View Full Version : to apply spouse visa

29th December 2008, 08:32
hello to all

just to know what is the main papaer work that we need in appying spouse visa
yes i found the list here some, aside from MC Marriage Certificate), both birth certificate, latest 6 months payslip..chats, email pictures ..what esle we do ned to apply spouse visa, do we need all original of husband birth certificate? passport or just xerox?
we got kids if we decide to apply for there passport is it possible also though we may done to take them later ...or just want to clarify do our kids qualify to apply british passport? my husband is english and after our wedding here on philippines they are born (2007, 2008 born and 2004)..and what we need in applying passport for kids...hope any diea are welcome thank you
and also my paspsort have just expire would i need to amend it when i renew it..or same as what i use my single name?

29th December 2008, 12:32
hi ross,

documents from U.K. need not to be original, it can be photocopy or emailed to u. about your passport change it to your married name while u are in Philippines thats less hassle and cheaper. I presumed that all kids are of your husband, i read thread here that u can apply british passport right away...

29th December 2008, 13:19
Yeah,if the father of your 3 kids is your British husband now,you can apply your kids a British passport at the british embassy,on that case you dont need to pay for their shocking less than 50 thousand pesos visa fee like us,and yes renew your passport now using your married name

29th December 2008, 13:45
yes of course all kids are from my husband :)

oh wow good to know i wont be paying for there passport..whats that less 50 thousand..

do i can directly apply for my kids paasport without hassle what do i need in applying..should i bring them am from mindanao and bit far from Luzon..so need to know the details in applying there passport please anyone who done this i need help to sort things
thank you

29th December 2008, 14:09
What i mean about the 50,000 pesos is about the visa fee,(settlement)because if they had British passport of course you don't need to pay for their visa fee w/c cost less than 50k i guess you need to bring them at the British Embassy located in Taguig, and along w/ their original birth certificate and your marriage contract ,all the documents must be original

Now i wonder if they also need Philippine passport,just keep in touch here and when you wake up,expect loads of reply from your thread,i bet all your queries will be answered

Good luck Ross

29th December 2008, 16:46
What i mean about the 50,000 pesos is about the visa fee

thats 50,000php for each child :yikes:

so get them registered at the british embassy and apply for a passport for each of them, i don't know the cost but i would have thought it should be similar to the cost of applying for a childs passport in the uk, about 3,500 php each.

also it saves a lot of hassle if you get them passports now and while your there. so give the embassy a call find out what you need to take with you, as mrs.jmajor has already said, i think you will need their birth certs, your husbands passport, marriage cert, and maybe yours and your hubby birth certs.

29th December 2008, 18:07
Hope it all goes well !

30th December 2008, 05:37
oh..3,500 each blimey tought same with the cost of philippines passprt 500/each

thnks mrs mjor..joeblogg is it ok if only birth cert and our marriage contract..to bring..with no passport from my husband?

30th December 2008, 07:14
You will need more documents, see this link from the UK embassy website http://ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk/en/passports/how-apply

Child – below 16 years old / Adult – 16 years and over

Please submit ORIGINAL documents and PHOTOCOPY of each document

Passport interviews are a new part of the application process to protect an individual’s identity. They are required by all customers applying for a passport for the first time. Interview will take place at the time of receipt of the application or at a later date. Parents will be called in for an interview for first time applicants aged below 16 years old.

1) Completed C1 Form (for applicants 16 years & over) or C2 Form (for applicants below 16 years old); signed on every page
2) 2 Photos (see photo guidelines and notes on the Passport application form)
3) Child’s birth certificate, if born in the Philippines, child’s Philippine Birth Certificate on National Statistics Office Security Paper (NSO)
4) Philippine passport of child (if applicable)
5) Birth certificates of all other brothers and sisters
6) Parents’ birth certificate
British Citizen parent, submit UK Long birth certificate (If you do not have this, you may get a certified copy from the GRO. Please visit: www.gro.gov.uk for more details)
Philippine born parent, submit NSO birth certificate
7) If parents were naturalised/registered British citizens, parents must submit their Certificate of Naturalisation and their passports at the time of the birth
8) Marriage certificate, if marriage took place in the Philippines, submit NSO marriage certificate
9) Divorce decree absolute/Death certificate of spouse (if applicable)
10) Original passport/s of parent/s (present and previous passports)
11) If parents are not married, mother’s written consent to the issuance of a passport to her child
12) Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) for Philippine citizen mother, if not married to the father of the applicant
13) Hospital records of birth, i.e. pre-natal check-up, ultrasounds, hospital bills

I applied in December for our son and the cost for passport was 5,928 at the current embassy rate of £1 = 78 peso

30th December 2008, 09:05
oh..3,500 each blimey tought same with the cost of philippines passprt 500/each

thnks mrs mjor..joeblogg is it ok if only birth cert and our marriage contract..to bring..with no passport from my husband?

so as rusty's post u need your hub passport refer #7 but obviously i just said the rest of them :)

Good luck ross,you can make it,no worries if you don't have place to stay while sorting all doc here in manila,i can refer u one,

30th December 2008, 15:14
I applied in December for our son and the cost for passport was 5,928 at the current embassy rate of £1 = 78 peso

6,000php + , why so much !

at least it's a lot cheaper than 50k!

30th December 2008, 15:26
6,000php + , why so much !

at least it's a lot cheaper than 50k!

very true Joe,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

what they want? no British passport then pay settlement fee more than 40k :NoNo: or applied for their British passport for only 6000

31st December 2008, 04:35
hello to all

just to know what is the main papaer work that we need in appying spouse visa
yes i found the list here some, aside from MC Marriage Certificate), both birth certificate, latest 6 months payslip..chats, email pictures ..what esle we do ned to apply spouse visa, do we need all original of husband birth certificate? passport or just xerox?
we got kids if we decide to apply for there passport is it possible also though we may done to take them later ...or just want to clarify do our kids qualify to apply british passport? my husband is english and after our wedding here on philippines they are born (2007, 2008 born and 2004)..and what we need in applying passport for kids...hope any diea are welcome thank you
and also my paspsort have just expire would i need to amend it when i renew it..or same as what i use my single name?
Hi Ross i think the best advice i can give you since your passport expired already maybe its best if you have it ammended you just need to attend the cfo seminar first so you can ammend it they require it if your married to a foreign national..

Id like to share also my experience on my daughters registration cause she got her british passport and birth certificate at the same time just last year when me and my husband applied for it.

Firstly we went to the embassy to get an application form for our childs registration then they will give you a list of requirements that you will be needing to submit and at the same time the fee you need to pay.

31st December 2008, 04:40
same time the fee you need to pay.

how much did you pay for your daughter's British passport Mia ?

31st December 2008, 04:54
how much did you pay for your daughter's British passport Mia ?
Hello Juliet we paid 14,345 Php for my daughters registration thats including the birth certificate and for the passport that was around 7,000 Php this was last year though i dont know how much is the fee right now as it depends on the pound rate..

31st December 2008, 05:08
Hello Juliet we paid 14,345 Php for my daughters registration thats including the birth certificate and for the passport that was around 7,000 Php this was last year though i dont know how much is the fee right now as it depends on the pound rate..

:yikes: no body :NoNo: thought of that 14,345 registration phew only they thought of passport w/c 6k

Thanks for that info mia

2nd January 2009, 07:26
Hello Ross,

I just want to share something in you,I got married last May 2008 to a British citizen and gave birth here in the Philippines last July 2008.I applied a British passport for my daughter last Nov 2008 at the consular office in Manila Mckinley hills taguig to where the Embassy is located, it only took me 10 working days from the day I applied then I got it then. At the moment I am waiting for my spouse visa result. I never pay any visa fee for my daughter cos she has a British passport now but I paid 6.840 last Nov as the pound rate was higher and I think this year they will change it into 75 pesos per pound so it will be lesser then. Well If ever you need some help or some questions or any ideas, you can email me then at this address,praise_gray@yahoo.com cos I can help you whatever I can do. Hope your daughter's passport will be sorted soon as possible. Anyway where are you right now? Still in Philippines or in United Kingdom?

About your passport, if it's already expired, you can renew it and you can use your hubby's family name if you are legally married .All they will be going to ask you is the completed passport form and then your marriage contract from NSO together with your latest picture with a royal blue background..

Also about the spouse visa requirements, it's easy, just provide whatever you can which will help you with your visa application. If your husband was divorced, they will need his original divorced paper, his original birth certificate His xerox current passport with stamps. Your marriage contract from NSO.Chat conversations,and etc. Your kids birth certificate from NSO. Your original birth certificate , payslips of your husband, bank statements for at least 6 months, pics together and the family, visa fee of course but to remind you effective Jan 5th 2009 the visa fee gone down to 75 pesos so multiply it to 515 pounds then but they wont accept cash, u will need to purchase a managers check payable to the british embassy manila. Then accomodation. Take pictures of the interior and exterior of the house. And so on. Just email me then if you like. Thanks and good luck on your application. God bless us all.

2nd January 2009, 13:44
thank for all the reply..

rusty..what if my husband was not here his in uk right now working can i apply myself for our kids do i need to ask him to send his Original paasport as well?
miayela how come you pay rough 14,345? i tough about 6000 only? what u mean registration? is there a separate payment of getting kids paasport i have already my kids birth certifacicate from NSO..what else do i need
again what is that registration of 14,345?? i dont get it lol

2nd January 2009, 13:46
mrs mjor yes can you refer which place is that if ok i would love to know and sort dox for kids ..i greatly appreaciate your help i need a cheap place to stay more power and looking of ur reply

2nd January 2009, 14:17
As Miayela said ,you need to register your kids at the British embassy, that 14,345 including passport already,now u have the NSO birth certificate,then complete all the Doc of what rusty put in list,,and for sure collecting all the documents,will take u long time,how can i contact you then ? to refer that place ,while sorting your doc.

you can apply your kids passport all by yourself even your hubby wasn't here, just make sure all information like his passport,birth certificate,your marriage cert etc....etc...

oppsss need to edit this thread of mine as i saw mia's post that passport is separate fee,then a total of 20k then,pheww

3rd January 2009, 12:23
thank for all the reply..

rusty..what if my husband was not here his in uk right now working can i apply myself for our kids do i need to ask him to send his Original paasport as well?
miayela how come you pay rough 14,345? i tough about 6000 only? what u mean registration? is there a separate payment of getting kids paasport i have already my kids birth certifacicate from NSO..what else do i need
again what is that registration of 14,345?? i dont get it lol
Hi Ross the fee for your childs passport is separate from the registration fee of your child.. You have to register your children as british citizen first before getting there passport but you can apply for both at the same time, the 14k is the cost for just the registration fee and then the passport is 6k..

Actually i still have the reciept..

If you want to know the current price about the registration of your child you could email the consular section at the british embassy at CONS-Manila@fco.gov.uk..

And you can check at there website thru http://ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for-british-nationals/living-in-the-philippines/how-register-birth-and-death/how-register-birth so you would know what would be the requirements and the fee for your childs registration and passport. I hope this helps..:)

4th January 2009, 06:02
hello all

thanks for all the reply..
shayla thnaks for inf too am still here in philippines will sorted so much things ..how much did you actually pay for your daughters british pasport? what documents you actually submitt? i know some req have already written here just want to know from you who actually done and get the passport alredy for your daughter..again pls let me know of equirement u submmit plus the total actaiul amouth you pay to the embassy..where you here in Philippines am fom Davao so am bit really far and wnt to sure things when i go there in Manila to apply..etc...
MRS MJMJOR ill contact you again when i sort thinhsg here i hope you still here on foum..

4th January 2009, 06:20
MRS MJMJOR ill contact you again when i sort thinhsg here i hope you still here on forum..

yap :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mia,hmm confusing Shayla said she dint pay the registration>>>> :Erm:

4th January 2009, 10:29
yap :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mia,hmm confusing Shayla said she dint pay the registration>>>> :Erm:

from http://ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for-british-nationals/living-in-the-philippines/how-register-birth-and-death/how-register-birth

it states A Consular Birth Registration is not a legal requirement , but it is recommended.

recommended you do, but you don't have, so depending on how much money you have.. good point is you get a British style birth cert.

4th January 2009, 13:30
As Joe says, the benifit is that you gat a British style birth certificate.

When I applied on December 2, the rate was £1=78PHP
passport was 5,928
registration was 11,778 (2 fees 4,602 & 7,176)

All the requirements are as I listed previously, i would suggest you contact the embassy regarding what can be accepted as copies and what originals are needed.

There is an office in Cebu if thats easier thwn going to Manila.

4th January 2009, 13:43
There is an office in Cebu if thats easier than going to Manila.

Hey,take note of this ross, :Hellooo:

4th January 2009, 14:20
from http://ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for-british-nationals/living-in-the-philippines/how-register-birth-and-death/how-register-birth

it states A Consular Birth Registration is not a legal requirement , but it is recommended.

recommended you do, but you don't have, so depending on how much money you have.. good point is you get a British style birth cert.

When we applied in November 2007 it was a requirement to register our daughter as a british citizen before being able to get a british passport, but as i said we were able to apply for both at the same time.

The best thing for you to do is to contact the british embassy and ask for the requirements to clear up all your queries..

4th January 2009, 15:13
Hey,take not of this ross

why u say that Mrs.JMajor

4th January 2009, 15:22
why u say that Mrs.JMajor

because shes from Mindanao :Erm: so i wonder if Cebu as u mention is more convenient for her to go, rather Manila,

4th January 2009, 15:31
Thats why I say IF its easier.

4th January 2009, 15:36
Hi,saw your location was in Norfolk,my hubby is from great yarmouth

4th January 2009, 15:40
nope, live just south of Norwich.

Originally from Kent, moved here for work.

5th January 2009, 07:47
Goodluck Ross to your application and I hope you can sort it easily for your kids' Bristish passport without any hassle:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2009, 18:41
rusty..benefit? so would be ok t just get and pay for britist passort for kids...wihtout registration to be british citizen

6th January 2009, 21:00
As previously mentioned by joebloggs and taken from the British embassy website

A Consular Birth Registration is not a legal requirement , but it is recommended.

Births outside the Philippines will need to be forwarded to the relevant British Embassy post for registering.

The advantages are that

• A British style birth certificate is available as evidence of British nationality
• A record of the birth will afterwards be held in the General Registry Office in the United Kingdom. Further copies can be obtained from the General Registry Office

7th January 2009, 14:26
thanks rusty just bit confuse to what Miayela say ..about befoe you should be able to get passport for kids she have to registered for british citizenship..;) hellllo whats the truth lol..anyway
ty for all advice..anyone who got kids pasport tell me if you did same thing..

12th January 2009, 10:48
Sorry, am new to this site, so more than likely this question has been raised / replied to before , but .....
We're in the process of gathering the various doucuments to get my girlfriend a fiance visa, so

1. My house ..... obviously the Building Society hold the deeds, so do I need a copy, or will an annual statement from tthe Building Society be sufficient.

2. I need to send a six-monthly bank account statement. I'm also (obviously) sending a photocopy of my passport. These two together are a fraudster's dream. Therefore, are u allowed to "blank" out the actual account number / sort code, but obviously leave my name ?

Thks in advance..... and I'm sure I'll have more questions over the coming days.


12th January 2009, 11:31
Sorry, am new to this site, so more than likely this question has been raised / replied to before , but .....
We're in the process of gathering the various doucuments to get my girlfriend a fiance visa, so

1. My house ..... obviously the Building Society hold the deeds, so do I need a copy, or will an annual statement from tthe Building Society be sufficient.

2. I need to send a six-monthly bank account statement. I'm also (obviously) sending a photocopy of my passport. These two together are a fraudster's dream. Therefore, are u allowed to "blank" out the actual account number / sort code, but obviously leave my name ?

Thks in advance..... and I'm sure I'll have more questions over the coming days.


you need a mortgage statements,6mths of bank statements,house bills like gas and electricity,landline phone, water, your yearly income tax, 6mths of pay slips, council tax, your p60 and yes your passport,birth cer., baptismal and evidence of your relationship like emails,text and letters

12th January 2009, 11:52
for the info VBKELLY... yes, I'm aware of all this, but it's the answer to No.2 I'm really looking for.

I'm sure others on here have had the same thoughts, the same concerns ... so am I allowed to "blank" out the actual account number(s) of my bank accounts ????

12th January 2009, 14:24
BluebirdJones - I think you can block out the account numbers. Others have mentioned doing this.

Are you a City fan? Just BluebirdJones seems a familiar name in the fanzine world.

12th January 2009, 14:57
Yes, I'm a dedicated City fan.

Yes, I worked on the fanzine in the early days.... added a few articles, proof-read it, sold it at away games etc etc.... but Mike Slocombe is/was the main man.

Appreciate the info re:bank account numbers.
(I'm obviously assuming that this info is not "shared" with other Govt depts ?... the less they know about me & my financial "arrangements" the better !)

12th January 2009, 17:03
I blocked out the account numbers in my sponsors statement.

13th January 2009, 00:08
some tips from a well known immigration site

# Owing to the sophistication of forgers, your attachments should be originals.
# We are now recommending that a photocopy be included with every original.
# When submitting original bank statements, the sort code and account number can be blackened out in order to prevent identity theft; this information can be given separately.
# When submitting original salary slips, the National Insurance Number can be blackened out in order to prevent identity theft; this information can be given separately.
# It is perfectly acceptable to give the applicant a sealed envelop with all your attachments inside. Mark the envelop "CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS: To be opened by the ECO". And include a self-addressed envelop so they can be sent back to you.
# Don't overdo it with photographs and mementos
# If you opt to include email or chat transcripts, be VERY careful about what they contain

13th January 2009, 00:13
Appreciate the info re:bank account numbers.
(I'm obviously assuming that this info is not "shared" with other Govt depts ?... the less they know about me & my financial "arrangements" the better !)

:Erm: and i thought you was worried about ID theft :doh

i didn't think a UK bank would tell or confirm anything with The embassy, because of the data protection act, but i know in other countries the British embassy can contact a bank and ask about the account and transactions :NoNo:

and what you worried about, got something to hide :rolleyes:

13th January 2009, 10:05
and what you worried about, got something to hide :rolleyes:

Quite right....:rolleyes:

Isn't being a city supporter a thing to hide from everyone...???:doh

13th January 2009, 14:27
having worked & traded in the financial markets for years, it's a natural thing to be suspicious and evasive.
Remember, information is "king".... the person with access to it is in the driving seat. Information is money... so never give it away for free.

I've always worked on the premise, that only tell "officialdom" what they ask, or what they need, so I've never ever volunteered information. Maybe I believe in this "Big Brother" thing too much... but I think they know too much about you already (tracking e-mails, mobile phones, etc etc).

.... so sending various docs (about me & my affairs) across half the world is a new and daunting experience..... a bit like withdrawal symptoms !

But if the end justifies the means ... so be it :ARsurrender:

13th January 2009, 17:08
Quite right....:rolleyes:

Isn't being a city supporter a thing to hide from everyone...???:doh

Especially after losing 3-0 to my team Forest !

13th January 2009, 17:20
thanks rusty just bit confuse to what Miayela say ..about befoe you should be able to get passport for kids she have to registered for british citizenship..;) hellllo whats the truth lol..anyway
ty for all advice..anyone who got kids pasport tell me if you did same thing..

Well that was our experience when we registered our daughter, that was in 2007..
Likewise i said from my post that its best for you to contact the british embassy and ask them with regards to your childs passport and registration for you to be able to clarify everything..

13th January 2009, 17:23
... I think you'll find that Manchester City are NOT the Bluebirds ! :NoNo:


14th January 2009, 02:10
yap :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mia,hmm confusing Shayla said she dint pay the registration>>>> :Erm:


Yes I didn't pay the registration fee but I paid 6.840 pesos for the british passport of my daughter. It took me 10 days to get it. Anyway registration is not a legal requirement but it is recommended. It's up to the parents either they will register or apply the passport same time or apply for passport first then register later.

My husband and I are planning to register her in the UK if ever it's possible but if ever not then we will register her here in the Philippines. At the moment I'm still waiting for my visa result. Hope it's approved this time.. Thanks you and God bless!.:)