View Full Version : New Baby!!!

6th September 2006, 12:20
Hi everyone,

i just thought i would let you all know that Rhea and i are expecting our first baby. All being well the baby will arrive in April 2007.

If you have any advice or experience with pregnancy or babies then let us know..

We have not decided what names we are going to choose so let us know what names you like if and when you have your own children..:D

6th September 2006, 12:22
Congratulations John and Rhea from Brian and Ashley. Hope everything goes well

6th September 2006, 12:24
Congrats..... you will be a great father for your first baby and Rhea also.. Do u like biblical names?

6th September 2006, 12:26
Congrats..... you will be a great father for that baby.. Do u like biblical names?

Yes we both like Bibical names....

Rhea wanted a bibical name for a girl who was one of i think Job's children.

We will find out after 20 weeks what the sex of the child is and then we can narrow down some names. She will be 2 months pregnant on 10th September....

6th September 2006, 12:31
Wow thats a great news!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH..

6th September 2006, 12:32
That's cool john... I can tell how happy you are now...coz your finally a dad!!!
Have a great day!

6th September 2006, 12:34
That's cool john... I can tell how happy you are now...coz your a dad finally!!!
Have a great day!

Thanks for your kind words!!

It is working out well for us as we are planning to move to the Philippines and we really wanted at least our first child to be born in the uk.:)

6th September 2006, 13:34
Now you have to learn how to knit little socks :)

6th September 2006, 22:02
Congratulation to the couple John & Rhea. Wow how exciting to be a parents, I don't have pregnancies advice as we didn't spot on yet. But be ready to climb a mango tree if she desperately fancies a fresh mango pick by yourself alone. :BouncyHappy:

7th September 2006, 11:33
Congrats John I wish you all well

8th October 2006, 04:03
Congratulation to the couple John & Rhea. Wow how exciting to be a parents, I don't have pregnancies advice as we didn't spot on yet. But be ready to climb a mango tree if she desperately fancies a fresh mango pick by yourself alone. :BouncyHappy:

yah right erve,,rhea would like to eat sour mango :Erm: but thats a common fruit that theyre always looking.

8th October 2006, 04:06
Hi everyone,

i just thought i would let you all know that Rhea and i are expecting our first baby. All being well the baby will arrive in April 2007.

If you have any advice or experience with pregnancy or babies then let us know..

We have not decided what names we are going to choose so let us know what names you like if and when you have your own children..:D

try to give her a sour mango.

16th October 2006, 22:57
John - some advise for you.

For a male (and this sounds cruel) for the first 6 months or so all you will see is the son/daughter you love so much, but is not much more than a bag of skin and bones who cries, eats, occassionally sleeps and never at the right times, and makes VERY smelly nappies full of wee and poo.

Then after 6 months or so there will be a breakthrough, you will notice that your son/daughter will be able to sit up and play, and thats where you come in. It will dawn on you after spending 3-4 hours or so trying to get the right shapes in the right holes. And what a feeling of satisfaction that will be for you (it was for me).

SO to conclude the first 6 months you will spend wondering what all the fuss was about and then interaction will occur, on a level you/me can deal with. The good bit is when you learn the tone of your son/daughters cry. Each tone will mean either 'nappy change required immediately', 'food required immediately', 'cuddles required immediately', 'go away i am too sleepy to be bothered by you' or 'i am not feeling well'. When you learn these different cries a whole new world will open for you and parenting will become a whole lot easier.

PS. Also learn to deal with the FACT that you are now second priority in your asawa's list, not first. As long as you realise this and accept it, it will help your personal relationship with your asawa.

Good luck mate, its the best thing that can ever happen to anyone, and you should appreciate the early years as much as possible. Mine is now 12 yrs old, has a b/f and no longer listens to her fathers worldly advise.

17th October 2006, 06:30
You'll the best DAD in the world John :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2006, 14:28
Congratulations Jhon and Rhea!!!!

All the best ......

24th October 2006, 20:48
Congrats to both of you :-)