View Full Version : ILR and Recourse to Public Funds

21st November 2008, 17:40
I have just noticed on my wife's ILR visa slip, that it does not state "No Recourse to Public Funds" as it does on her 2 year settlement visa slip. Does that mean that those with ILR are entitled to claim public funds should the need arise.

21st November 2008, 17:52
yes your right Iain she can claim

21st November 2008, 18:39
Oh? So once you are on ILR... you can claim benefits? Good Info. Thnx

21st November 2008, 19:30
I thought of that so:Erm: Good info their Iain:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st November 2008, 20:18
yes if your wife is entitled to claim the public fund, then she can :D

21st November 2008, 20:19
yes your right Iain she can claim

22nd November 2008, 13:54
yes if your wife is entitled to claim the public fund, then she can :D

coooolll... so even child benefits? no more hubby needing to apply.. that's great!

22nd November 2008, 14:19
coooolll... so even child benefits? no more hubby needing to apply.. that's great!

The mother could already apply for child benefits because that is given for every child in the UK regardless of their immigration status or that of the mother. It doesn't come under the normal definition of public fund benefits like working tax credit etc.

22nd November 2008, 14:20
The mother could already apply for child benefits because that is given for every child in the UK regardless of their immigration status or that of the mother. It doesn't come under the normal definition of public fund benefits like working tax credit etc.

im learning a lot here! thank you so much!:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd November 2008, 14:37
Im still holding an flr so cannot claim any apart from:

Contribution based jobseeker's allowance
inacapacity benefit
retirement pension
widows benefit and bereavement benefit
guradian's allowance
statutoy maternity fee

My husband claim the child benefits etc.............:Erm: Its my turn next year:icon_lol:

22nd November 2008, 15:45
Can't wait til I get my ILR in four months.:xxgrinning :BouncyHappy: Thanks Ian, this is good news!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd November 2008, 17:34
Can't wait til I get my ILR in four months.:xxgrinning :BouncyHappy: Thanks Ian, this is good news!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

mine will be in march!!! God bless to both of us!

22nd November 2008, 17:36
mine will be in march!!! God bless to both of us!

The Home office will be busy early next year with our application:icon_lol: Mine will be February:D

Goodluck to us guys:xxgrinning--00xx3: