. So I don't want to be refuse on this ground.

I think I'l be better to apply on mid Jan 2009:Erm:

There's another forum dealing with immigration where other applicants have posted the timelines of their applications. Usually the date of the letter confirming acknowledgement of their application is about a week after they applied, though in some cases it is longer.

So you are likely to be ok lodging your application on the 10th December, though I agree you if that is the earliest you want to apply then you would probably be best to wait until mid Jan 2009.

5th October 2008, 21:01
There's another forum dealing with immigration where other applicants have posted the timelines of their applications. Usually the date of the letter confirming acknowledgement of their application is about a week after they applied, though in some cases it is longer.

So you are likely to be ok lodging your application on the 10th December, though I agree you if that is the earliest you want to apply then you would probably be best to wait until mid Jan 2009.

Sounds like good advice Sir and also remeber as with Phill or Uk what with the long Christmas Holidays it maybe better to hand in after so it does not get lost on somebodies desk?