View Full Version : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh!!!!!!!

10th October 2008, 19:19
Fiance WAS due to arrive in UK tomorrow ... had NO IDEA about CFO registration ... why the :furious3: did nobody tell her when she received her visa? So now she has to go & get this wretched thing & I've got to book her a new flight (there's nothing on the airline she was due to fly with till mid Nov!), so I'm also set to lose all I paid for that :Brick: ... we're getting married on 25th Oct ... I can't believe all the :furious3: red tape


10th October 2008, 21:30
Loads of info here about it .........:NoNo:

Why didn't someone bother to search....????:Erm:

10th October 2008, 21:38
Ouch that must really hurt in the pocket and worse of all your both still apart.
I hope its sorted quickly, can she be on standby? Somebody elses misfortune maybe your good fortune.

This is why its important to research in depth. The CFO has nothing to do with the British goverment, all they will say is pelease ensure you follow all procedures of the country your departing or something along those lines. As each country can change their regulations at any time.

While we were applying things changed with very little warning the first info i heard apart from one vague call the wife recieved was from Pete on here.

10th October 2008, 21:54
... is a wonderful thing :doh

I've calmed down a bit now. I'm normally pretty thorough but didn't see that one coming. I've been really busy sorting out the wedding & Jifelane my fiance has been finishing off her college course. She should be able to get the registation sorted on Monday & I'll pull out all the stops for a flight for the end of the week:cwm12:

10th October 2008, 22:19
Thats more like it in ten years time your be telling the story and laughing at it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The trials and tribulations the Wife and I went though now seem like a distant memory and its only three years back:D

Im sure you will be able to get a flight sorted earlier:)

If not whats a few weeks for a Life time of Hapiness

Stick with the Site the advice this Sites People can give you so much advice and support its untrue.

Sorting out Ni, a job, your Wife to be settling in. Finding sources of fav foods and remittance and the list goes on.

10th October 2008, 22:43
Fiance WAS due to arrive in UK tomorrow ... had NO IDEA about CFO registration ... why the :furious3: did nobody tell her when she received her visa? So now she has to go & get this wretched thing & I've got to book her a new flight (there's nothing on the airline she was due to fly with till mid Nov!), so I'm also set to lose all I paid for that :Brick: ... we're getting married on 25th Oct ... I can't believe all the :furious3: red tape


aw! sorry to hear that bad news lots of info here about cfo, like me i don't really know about this thing but i was so lucky the immigration didn't checked my cfo sticker coz i don't have one.

10th October 2008, 22:43
ouch!!! :doh

10th October 2008, 22:44
There are lots of things to remember - and I am not surprised that somethings are forgotten by some people (despite all the advice here).

I mean, to be honest Aromulus, what would Stentona have searched for? I only found out about CFO recently by accident (reading loads of messages). Maybe there is somewhere that checklists can be added, instead of quickly saying "Well, we told you so, somewhere in this forum if you cared to search for the CFO that you weren't even aware of"?

Not being funny, but flippancy is the last thing that Stentona wants to see. He has just lost more money (and we know these things ain't cheap), has to reschedule the wedding, and it is very stressful even at the best of times.

I made a post the other day about the VFS - and all I got was "Where have you been? There's been loads of messages on here about it". Is it really a crime to post things that have already been mentioned? Is it also a crime not to check into this forum every few hours? I am sure, just by me posting, some other person in a similar position would have been made aware of the VFS situation just by me making a duplicate posting. Sometimes I don't think it is enough to say "Well, you should have searched on here shouldn't you?". Sometimes there are things we are not aware of, and there is no way of searching about it - unless you read loads of the messages in the archive when you have a spare few hours around wedding arrangements, application documents, and everything else.

Maybe I am speaking out of turn, and I apologise if I am. This forum has a wealth of information, but as more members are cuddled up with their new wives in the UK, we see more of an "I'm alright Jack" kind of attitude.

10th October 2008, 22:56
in defence of Dom, there are near 200 posts which mention CFO, and it must be asked about nearly every week :doh

i agree thou, why the :censored: is there a need for it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

jack the lad - i'm alright :NoNo: my misses has been here more than 3 1/2 yrs, i don't need to come on here, i made sure i know what we need, but i give what ever advice i can, all free of charge, i don't get paid :rolleyes:, and i've got many other things i should be doing :NoNo:


10th October 2008, 23:10
What I am saying is that it is impossible to search for something that you know nothing about.

I am not saying that everyone has an "I'm alright Jack" attitude, but sometimes it is easy for newer members to get this impression that some have an air of arrogance about them. I may be speaking, as I say, out of turn. But, I really think some sympathy is called for in this scenario rather than a "I wonder why you didn't bother to search?". There may be things in other people's application that they overlook or are not aware of. It is easily done, and impossible to search on if you are not aware of it. I found it by accident, another knew about it after a vague telephone call.

The CFO seminar runs videos of a German man that beats his Filipina wife, they offer counselling and ask to see pics of the happy couple. It is a complete waste of time.

So, a flight to Manila to file an application for my gf. Then, if everything goes well, a flight to Manila for an interview. Then, a flight to Cebu/Manila for a CFO seminar - two unnecessary trips. Overnight stays at hotels. Unpaid days off work. And, after you have done all of this, they can refuse you for some generic reason.

10th October 2008, 23:19
I'm not saying he should know, but doing a bit of research pays off :xxgrinning--00xx3:, saves you time, money, stress and heartache

his g/f had no idea? my misses knew she had to get it, don't know who told her or how she found out thou :Erm:

well they've got it sorted pretty quick :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th October 2008, 23:28
jack the lad - i'm alright :NoNo: my misses has been here more than 3 1/2 yrs, i don't need to come on here, i made sure i know what we need, but i give what ever advice i can, all free of charge, i don't get paid :rolleyes:, and i've got many other things i should be doing :NoNo:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: thanks joe thats why we love you all :D:)

I made a post the other day about the VFS - and all I got was "Where have you been? There's been loads of messages on here about it". Is it really a crime to post things that have already been mentioned? Is it also a crime not to check into this forum every few hours?


So, a flight to Manila to file an application for my gf. Then, if everything goes well, a flight to Manila for an interview. Then, a flight to Cebu/Manila for a CFO seminar - two unnecessary trips. Overnight stays at hotels. Unpaid days off work. And, after you have done all of this, they can refuse you for some generic reason.

She can stay in my house free of charges :D if she like:rolleyes: Goodluck Ady :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

10th October 2008, 23:36
and jedc143 your one crazy lady :icon_lol:, many of your replies have made me :D

with gracia143, mrs daddy and kukurokuk , as well as many others :xxgrinning--00xx3:

and ADY, when ever you log on, it will say how many new posts there are since your last log on, if you scroll thru and see something you don't know about, like cfo, ilr etc, i think to myself, what's this and why are people asking about it:Erm:

11th October 2008, 08:24
There are lots of things to remember - and I am not surprised that somethings are forgotten by some people (despite all the advice here).

I mean, to be honest Aromulus, what would Stentona have searched for? I only found out about CFO recently by accident (reading loads of messages). Maybe there is somewhere that checklists can be added, instead of quickly saying "Well, we told you so, somewhere in this forum if you cared to search for the CFO that you weren't even aware of"?

Not being funny, but flippancy is the last thing that Stentona wants to see. He has just lost more money (and we know these things ain't cheap), has to reschedule the wedding, and it is very stressful even at the best of times.

I made a post the other day about the VFS - and all I got was "Where have you been? There's been loads of messages on here about it". Is it really a crime to post things that have already been mentioned? Is it also a crime not to check into this forum every few hours? I am sure, just by me posting, some other person in a similar position would have been made aware of the VFS situation just by me making a duplicate posting. Sometimes I don't think it is enough to say "Well, you should have searched on here shouldn't you?". Sometimes there are things we are not aware of, and there is no way of searching about it - unless you read loads of the messages in the archive when you have a spare few hours around wedding arrangements, application documents, and everything else.

Maybe I am speaking out of turn, and I apologise if I am. This forum has a wealth of information, but as more members are cuddled up with their new wives in the UK, we see more of an "I'm alright Jack" kind of attitude.

I take all your points on board, and admit I might have sounded a bit offhand, which was not my intention to be.

The crux of the matter is the CFO....
In the view of the multitude it is unneeded and unwanted, but the PI gov instituted it in the defence of people leaving the country, to give them a bit of info to what they may expect and how to get out of it.

For my wife success in getting here without hitches, I, like many others on this forum have searched online and also by phone to the Phil embassy about anything that was needed.
This site, for me, has been a wealth of information and I will be forever grateful to Keith for its inception.

While we were processing the Marriage Certificate, I did ask Jet to attend the CFO seminar. After she finished, she did get a small certificate of attendance, which she converted into the all important sticker on her passport, after receipt of her Family Permit (which incidentally at CFO Cebu were totally ignorant of such thing exixsting).

I spent hours researching, putting my job in second place where it belongs, like no doubt any others, until nearly goggleyed:cwm3:, so what I cannot understand why some people don't bother doing a little homework before presenting it to Teacher....:omg:

I am extremely sorry that the member lost money on a ticket and peace of mind and extra distress for the both of them.:doh And I wish them all the best in a successfull outcome.

http://filipinaroses.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif 2 Days Ago

Yikes, just realised that you no longer send your application via ABOITZ from the provinces. Instead you have to take your application to the VFS office in Manila - crazy! Considering the nature of the PI, it is difficult and expensive to get from many islands to Manila, and that requires an overnight stay. Are there any plans for regional offices?

You see Ady, you realized just in time about something needed to do, which you were unaware of.
Probably you read something on the site that re-awakened your memory to it, and although it is a pain in the :butthead:, you are resigned to it, because it is a necessary evil.:omg:

It is all down to research and how much you care for a successful outcome.

If I upset the member in question with my remark, I do apologize, but as they say in a Court of Law....

"Ignorance is not an excuse".....:omg:

11th October 2008, 09:16
http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=50&hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&q=fiancee+visa+philippine+uk Nice to see we're No.1 :xxgrinning--00xx3: ......easy to search, and mentions the CFO a lot.

The CFO has NOTHING to do with the UK Fiancee Visa process so they do not need to tell you anything about it.

It is however part of Philippine Law, and personally I research as many laws as possible in a foreign country I am dealing with regarding the subject matter concerned.

11th October 2008, 09:54
http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=50&hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&q=fiancee+visa+philippine+uk Nice to see we're No.1 :xxgrinning--00xx3: ......easy to search, and mentions the CFO a lot.

The CFO has NOTHING to do with the UK Fiancee Visa process so they do not need to tell you anything about it.

It is however part of Philippine Law, and personally I research as many laws as possible in a foreign country I am dealing with regarding the subject matter concerned.

I saw it few minutes ago boss...WOW! 703 threads:BouncyHappy:

11th October 2008, 10:15
For my wife success in getting here without hitches, I, like many others on this forum have searched online and also by phone to the Phil embassy about anything that was needed.
This site, for me, has been a wealth of information and I will be forever grateful to Keith for its inception.

I spent hours researching, putting my job in second place where it belongs, like no doubt any others, until nearly goggleyed:cwm3:, so what I cannot understand why some people don't bother doing a little homework before presenting it to Teacher....:omg:

I am extremely sorry that the member lost money on a ticket and peace of mind and extra distress for the both of them.:doh And I wish them all the best in a successfull outcome.

"Ignorance is not an excuse".....:omg:
Hey Dom I think everything you said is spot on. The reality is that we are all human and all make mistakes. Like you my personality and fear of getting Pia's visa denied was such that I wanted to be spot on with everything, like so many others here. I researched and researched and provided so much info. We also waited to file her application until we knew things were in order with minimal risk. To the extent in fact, that many others on here did not go to and still secured their partners visas.

I am sorry for those that have missed something that resulted in delay or denial. Sure Pia and I are together here but please be assured that every couple experiencing pain on here brings sorrow to Pia and I as we know what it is to be apart and would not wish that on any others that truly want to be together.

Good luck to you all!

11th October 2008, 10:28
Hey Dom I think everything you said is spot on. The reality is that we are all human and all make mistakes. Like you my personality and fear of getting Pia's visa denied was such that I wanted to be spot on with everything, like so many others here. I researched and researched and provided so much info. We also waited to file her application until we knew things were in order with minimal risk. To the extent in fact, that many others on here did not go to and still secured their partners visas.

I am sorry for those that have missed something that resulted in delay or denial. Sure Pia and I are together here but please be assured that every couple experiencing pain on here brings sorrow to Pia and I as we know what it is to be apart and would not wish that on any others that truly want to be together.

Good luck to you all!

Well said Toks, spot on :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th October 2008, 12:32
Just done a search on cfo, just out curiosity. never knew anything about
until now. didn't affect my wife.