View Full Version : My simple dream...

22nd November 2008, 00:33
If I get my ILR ealry next year I want to travel as many country in europe as possible. I just want to treat my self after all the 5 years of working hard and stressed from work, family, love life and Home Office. So, finger crossed I'll get it next year! I don't have much money but treating myself would be a good therapy for sure specially seeing different countries in the world. I am not into shopping much if I want something I buy it, may be I go to mall once in every 3 months. So, its not my purpose of going there just plain sight seeing with my friends (cellphone and digital cameras, lol). Well, I have a cousin in Italy and a friend in Germany that gives me a bit of savings coz I can stay in their place for free:xxgrinning--00xx3:

So, that's my simple dream (I think:Erm:)

22nd November 2008, 00:53
You need Dreams, targets to achieve otherwise whats the point?

Even if you just visited italy and Germany you would visit to very different countries imo to the UK.

22nd November 2008, 10:03
If I get my ILR ealry next year I want to travel as many country in europe as possible. I just want to treat my self after all the 5 years of working hard and stressed from work, family, love life and Home Office. So, finger crossed I'll get it next year! I don't have much money but treating myself would be a good therapy for sure specially seeing different countries in the world. I am not into shopping much if I want something I buy it, may be I go to mall once in every 3 months. So, its not my purpose of going there just plain sight seeing with my friends (cellphone and digital cameras, lol). Well, I have a cousin in Italy and a friend in Germany that gives me a bit of savings coz I can stay in their place for free:xxgrinning--00xx3:

So, that's my simple dream (I think:Erm:)

and if you need a companion, just tell me.. :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: just kidding. Good luck.!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd November 2008, 12:23
Follow you DREAMS... Stay focue and always have a positive mind :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:


22nd November 2008, 17:47
If I get my ILR ealry next year I want to travel as many country in europe as possible. I just want to treat my self after all the 5 years of working hard and stressed from work, family, love life and Home Office. So, finger crossed I'll get it next year! I don't have much money but treating myself would be a good therapy for sure specially seeing different countries in the world. I am not into shopping much if I want something I buy it, may be I go to mall once in every 3 months. So, its not my purpose of going there just plain sight seeing with my friends (cellphone and digital cameras, lol). Well, I have a cousin in Italy and a friend in Germany that gives me a bit of savings coz I can stay in their place for free:xxgrinning--00xx3:

So, that's my simple dream (I think:Erm:)


22nd November 2008, 20:30
Just wonderfing do u still need Visa to go to Italy or France if your ILR holder?...

22nd November 2008, 21:59
If you drop buy zurich I have a spare bedroom with a bit of foam and a comforter :rolleyes:
It will be just like the fils :xxgrinning--00xx3:

btw you dont need ILR to come to switzerland :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2008, 00:06
Just wonderfing do u still need Visa to go to Italy or France if your ILR holder?...

yes you need a Schengen Visa to visit European countries :doh

23rd November 2008, 00:14
If you drop buy zurich I have a spare bedroom with a bit of foam and a comforter :rolleyes:
It will be just like the fils :xxgrinning--00xx3:

btw you dont need ILR to come to switzerland :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks we will be over tomoorrow :D

23rd November 2008, 00:21
it was a serious offer.

foam .. comforter (duvet).. thats all there is :doh

24th November 2008, 12:37
Keep on dreaming cheese, its free :D:)

24th November 2008, 22:33
Keep on dreaming cheese, its free :D:)

I hope gordon Browns not reading this:D

27th November 2008, 10:49
goodluck :)

29th November 2008, 15:37
My dream (i mean my husbands dream):

To raise:

To have:
a pond
a farm
a coop
a veggie patch

hehhe... CREDITCRUNCH!!!! lol

29th November 2008, 17:19
btw you dont need ILR to come to switzerland :xxgrinning--00xx3:

"Switzerland will join the Schengen visa scheme on 12 December 2008. Therefore all foreign nationals residing in the UK who require a Schengen visa will from that date onwards also require a Schengen visa to enter Switzerland.

In order to ensure that persons affected by these changes can finalise their travel plans in time for the Christmas/New Year holiday season the Swiss Embassy London will be issuing - with immediate effect - Swiss visas valid for Switzerland only as a precautionary measure to persons who:

intend to travel to Switzerland between 12 December 2008 and 5 January 2009
do not already hold a valid Schengen visa
and are travelling to and from Switzerland by air only.
In these cases, it is strongly recommended in your own interests that you apply for a Swiss visa valid for Switzerland only as soon as possible but not later than 5 December 2008."

30th November 2008, 12:56
If I get my ILR ealry next year I want to travel as many country in europe as possible. I just want to treat my self after all the 5 years of working hard and stressed from work, family, love life and Home Office. So, finger crossed I'll get it next year! I don't have much money but treating myself would be a good therapy for sure specially seeing different countries in the world. I am not into shopping much if I want something I buy it, may be I go to mall once in every 3 months. So, its not my purpose of going there just plain sight seeing with my friends (cellphone and digital cameras, lol). Well, I have a cousin in Italy and a friend in Germany that gives me a bit of savings coz I can stay in their place for free:xxgrinning--00xx3:

So, that's my simple dream (I think:Erm:)

I think you need British passport so you don't need to apply for a visa not ILR if you want to travel other countries such as Europe. Am I right?
Anyway, you can do it! You work hard and you deserve it. It was also my utmost dream (when I was still in my primary grades:D) to travel Europe and see castles and snow. Like you, I worked hard and seen some countries like Thailand, Taiwan, Bahrain, Holland, Belgium, Germany, France, and hopefully Canada to visit my friend and Dubai Jumeirah to visit my brod next year.
Work hard and work it out!
Goodluck to all our dreams! We can do it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th November 2008, 14:49
thanks everyone!

I know that I still need a visa going to europe even i had my ILR. Actually I got a Schengen visa 2 years ago but i didn't able to use it for financial reason. I am only saying that if i get my ILR next year I want to travel to europe and since Im still on a workpermit visa and travelling is not a good option for me right now.

Atleast if im a residence already here I don't need to worry much about my immigration status here i hope:Erm: