View Full Version : Bog Roll

17th December 2008, 16:45
Bog roll. Must without doubt be the most exciting topic this year :Erm:

I would quite willingly give up my way of life in the UK for a much better quality of life in the Philippines. I don't want western indulgence, I was more than comfortable with my wife's lifestyle.
I had no problem dealing with government officials, the driving, the weather or anything else there. At no time did I feel out of place,


I have a 12 year old daughter, and if I even mention moving there, the answer is no, not unless her school and anywhere we visit has loo paper and a flushing loo:)

So, a much more serious question, I wonder how much foreign investmentb they are losing due to the lack of bog rolls???:Cuckoo:

17th December 2008, 19:50
Money is tight, we use both sides :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
17th December 2008, 19:53
Money is tight, we use both sides :xxgrinning--00xx3:


17th December 2008, 20:11
Do you use condtioner when cleaning the bog roll so its softer on your:action-smiley-081:

17th December 2008, 22:21
Do you use condtioner when cleaning the bog roll so its softer on your:action-smiley-081:

Toilet humour? :Erm:

17th December 2008, 23:07
A bear and a rabbit are sitting beside each other...having a pooh! The bear says to the rabbit "Hey, when you go for a pooh, do you find it sticks to your fur?"

The rabbit says "No!":Erm:

So the bear picks the rabbit up, wipes his bum with it and walks away..



18th December 2008, 05:18
A bear and a rabbit are sitting beside each other...having a pooh! The bear says to the rabbit "Hey, when you go for a pooh, do you find it sticks to your fur?"

The rabbit says "No!":Erm:

So the bear picks the rabbit up, wipes his bum with it and walks away..




18th December 2008, 10:08
I found myself desperate in a shopping mall and just has to go and of course there was no bog roll in there. The wife said if they put bog roll in public toilets in shopping malls etc, it would be nicked in less than 5 minutes. Luckily I had been warned about the general lack of bog roll in Phils and when I'm there, I always carry some tissue around with me.

18th December 2008, 22:51
same here i am quite happy living to my homeland if there's opportunities to earn enough or morethan what me and my family need to have a better life..unfortunately not:NoNo: Here I am in a foreign land Im happy here coz I've got a job I earn fair enough to give myself a bit of comfort as well for my family.


There's no place like home...I don't mind having no bog roll there's always alternative:Erm:

19th December 2008, 09:40
There's no place like home...I don't mind having no bog roll there's always alternative:Erm:

Of course there is an alternative. A friend of mine visited a while ago with his daughter, who is nearly 16, good few years older than my daughter.

She went into the bathroom, which was off the living room full of people, finished then looked around for the loo roll. All she saw was an assortment of plastic containers, a saucepan that wouldn't cook much as it was plastic, and a big container full of water.

No doubt no-one in the living room even realised that she was in there, but she felt as if they were all waiting for her to come out, so what does she do?

What container is used for what? Must be a protocol.

She undressed and got under the shower, and came out with her clothes wet (no towell) and in tears.

We were luckier, as I was used to some communities in SA not using loo roll, so my daughter was forewarned and prepared.

22nd December 2008, 20:14
I wish people would only realize what a great place Philly is, and IGNORE all that bad news about the place..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd December 2008, 17:40
From speaking to my baby today, it seems it's raining cats and dogs in Dipolog! Who'd a thought it, worse weather than Manchester!!!!!!!!!!!