View Full Version : Is he/she perfect?

10th October 2008, 13:07
have you ever feel or seen the "no good qualities" of your husband/wife or vice versa. ops....i mean just the negatively side of him/her...no matter if it is bad or good for your own sake but just as you think that sometimes its getting too much to carry..he he he.just don't tell me she/he is that perfectly enough ..........oh well.........am not forcing you to say so.....I may begin with.

During the early stage of our relationship...I can maybe say that he is damn perfect...in all ways...either way how he carry himself physically and emotionally through by showing his love and concern towards. ( me with my family which until now i have no doubt anyway as he is still the same). yea....i can't deny the fact that I am looking for a perfect one.....what ashame on me i know without even knowing that I myself also not that kind of perfect one to him. Oh right.....i do have my own weaknesses and difficulties as well that also makes him feel down a bit...(just luckily we able to manage our own set of failures).

here are some of the bad side of him..but no matter i still love him eternally with all my heart. no IFS no BUTS...

_Sometimes its real hard to identify if he feels bad in me or if i did something wrong that against his will...he keeps trying hard to act normally even i know deeply inside something wrong occur. I only able to find out in a day or two.grrrrrrrrrr that piss me off....(anyway i love him for that even though IF) well at least at the end we ended up to say SORRY to both.....

_Secondly he is quite type of person....(well not in me but to whom that he only seldom to get acquainted with.)...he's having an angelic face, a total lover boy yes...opssssssssssss....but people will find hard to talk to him as he is totally shy to initiate the first move to start a conversation with...(but he acted differently infront in me...he is such a very talkative one to me..ha ha ha...and never get intimidate to do and say any..unlike if infront to someone...gosh.....seems like he is not the one....) well..its just maybe he is more comfortable to be with himself to me than compare to any. well...well.....well....I LOVE MY MAN.

_Third....he prefers much fattier girlie...sorry i mean not that real FAT..just having enough i mean..he he he ....he doesn't want me to hold on any yummies that i am fancy with but sometimes its real hard to prove it all to him that i am doing my best and enjoy out all to the most, he wants me to have something to eat everytime we chat. it offend him if i say oh....am getting such fattie now and i guess i need to slow down a bit.....ha ha ha .. he won't accept that such kind of reasoning as what he believes that girlie should enjoy and deserves to get all the needed foods possibly as she can have. ...

well i guess that was it only..............

10th October 2008, 13:11
No BODY IS PERFECT :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

We have difference's especially we have different nationalities. So our culture and some belies are different. My and my hubby have different views of things... We do argue sometimes hmmm but I guess it's normal for a couple. :):):)

13th October 2008, 09:19
I really can't say anything bad about my hubby but I hate it that he smokes too much golden virginia his favorite tobacco. When I was younger, I told my self that I'd never marry someone who smokes and drinks, but I ended up with him, I don't regret it at all but I just hope he quits smoking soon, not for me but for himself. I wish he'd think about our future that he's not getting any younger and that he should take care of his health so we can live together for a long time. I'm 25 and he's 46, I don't smoke nor drink alcoholic beverages. I go to the gym and stay fit because I want to stay young and pretty and live longer with him.
I enjoy kissing before but becoz he smokes that really puts me off. I just hope he realize that.

Mrs Daddy
13th October 2008, 09:26
thats sounds pretty much normal marylen.all your husbands characterisitc is kinda similar to my hubby but instead I dont find it negatively.And as well I understand if he is not comfortable if he is with people he doesnt know because he`s like that all of his life and nothing can change that as long as you are both all right.thats all that matters girly:)

13th October 2008, 09:38
I'm a retard :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th October 2008, 10:00
I'm a retard :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Here is your treatment for the condition.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th October 2008, 10:27
my hubby is different bcoz he don't smoke nor drink (alcohol) if he's friends invite him to go out into the pub, he always says no no no bcoz he don't want to leave me alone and he prepare to stay with me than to his friends. and he says gastos lang yan hehehehe

13th October 2008, 10:52
thank you girls for sharing the differences of our beloved husband..well on top of it...we love our man NO IFS NO BUTS attach...importantly we are happy to whom we choose to live for the rest of our entire life............

13th October 2008, 11:41
Yes I enjoy kissing my girl to, but she sneaks off to eat dried fish, and it turns my stomach, but she counteracts that with carrying a tube of red hot close up around, and her toothbrush, then she spends maybe 5 minutes in bathroom brushing her teeth and ensuring her mouth is sweet, otherwise, it would be hard for me to continue to be kissing her.

This she did many times in our courtship, the first time I met with her in Manila, she used to say she was popping out side for 5 minutes, I thought nothing of it, I did not know then as I do today that she like a fag sometimes, she picked up this smoking habit in Philippines at work, where she said, the sosyal types do smoke, and other too, but then I did not know she smoked.

I did not know until after I propose marriage to her, only then did I find out, I was not bothered too much, because I never notice she smoked, it was really the grilled squid and dried fish that put me off, actually her eating habits do put me off, I cannot think sometimes how I kiss my girl, but I do, but I never have any problems smelling her breath or mouth, as obviously she takes good care of her oral hygiene, (no smart comments you lot in Scouser land).

Oral hygiene in a man of course is important, but in a woman, its even more so, some guys smoke and their girls are reluctant to kiss pleasurably, because they don't like the taste of cigarette smoke, no one likes it.

But if in the man's case he ensures he uses a good quality mouth wash, and looks after his dental hygiene, there is not reason why the girl would have to notice it.

I don't begrudge my girl having a fag every couple of hours or so, if that is her pleasure, she knows the dangers, I know them too, I do not smoke myself actually, and never have done so, I think having a good shower for a guy is important at least twice a day, once in the morning before work, and if required even mid afternoon, which I sometimes do, but obviously before bed time, say 2-3 times a day, I notice with the Filipina, they are very clean girls, they shower on a regular basis, although it was always put to me, that they were told foreigners smell.

I think sometimes foreigners are stereo typed into this, they also think that in London we have vampires, and werewolves, I am always asked, is it true, some British men are vampires in London, to which I reply, yes watch out, thats a problem with us, we do change at night.

Every man has different habits I guess, Lahat tayo mayroon pagka kaiba ? or similar, all of us have differences, I have heard of some who say their man does not shower as much as they would like, that is up to the girl to put this to him, and ensure that he does.

As far as I am concerned, showering before any physical contact is a must, and that goes for the girl too, because sometimes they need it as well.

But when I look at the things I love so much about my girl, there is so much I could list, her happy go lucky take on life, behala na !

The beautiful aroma of her hair in the morning !

The way, she fusses about me and does everything, things one would never expect.

The way, she takes me for who I am, never asking for the person I am not, accepting me as the man I am.

There is a list as long as my arm, is she perfect, far from it ! do I need a perfect girl, no because they don't exist.

Am I happy - yes I am, and for all of her reklamo, mood swings, and dried fish and smoking, I would not change her for the world.

13th October 2008, 11:42
hello marylen, I am not married yet but hopefully soon with my bf, what I learn from my own parents and from the people in my environment is that if both parties ( husband and wife ) can able to accept each weaknesses and can live with it, thats perfect for me...

13th October 2008, 12:43
...he's having an angelic face, a total lover boy yes...opssssssssssss....... ------ and so my hubby :D BUT ... not that angelic face if he don't shave :doh

i laughed at him when he started to ask if i was really 18 ( way back 2005 :D ) and so i say of course " Do you want my Birth Certificate ? ":icon_lol: i can say that we have a good chemistry and he is the perfect man for me :Erm::D

I have the IF's and BUT's te marylen ... Simon is a sweet kind of person INSIDE the house if we're at home together ... BUT i noticed that if we go out or example when we visit his brother to have a bonding and with friends as well , he's not that sweet anymore :NoNo: :Brick: anyway , i confronted him about this and we spoke about it the next day :D he said " he is sweet in some other ways " it doesn't mean that He Don't Love Me :Cuckoo: well , im just being childish :icon_lol: i like the holding hands while walking eh :Rasp: Public Affection ba lol ...

Hope he don't read this or else ... :Bolt:

anyway he's my Man.

13th October 2008, 19:02

Angelic my hat !!!!

13th October 2008, 20:28
My husband doesnt smoke nor drink! :40__s: Neither do I! We both hate wines too! doh!

Hmmm... He loves playing computer games (World of Warcraft) tho and i used to hate him for that hehe :CompBuster:..

but hey, i learned to accept it.. I'll be gladly have him inside our study and play, than him going out and spend loads of cash! :REGamblMoney01HL1: Plus I get to chance to be online too (update my friendster,talk to my family&friends and share my insights!) :REDancedancer08:

But we go to bed together at around 10pm! So, i believe things are great with us!:Bouncy:

13th October 2008, 21:23
:NoNo: :vomit-smiley-011:

13th October 2008, 21:25
:NoNo: :vomit-smiley-011:

What?! is it booooooring??? lol:cwm12:

14th October 2008, 11:29
True nobody is perfect nor the relationship otherwise life will be too boring if everything is so nice and perfect.

Me and my husband are both holiday smokers/drinkers :icon_lol:, means we only smoke or drink when on holiday and of course away from the kids. But my husband drinks a pint after dinner while I have some wine at times. That is fine as long as its just moderate drinking. But we both make sure that when we come to bed, we are clean and washed :icon_lol: I dont like lying in bed with someone who smells.

Im into PS2/Xbox games before and I blame myself for introducing my husband to Halo Xbox360, he is now hooked but if you can not beat them...then join them! So we end up playing together on xbox live :D

Another thing that I learned to accept is that my husband is not a sociable person which is exactly what I am, I even got more friends than him! Maybe that is good in a way bec I get to go to parties and he stays at home and look after our boys.:)

14th October 2008, 20:51
True nobody is perfect nor the relationship otherwise life will be too boring if everything is so nice and perfect.

Me and my husband are both holiday smokers/drinkers :icon_lol:, means we only smoke or drink when on holiday and of course away from the kids. But my husband drinks a pint after dinner while I have some wine at times. That is fine as long as its just moderate drinking. But we both make sure that when we come to bed, we are clean and washed :icon_lol: I dont like lying in bed with someone who smells.

Im into PS2/Xbox games before and I blame myself for introducing my husband to Halo Xbox360, he is now hooked but if you can not beat them...then join them! So we end up playing together on xbox live :D

Another thing that I learned to accept is that my husband is not a sociable person which is exactly what I am, I even got more friends than him! Maybe that is good in a way bec I get to go to parties and he stays at home and look after our boys.:)

I play Xbox, DS and Wii sometimes hehe cool ryt? But i tried playing WOW, i survived 1 month only :NoNo:. Hehe i u=just dont like doing quests.. hehe, i want instant result hehe

15th October 2008, 08:34
I believe there's no such perfect in this world except the word PERFECT :D

My hubby's innerside is great! He has soft heart, hardworking, loving and generous. He doesn't smoke, no gamble except lotto:D

The outer side is :Brick:
The problem is his belly:D he enjoys eating and I don't. I love seafood and he never likes sea food. But he enjoys fishing and he is great in un-boning fish:xxgrinning--00xx3: If I eat sea food, he will not kiss me until I brushed my teeth :NoNo:

15th October 2008, 09:14
Beautiful pinay ! please please please, brush teeth brush teeth, before asking husband for kissing....AFTER YOU EAT SEAFOOD, LECHON KAWAILI, GRILLED SQUID, BICOL EXPRESS, ADOBO, DRIED FISH, BALOT, AND ANY OTHER FATTY THICKED SKINNED ANIMAL THAT LOOKS LIKE A PIG.


15th October 2008, 09:17
:NoNo: :vomit-smiley-011:

Concise ...... straight to the point.....:icon_lol:

15th October 2008, 09:20
Well marylen, i think theres no such thing as perfect just what pennybarry said there's no such perfect in this world except the word Perfect..

But as you get to know more your husband everyday the more you will fully understand why he was meant for you and why you accept him aside from the negative traits or the way he acts towards you, your differences which i know you learned how to deal with it..

Well me and my husband have differences but if we think theres a problem thats goin on, we just talked about it and we wont let the day passed to patch up things..

Actually he doesnt like me eating balot and toyo :dohbut then i make him understand that sometimes im craving for it so i have to cook and prepare the food while his asleep when his here so he cant complain coz its already cooked..

Unlike you your husband likes you gaining weight were opposite i like my husband gaining weight and he knows that and he doesnt care thats why when his here he eat a lot just like me:D..hahah!

15th October 2008, 12:33
Ako si Pia, Kuya Toks's queen :)

Husban ko is ferpect man, he is so intelligent, handsom, considerate, lubbing and punny. He cooks always nice poods por us and supports me in all op my decisions, no matter what. He does not drink or smoke. He eben futs the toilet seat down apter he has used (abused) it and pols his dirty clothes bepor putting them in the laundry basket! Toks eben lets me eat all kinds of poods in our new car and smiles at the mess I leabe behind each time. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I open the car door bepor this day and scratched it on a post and he just hugged me and tol me he lubbs me more. Honey ko!!

He always holds my hand, kisses me apter I have eaten all kinds of poods and eben loves all those smelly poods like dried squid. I am so so lucky!!!!.......................................................................................

Okay, Okay, lucky ka jan! It's me, Toks :Hellooo:...I can't keep up the pretense any longer :D :icon_lol:

Sorry for the stereotypical way writing and Pia does not speak like that, I'm just playing! Porgib me ha!!! :ARsurrender:

Mrs Daddy
15th October 2008, 17:04
Beautiful pinay ! please please please, brush teeth brush teeth, before asking husband for kissing....AFTER YOU EAT SEAFOOD, LECHON KAWAILI, GRILLED SQUID, BICOL EXPRESS, ADOBO, DRIED FISH, BALOT, AND ANY OTHER FATTY THICKED SKINNED ANIMAL THAT LOOKS LIKE A PIG.


probably am the only filipina here who doesnt eat dried fish coz i had a bad experience with it.well,it was about so many years ago when I happened to see my neighbour who was making dried fish a homemade one and one of his daughter told me that it puts her off eating dried fish coz she saw a maggots on it and thinking of it made me feel sick from then on I wasnt bother having one to eat:furious3: and I dont like lechon but I could do with its crispy skin though it depends how its cooked and Balut is a No No for me (poor little chick:bigcry:) but I could eat adobo and I think I only eat bicol express once the one out of tin:Dand thats it I am different:NoNo:

Mrs Daddy
15th October 2008, 17:06
Ako si Pia, Kuya Toks's queen :)

Husban ko is ferpect man, he is so intelligent, handsom, considerate, lubbing and punny. He cooks always nice poods por us and supports me in all op my decisions, no matter what. He does not drink or smoke. He eben futs the toilet seat down apter he has used (abused) it and pols his dirty clothes bepor putting them in the laundry basket! Toks eben lets me eat all kinds of poods in our new car and smiles at the mess I leabe behind each time. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I open the car door bepor this day and scratched it on a post and he just hugged me and tol me he lubbs me more. Honey ko!!

He always holds my hand, kisses me apter I have eaten all kinds of poods and eben loves all those smelly poods like dried squid. I am so so lucky!!!!.......................................................................................

Okay, Okay, lucky ka jan! It's me, Toks :Hellooo:...I can't keep up the pretense any longer :D :icon_lol:

Sorry for the stereotypical way writing and Pia does not speak like that, I'm just playing! Porgib me ha!!! :ARsurrender:

got yah:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: