View Full Version : Beer and Female Hormones...

8th December 2008, 16:32
Yesterday scientists revealed that beer contains small traces of female hormones. To prove their theory, the scientists fed 100 men 12 pints of beer and observed that 100% of them gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became emotional, and couldn't drive. :yikes:

No further testing is planned. :D

8th December 2008, 23:06
(Man visits doctor about a sexual problem..)

Man: Doctor I feel terribly embarrassed, but I've got a 'small' problem...when I make love with my wife, I have a 'small' problem..you know...I'm a bit small...

Doctor: Hmmmm, now when your in the bar with your friends, what do you drink?

Man: I drink Fosters!

Doctor: Aha! Now there's your problem you see..when you drink Fosters it makes things shrink and go smaller!:yikes: So what you need to do is to drink Guiness instead!

Man: Guiness? You mean that black Irish bitter stuff?

Doctor: Yes! Guiness is good for you! It makes you big and strong! If you need to get bigger, drink Guiness!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Man: Thankyou doctor! I will try that!:)

Doctor: Good! I'll contact you in a months time to see how you are getting on!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

(One month passes..)

Doctor: So how are you getting on now?

Man: Oh fantastic! My sex life is just great now!:cwm12:

Doctor: Good, so your drinking Guiness now?

Man: Are you kidding? I've got my wife drinking Fosters..:yikes:


9th December 2008, 00:47
Beer and female hormones..new from Armani. the bahot collection

11th December 2008, 22:55
A drunk was seen staggering about with a key in his hand...a policeman stops and says "Sir, are you ok?" The drunk says "Shhomebody shhtole my car!" The policeman looks at him and says "Sir, are you aware your penis is hanging out?" The drunk says "Oh no! Shhomebody shhtole my girlfriend too!":Erm:


6th January 2009, 05:10
Ha ha ha its really a very good joke... at the same time this matter is very important that we should not drink and drive....

visa information (http://www.visasintl.com/):Rasp: