View Full Version : Resolve: To Teach or Not to Teach Your Young One's our Native Tongue: Filipino

23rd November 2008, 14:05
Here are the guided questions in answering the Poll, I have just created:

Shall we or shall we not teach them Filipino Language?

What will be the effects? Confusion or A Skill: Speaking Both Languages, or 3 even! English-Filipino-(Dialect: Ilonggo, Bisaya, Bikol etc)

Will they be bullied if they know how to speak Filipino?


Share your experiences too regarding this matter... This will be very helpful for New Mums in raising their Children (in tapping both worlds).

Thank you!

23rd November 2008, 14:12

23rd November 2008, 14:16

23rd November 2008, 16:31
Here are the guided questions in answering the Poll, I have just created:

Shall we or shall we not teach them Filipino Language?

What will be the effects? Confusion or A Skill: Speaking Both Languages, or 3 even! English-Filipino-(Dialect: Ilonggo, Bisaya, Bikol etc)

Will they be bullied if they know how to speak Filipino?


Share your experiences too regarding this matter... This will be very helpful for New Mums in raising their Children (in tapping both worlds).

Thank you!

Ive got a friend here she's got 3 kids one in HS and 2 in the middle school. The eldest can speak our native dialect. As far as im concerned they never exp any problem at school.
I think its really important that you teach your children. Thats why as early as now i sometimes speak to our little boy in my local dialect wahhhhhhhh and plus my husband learns it too.:icon_lol:

23rd November 2008, 16:58
I think I would feel ashamed if i will not teach my kids my native tongue (if i have one, one day)
I can foresee my future husband talking to them in Tagalog anyway hehehe

That would be fun to watch! lol

23rd November 2008, 17:02
Yes I agree...:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: I voted already the poll hehehehehe!!! :):):):):)

I REALLY have to TEACH them our NATIVE DIALECT so that my kids can mingle to their cousins, aunts and uncles here in PINAS :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2008, 17:12
my husband wants to learn our language that's better to teach them so they can communicate to our fellow people

23rd November 2008, 17:18
Will they be bullied if they know how to speak Filipino?


I never heard that someone has been bullied for speaking Filipino language. :rolleyes:
And answer to that poll, as a filipina, YES definitely!

23rd November 2008, 18:07
I think I would feel ashamed if i will not teach my kids my native tongue (if i have one, one day)
I can foresee my future husband talking to them in Tagalog anyway hehehe

That would be fun to watch! lol

if the kids are going to be living in the uk, i would be more ashamed that i would be teaching they tag instead of english :NoNo:, i'm sure most kids who come from the phils to the uk will be behind the average uk kid at the same age in many subjects at school. get your priorities right :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2008, 18:12
Yes I agree, if they can speak and understand tagalog that would be great, especially if they come to the Phils.

23rd November 2008, 18:30
if the kids are going to be living in the uk, i would be more ashamed that i would be teaching they tag instead of english :NoNo:, i'm sure most kids who come from the phils to the uk will be behind the average uk kid at the same age in many subjects at school. get your priorities right :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I never said i will not be teaching them English lol... it's a given fact that they will learn English if they are born & live in the UK.

Just saying that it is also my responsibility to teach them Tagalog.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2008, 18:52
Do I have any choice? Our children will have to speak Bisaya, Tagalog and English - I hope that they will be far ahead of their classmates in English!

23rd November 2008, 20:52
Well English is a must both education systems use it and then its send them over for the summer and sink or swim with tagalog:D

By then they should know enough English to speak loud at their Phill realtives and say " Do you speak English" "Can i have a Drink please" Keep that dodgy looking non hatched chick in a egg away from me" and off course "can you cook that bloody Dried fish somewhere else, ta"

23rd November 2008, 21:00
Here are the guided questions in answering the Poll, I have just created:

Shall we or shall we not teach them Filipino Language?

What will be the effects? Confusion or A Skill: Speaking Both Languages, or 3 even! English-Filipino-(Dialect: Ilonggo, Bisaya, Bikol etc)

Will they be bullied if they know how to speak Filipino?


Share your experiences too regarding this matter... This will be very helpful for New Mums in raising their Children (in tapping both worlds).

Thank you!

Definitely yes to teach them how to speak Filipino:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2008, 21:40
if the kids are going to be living in the uk, i would be more ashamed that i would be teaching they tag instead of english :NoNo:, i'm sure most kids who come from the phils to the uk will be behind the average uk kid at the same age in many subjects at school. get your priorities right :xxgrinning--00xx3:

yeah, i know a family whose kids are also filipinos but when they migrated here 3 yrs ago ... the kids (6-8y/o) find it difficult to adjust because of the language... a year after, they can't speak Filipino!

Now, the parents talk to them in English. Kids, can't understand them when they speak in Filipino or Bicol Dialect.

Quite a dilemma there... that is why i'm asking some your opinions re. this...


23rd November 2008, 21:41
I never heard that someone has been bullied for speaking Filipino language. :rolleyes:
And answer to that poll, as a filipina, YES definitely!

yeah, think i need to simplify the answers to just

PLS IGNORE THE BULLYING PART... hmmm... wonder how to edit the choices?


23rd November 2008, 21:51
Of course Yes! as hubby said better if we teach them in english first ... then later tagalog :)

23rd November 2008, 23:50
yeah, i know a family whose kids are also filipinos but when they migrated here 3 yrs ago ... the kids (6-8y/o) find it difficult to adjust because of the language... a year after, they can't speak Filipino!

Now, the parents talk to them in English. Kids, can't understand them when they speak in Filipino or Bicol Dialect.

Quite a dilemma there... that is why i'm asking some your opinions re. this...


Im surprised schools dont have teachers/parents who can give advice
on this. As its surprsing how similar familys and pupils i meet have varying levels of mother tongue skills. From non existant mother tongue skills to parents holding back children by not helping them with their English at all.

So how do Parents here ensure a good balance?

Do they thinking oral skills are enough or are written skills important as well?

24th November 2008, 03:01
My youngest daughter was brought up in Portugal she was 16 months when we arrived there and she learned English in the house and Portuguese at the neighbors and was fluent in both by age 4 because she played with other kids (in the Local language ) she would also play in the house always in Portuguese and later when she was seven and I lived in Spain she was fluent in this language (more so than I ) within 6 months and could also transfer to French when we lived there so my experience suggests the more you expose your kids to languages and the earlier the better the easier it is for them to become multi-lingual:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th November 2008, 18:24
Im surprised schools dont have teachers/parents who can give advice
on this. As its surprsing how similar familys and pupils i meet have varying levels of mother tongue skills. From non existant mother tongue skills to parents holding back children by not helping them with their English at all.

So how do Parents here ensure a good balance?

Do they thinking oral skills are enough or are written skills important as well?

yeah.. there should be a parenting course regarding this hehe :gp::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th November 2008, 18:29
My youngest daughter was brought up in Portugal she was 16 months when we arrived there and she learned English in the house and Portuguese at the neighbors and was fluent in both by age 4 because she played with other kids (in the Local language ) she would also play in the house always in Portuguese and later when she was seven and I lived in Spain she was fluent in this language (more so than I ) within 6 months and could also transfer to French when we lived there so my experience suggests the more you expose your kids to languages and the earlier the better the easier it is for them to become multi-lingual:xxgrinning--00xx3:

wow! that is so amazing... hmm i have read somewhere (long time ago) that kids do speak lots of languages without them/us knowing it! yep, very true, maybe observe your young ones when they are playing alone... they sometimes talk to their toys/ dolls speaking in different words that you cant even understand (hmmm... hehe) they might not know it but WOW! That is magnificent!

so with these, u mean to say (ermm i mean to say...) we once spoke in different languages too hehehe... coooooolllll....:omg:

24th November 2008, 22:04
hehehe...my son is starting to learn both languages. his dad speak to him in english and i speak to him in filipino, hehehehe....he also knows how to do "mano po". :Hellooo:lolz!

24th November 2008, 22:15
hehehe...my son is starting to learn both languages. his dad speak to him in english and i speak to him in filipino, hehehehe....he also knows how to do "mano po". :Hellooo:lolz!

True signs of being a Filipino,:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th November 2008, 22:27
hehehe...my son is starting to learn both languages. his dad speak to him in english and i speak to him in filipino, hehehehe....he also knows how to do "mano po". :Hellooo:lolz!

yep, that is a very good practice! definitely they have to know a lil bit of our customs&traditions and ofcourse values! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th December 2008, 04:21
Yes I agree we need to teach them our language:xxgrinning--00xx3:
but depends on what stage they are:)
In my experience its hard to mixed language and it delay the way on how a child talk. During 1st stage stick with only one language so it's better for the child what first language she/he will be familiar to speak and eventually make it slow teaching the 2nd language:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th December 2008, 11:56
definitely i agree :D
i have cousins born and live in US.. they don't speak tagalog/kapampangan but they do understand it..
one case it will be important for them is no one can fool them here in the philippines...
and i guess it's their right to learn Tagalog for they are also Filipinos :)

12th December 2008, 14:28
definitely i agree :D

and i guess it's their right to learn Tagalog for they are also Filipinos :)


if their born in the uk, they are britsh , and if you don't want your child to struggle at school learning english should come first b4 tag. sure they should learn another language but dont let it mean they will fall behind other kids in their class.

12th December 2008, 17:28

if their born in the UK they are british , and if you don't want your child to struggle at school learning english should come first b4 tag. sure they should learn another language but dont let it mean they will fall behind other kids in their class.

well if they born in UK definitely they will learn english.. my husband is British and there's no way he will speak our kids tagalog.
through my readings kids age from 2 to 5 years old, can easily learn different languages and it's the best time to teach them. Kids learn foreign languages more easily than adults do.
their nationality will be British but their blood is half English and half Filipino. i've been a private tutor for Koreans and Chinese kids, so far i haven't got any students who struggle at school. for they learned quickly English and Tagalog. also maybe it depends on the capacity of a child to learn.. they will only fall behind other kids in their class if they are not bright enough.:)