View Full Version : entering my 1st day of my 10th weeks of waiting as of tomorrow Aug 11.

10th October 2008, 14:38
completed my 9th weeks already as of today Aug 10...so by tomorrow Saturday Aug 11 started to count as the first day of my 10th weeks of waiting for "spouse application" that is until up to Friday next week Aug 17.

Do you guys think that it is possibly i may still have to undergo an interview ? i couldn't find any answers yet of my ques as why mine takes longer which the other one here applied 3 days ahead of me got hers last Oct 2. I don't know whats the reason of all those long waiting game, so frustrated to think, what then if i get to fail after all the long wait.....? thats the least thing i can handle, it surely hurt me that much especially with my hubby whose very eager to have the result badly as it is.

How many weeks normally the applicants should inform to have an interview? It's i guess to be inform one week in advance but normally in what weeks? oh my.....i am trying hard here to extend up a bit more of my patience once more again.........though it hurts me bad as days goes by with no even clarification yet.

10th October 2008, 14:44
i know how you're feeling but you have to calm and be positive. don't be so stressful
coz you're carrying a baby. you don't want you're baby to be affected do you? just don't think about it. think of something else or just be busy. it will just come. trust me thats what i did when i was waiting for my fiance visa that time. ;)

10th October 2008, 14:57
whenever i heard a words coming from someone to assure me that everything will be fine... it do helps me to calm down....thank you dianakevy.....sorry for my being so impatient now..........grrrrrrrr.....i can't do enjoy myself same time, i most prefer to seriously put all my mind and attention to the most awaited game that i so badly want to win. If i make the point to enjoy myself...oh i feel so guilty as i never know if it deserves after all.

10th October 2008, 14:59
Marylen just relax and think happy thoughts.I know how you feel but feeling stress wont do you and your baby any good.I do not see any reason to deny you.You are married and starting a family together.
I will be praying for you sis.
Take care.

10th October 2008, 15:08
thank you frances...i wish you all the best and i may hope that you may able to achieve your plan and goal in life....so we all both have a happy ending as we deserve.

10th October 2008, 15:26
the first day of my 10th weeks of waiting for "spouse application"

Keep smiling marylen, at least you have your application in :xxgrinning--00xx3:

One day soon you will in the UK with lots of extra clothes on to keep you warm, and these days of waiting will be a distant memory.... :cwm24: :cwm12:

10th October 2008, 15:47
thank you aposhark..but really i feel the world tumbling down on me now..lol....fhara just got her visit visa today.....she applied last aug 22 while me aug 08, i was more ahead than her....and got no result yet.....and also one of the member got her visa last oct 02 which we both applied same week....shes only 3 days ahead of me.,,,,wowowwo...can't take it now....................

10th October 2008, 17:14
thank you aposhark..but really i feel the world tumbling down on me now..lol....fhara just got her visit visa today.....she applied last aug 22 while me aug 08, i was more ahead than her....and got no result yet.....and also one of the member got her visa last oct 02 which we both applied same week....shes only 3 days ahead of me.,,,,wowowwo...can't take it now....................

Processing time of Visit Visa is shorter compared to settlement visa that's why Fhara got her result earlier than yours. But it doesn't mean that you won't get your visa. Just relax and stay calm. Most of us who applied for spouse visa waited for 10 weeks before we heard the result. Just wait for another week and I'm sure you will get the good news that you've been waiting for.

10th October 2008, 17:23

just relax and make yourself busy to divert your attention...sooner or later they'll be knocking at your door w/ your visa sis, stay positive.....i got mine more or less 10 weeks...

Goodluck, let's just hope that there'll be no interview but if ever there will be one, just prepare yourself and keep our fingers crossed for a good news.

All the best.


10th October 2008, 17:35

hi! I read all the messages from our friends in here. I think they are right! though I never started my application for spousal visa yet... but then i think there isn't reason for you to not have it. You submitted all your documents, right? So, be confident!!!! Rest assured that we will pray for you...

you can have it!!! just think positive :-) take care because you are carrying your baby!

10th October 2008, 17:52
completed my 9th weeks already as of today Aug 10...so by tomorrow Saturday Aug 11 started to count as the first day of my 10th weeks of waiting for "spouse application" that is until up to Friday next week Aug 17.

Do you guys think that it is possibly i may still have to undergo an interview ? i couldn't find any answers yet of my ques as why mine takes longer which the other one here applied 3 days ahead of me got hers last Oct 2. I don't know whats the reason of all those long waiting game, so frustrated to think, what then if i get to fail after all the long wait.....? thats the least thing i can handle, it surely hurt me that much especially with my hubby whose very eager to have the result badly as it is.

How many weeks normally the applicants should inform to have an interview? It's i guess to be inform one week in advance but normally in what weeks? oh my.....i am trying hard here to extend up a bit more of my patience once more again.........though it hurts me bad as days goes by with no even clarification yet.

It's coming amiga and I am confident you will get through without an interview. God bless you.