View Full Version : what's going on?

3rd January 2009, 11:34
Ive been a member of this forum for quite sometime and just recently Ive noticed there was a thread in here which made me famous..:Erm::icon_lol::Hellooo:

i can't remember if ive done something wrong with "them" and i can't understand why they have to use the forum to say nasty things about me??

anyway, I think it's just proper to say sorry for BOSS KEITH and all the MODERATORS and MEMBERS in here who become affected in one way or another with the attitude of some members in here..so am taking this opportunity to say SORRY to everyone Ive hurt in my posts...Happy New year everyone.;)

3rd January 2009, 11:43
Ive been a member of this forum for quite sometime and just recently Ive noticed there was a thread in here which made me famous..:Erm::icon_lol::Hellooo:

i can't remember if ive done something wrong with "them" and i can't understand why they have to use the forum to say nasty things about me??

anyway, I think it's just proper to say sorry for BOSS KEITH and all the MODERATORS and MEMBERS in here who become affected in one way or another with the attitude of some members in here..am so SORRY..

What you on about...???:Erm:

3rd January 2009, 11:46
What you on about...???:Erm:

I am just trying to make a fresh start since it's New year, Mod DOM..:D

3rd January 2009, 11:48
right kimmi my misses is on the way to pull your hair :D

women :doh give me 'mans best friend' anytime :rolleyes:

kimmi why you taking it to heart, your all making a mountain out of a mole hill :NoNo:

move on lady, it's not worth it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd January 2009, 11:48
Happy New Year amiga, God bless ypou and yours!

3rd January 2009, 11:52
I am just trying to make a fresh start since it's New year, Mod DOM..:D

fresh start you would have dropped it, like the other person has...

kimmi i'm surprised your even bothered about it :NoNo:

water of a ducks back, just like scouser Keith call me a muppet :icon_lol:, well at least i'm not a shell suite wearing one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

move on kimmi :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd January 2009, 11:53
right kimmi my misses is on the way to pull your hair :D

women :doh give me 'mans best friend' anytime :rolleyes:

kimmi why you taking it to heart, your all making a mountain out of a mole hill :NoNo:

move on lady, it's not worth it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thanks for the advise Joe,it's really not worth it..that's why i am going to bury all the past behind since its New Year..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

Happy New Year amiga, God bless ypou and yours!

and u..regards to pia..;)

fresh start you would have dropped it, like the other person has...

kimmi i'm surprised your even bothered about it :NoNo:

water of a ducks back, just like scouser Keith call me a muppet :icon_lol:, well at least i'm not a shell suite wearing one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

move on kimmi :xxgrinning--00xx3:

don't worry joe, I will..ta again..:)

3rd January 2009, 12:02
Don’t feel sorry sis you’ve helped a lot of members here… trying your best to give good advices and made inspiration as well .:):xxgrinning--00xx3:
I believe it’s not your intention to hurt or offend anyone coz we treat everyone here as family. :cwm38::xxgrinning--00xx3:
To all those who are angry with kimmi please don’t used the forum to mess it up:NoNo:….If you want to discuss or seems make a debate of something post a new thread.. that will be informative to everyone:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Happy New Year..Peace Everyone:ARsurrender::Hellooo::Hellooo:

3rd January 2009, 13:04
r u practising to be an actress?ha ha ha[joke,joke,joke]HAPPY NEW YEAR!

3rd January 2009, 14:13
:Brick::Brick::Brick::Brick:what what what:Erm::Erm::Erm: .....whose going haahahhahaha:omg::omg:

3rd January 2009, 14:24
Ive been a member of this forum for quite sometime and just recently Ive noticed there was a thread in here which made me famous..:Erm::icon_lol::Hellooo:

i can't remember if ive done something wrong with "them" and i can't understand why they have to use the forum to say nasty things about me??

anyway, I think it's just proper to say sorry for BOSS KEITH and all the MODERATORS and MEMBERS in here who become affected in one way or another with the attitude of some members in here..so am taking this opportunity to say SORRY to everyone Ive hurt in my posts...Happy New year everyone.;)

Hmmm I think I have read about that, but I didn't take it seriously Kimmi. As far as I know, maybe because you always give good comments in almost all of your posts and that time they need your good comments:D Am I right?:BouncyHappy:

3rd January 2009, 14:34
Don’t feel sorry sis you’ve helped a lot of members here… trying your best to give good advices and made inspiration as well .:):xxgrinning--00xx3:
I believe it’s not your intention to hurt or offend anyone coz we treat everyone here as family. :cwm38::xxgrinning--00xx3:
To all those who are angry with kimmi please don’t used the forum to mess it up:NoNo:….If you want to discuss or seems make a debate of something post a new thread.. that will be informative to everyone:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Happy New Year..Peace Everyone:ARsurrender::Hellooo::Hellooo:

Well said Kuku, you have always been friendly and helpful Kimmi.

Smile be happy and live long......:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd January 2009, 14:55
I must be missing something! :Help1:

I've noticed a little controversy in one thread, but didn't think it involved Kimmi!

Perhaps I should just go back to sleep!

3rd January 2009, 14:55
Ive been a member of this forum for quite sometime and just recently Ive noticed there was a thread in here which made me famous..:Erm::icon_lol::Hellooo:

i can't remember if ive done something wrong with "them" and i can't understand why they have to use the forum to say nasty things about me??

anyway, I think it's just proper to say sorry for BOSS KEITH and all the MODERATORS and MEMBERS in here who become affected in one way or another with the attitude of some members in here..so am taking this opportunity to say SORRY to everyone Ive hurt in my posts...Happy New year everyone.;)

I have spoken to you before ( hope u still remember) and u mentioned that u want to help the new member of this forum by sharing your knowledge experience etc to them...

And i think your doing a damn good job!! .... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

There's nothing really going on Kimmi,perhaps ur just making a big deal out of nothing... :doh I called this Nonsense Anxiety!!! :D

Cheer up, stay Happy and continue what you love doing... :D

... now let me continue my search of my 3Bs :D ha ha ha

Kong Hei Fat Chow....

Blah Blah Blah.... whatever!


3rd January 2009, 15:28
after reading your post, I got cutious which thread you talking about and this I found out. Its a nice thread though. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Well Congrats for being Famous :xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol:
You are a big star like H. Mills :icon_lol:
Keep up th good works girl. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I thought this one:


But Kim is not famous like H. Mills:D. I can say, she is famous like Angelina Jolie:BouncyHappy:

3rd January 2009, 15:54
r u practising to be an actress?ha ha ha[joke,joke,joke]HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Yes I think you are right Ana May, :icon_lol:would you like to join in her FUNs Club? :icon_lol::icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Britains Got Talent will be on again soon. :icon_lol::icon_lol: I will vote for you Kimmi..:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol:

3rd January 2009, 15:59
no idea what happenning here, anyway happy new year to all

3rd January 2009, 16:18
no idea what happenning here, anyway happy new year to all

A prosperous and joyful New Year to you, too VBkelly.
As far as I know is concern theres nothing going on here :icon_lol:, Im just watching Tom and Jerry Cartoons on Teli and I love it so funny one.:icon_lol::icon_lol:

I`ve been watching it for ages but I ve no idea whose Tom and whose Jerry :Brick::icon_lol::icon_lol: The mice? and the dog?:bigcry:

3rd January 2009, 16:27
A prosperous and joyful New Year to you, too VBkelly.
As far as I know is concern theres nothing going on here :icon_lol:, Im just watching Tom and Jerry Cartoons on Teli and I love it so funny one.:icon_lol::icon_lol:

I`ve been watching it for ages but I ve no idea whose Tom and whose Jerry :Brick::icon_lol::icon_lol: The mice? and the dog?:bigcry:

hehehe that's the good one

3rd January 2009, 16:28
I hate wrinkles too and love to have kalog friends:xxgrinning--00xx3:. I am totally happy this weekend lols :icon_lol:
But last week, it was terrible as I lost my mobile:Brick:
My hubby accompanied me to hospital for a check-up and I told him to park the car infront of fish n chips shop as I feel so hungry. But after we had our food, I dumped the box into the bin. After few minutes, I found out that one of my mobile inside my pocket was missing:bigcry:. We went back to the carpark, to the store, but no lucky. I couldn't ring it as it is my roaming (Phil) sim.
Inside the car, I tried to send text message as I was thinking, it fell down underneath the car seat but no luck. We went back to where the bin was, as I might dumped my mobile together with the boxes. But there were 4 people standing beside the bin. I was too shy to open the bin and send text message so I can hear the tone if it is inside the bin:D But I need to find it as my hubby started to moan:doh so I opened the bin and trien to send text and listened carefully. But no luck again:bigcry: We went home and search online on how to do tracking, The problem is, it is roaming so we failed to track it. Then I sent message again telling this: "Please return my mobile and call this number as my hubby made me cry and keeps on blaming me. I'm afraid I'll stow away if I can't find it."
After few minutes, i received a call from police station:omg: Police said, your mobile is here, I want to ring your landline:omg: He talked to my hubby and done some investigations:D
Because of that, I failed to attend our party:Brick:

Happy new YEAR hope u enjoy reading:ARsurrender:

3rd January 2009, 16:40
I hate wrinkles too and love to have kalog friends:xxgrinning--00xx3:. I am totally happy this weekend lols :icon_lol:

Thats good to know you have a nice weekend after what had happend last week. Sometimes, things happend for reason. For you , you missed the party because you lost and found your cellphone.

I did not go away this weekend because I thought its going to rain the whole weekend as the wether report said, But good thing that I stayed home as my favorite Auntie came to visit me and that was great as I have not seen her for long long time.:)

3rd January 2009, 16:59
But last week, it was terrible as I lost my mobile:Brick:

I found out that one of my mobile inside my pocket was missing:bigcry:.

After few minutes, i received a call from police station:omg: Police said, your mobile is here

good you got it back penny :xxgrinning--00xx3:, my misses lost her mobile at uni in the phils, she didn't know she had lost it, til one of her friends asked her if it was her mobile in the bottom of the toilet :yikes::doh

and guess what ,she needed a new mobile and not any mobile but the latest Nokia one at 25,000 php :NoNo::doh:Brick:

3rd January 2009, 17:45
Kimmi i think your speaking in riddles:D i dont follow all the threads and may have missed something. But you do a lot of good on here as do a lot of the Ladies looking after new members and helping and supporting one another.

So chill and keep on helping. Many of you Ladies im sure are famous in the Phill community as many people read this forum. Im sure those that dont post for whatever reason are grateful for all the experiences, advice and support you ladies give:xxgrinning--00xx3:

So dont feel down just keep helping people though this site to bump up your Karma points:D

3rd January 2009, 23:55
no idea what happenning here, anyway happy new year to all

Same here, no idea at all why all of a sudden the topic goes too far he..he..So i have to read again and again...Ohhh seems its just a women things.But im enjoying while reading. he..he,especially kimmi"s being innocent.I like her more now.I like penny barrys sense of humour too.To all members here, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL..

4th January 2009, 00:14
Same here, no idea at all why all of a sudden the topic goes too far he..he..So i have to read again and again...Ohhh seems its just a women things.But im enjoying while reading. he..he,especially kimmi"s being innocent.I like her more now.I like penny barrys sense of humour too.To all members here, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL..

exactly, most people don't even know what's the problem, people taking things too serious and to heart.

no offence given, so none should be taken. peace ladies, last word from me on this :Hellooo:now back to calling scousers :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th January 2009, 00:18
Ive been a member of this forum for quite sometime and just recently Ive noticed there was a thread in here which made me famous..:Erm::icon_lol::Hellooo:

i can't remember if ive done something wrong with "them" and i can't understand why they have to use the forum to say nasty things about me??

anyway, I think it's just proper to say sorry for BOSS KEITH and all the MODERATORS and MEMBERS in here who become affected in one way or another with the attitude of some members in here..so am taking this opportunity to say SORRY to everyone Ive hurt in my posts...Happy New year everyone.;)
:dohI wish to inform you that us Brits can be pedantic and sarcastic about almost anything!:yikes:...sometimes it's meant nastily but mostly is just to raise a laugh!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:...I think us Brits feel that it's ok to make fun of each other! We LOVE humour! Sometimes we (probably including me!) are blissfully unaware of the upset we 'cause!:yikes:

4th January 2009, 01:22
I wish to inform you that us Brits can be pedantic and sarcastic about almost anything!:yikes:...sometimes it's meant nastily but mostly is just to raise a laugh!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:...I think us Brits feel that it's ok to make fun of each other! We LOVE humour! Sometimes we (probably including me!) are blissfully unaware of the upset we 'cause!:yikes:

Yes thats true.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I was chatting to my Hubby last night and I asked him , How are things going?

And he answered, "I started my GENERAL cleaning, but had a MAJOR problem with some PRIVATE matters, so had to give myself some CORPORAL punishment "

:NoNo: I cant have a proper serious conversation with him. :icon_lol::icon_lol:
Earlier he said that he just been to Woolworths, but he found nothing except a fancy dress for pharaoh and Queen. :icon_lol::icon_lol:

I told him, " Sweetie, its too cold here in Manila at the moment its 18C." and he answered, " Go and have some Ice cream then." :icon_lol::icon_lol:

4th January 2009, 01:43
And he answered, "I started my GENERAL cleaning, but had a MAJOR problem with some PRIVATE matters, so had to give myself some CORPORAL punishment

:icon_lol::icon_lol: you are so smart,opsss not you your hubby lol, coz he said the word not you :icon_lol: joke simplelife

I told him, " Sweetie, its too cold here in Manila at the moment its 18C." and he answered, " Go and have some Ice cream then." :icon_lol::icon_lol:

you are right,i am wearing jacket all the time brrrrrrrrrr :ARsurrender::36_1_26[1]: hmmm no need to go UK if the weather the whole year like this :Cuckoo:

4th January 2009, 01:52
:icon_lol::icon_lol: you are so smart,opsss not you your hubby lol, coz he said the word not you :icon_lol: joke simplelife
you are right,i am wearing jacket all the time brrrrrrrrrr :ARsurrender::36_1_26[1]: hmmm no need to go UK if the weather the whole year like this :Cuckoo:

Ohh yess Mrs. JMajor, everyone here wearing pull overs and scarf. :icon_lol:
I think its the coldest day so far since I came back here. My neighbour start making a vonfire. :yikes::icon_lol::icon_lol::D

Yes, Im still chatting to Hubby at the moment, I asked him, what will he do tomorrow ? then he said, " I will go to the beach ".:yikes:
I said, " Can I go with you , I love beach ."
Then he said, " I prefer pine and oak":yikes::icon_lol::icon_lol:

I think man gets crazy when the woman is not around him. :icon_lol::icon_lol:

4th January 2009, 01:57
I think man gets crazy when the woman is not around him. :icon_lol::icon_lol:

:yikes: my hubby wasnt :NoNo:

hey you,you are out of the topic na :icon_lol:

4th January 2009, 02:17
:icon_lol::icon_lol: you are so smart,opsss not you your hubby lol, coz he said the word not you :icon_lol: joke simplelife

I guess, my post caught your attention because there is a word "MAJOR" hehehe. :icon_lol: right Mrs. JMajor? :icon_lol::icon_lol:
Regards to Mr. Major:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th January 2009, 03:36
Another funny thread :icon_lol::icon_lol: I pee myself here reading this thread. :icon_lol:


4th January 2009, 12:38
good you got it back penny :xxgrinning--00xx3:, my misses lost her mobile at uni in the phils, she didn't know she had lost it, til one of her friends asked her if it was her mobile in the bottom of the toilet :yikes::doh

and guess what ,she needed a new mobile and not any mobile but the latest Nokia one at 25,000 php :NoNo::doh:Brick:

Thanks Joe, if I lost my mobile in the Philippines, I will not bother to find it too much as it will be too hard for me to track it and some people thinks it is lucky if you found mobile. Something like finders keepers:D. Sometimes, it is intentionally snatched. Anyway, I have never experience this in the Philippines:xxgrinning--00xx3:

But here in the UK, I have high hopes with elderly that if they found something, they will return it back thru police. It is my 3 times I lost my mobile here and returned by elderlies. Thanks to them:BouncyHappy:

I have 2 hopes (No Hope and Bob Hope) with youngsters here that if they found something like mobile, the chance is little for them to return my mobile:D

4th January 2009, 12:58
Same here, no idea at all why all of a sudden the topic goes too far he..he..So i have to read again and again...Ohhh seems its just a women things.But im enjoying while reading. he..he,especially kimmi"s being innocent.I like her more now.I like penny barrys sense of humour too.To all members here, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL..

Thanks Gemini:) That's my secret to stay young so it's not a secret anymore:Erm::D

Kimmi is innocent yes! She is not guilty. I would love to be her solicitor in this thread:action-smiley-081:

4th January 2009, 17:21
Thanks Gemini:) That's my secret to stay young so it's not a secret anymore:Erm::D

Kimmi is innocent yes! She is not guilty. I would love to be her solicitor in this thread:action-smiley-081:

Its my secret too..he..he..I just want to laugh and laugh.Hey! be careful of being Kimmis solicitor,coz u will be defending her from a high ranking ones.Its hard to fight people on high ranks...he..he..But anyway, your attitude is like a "General" so its just ok to be her solicitor, mas mataas yan kesa "major.." This is just a joke mrs major..he..he..pampabata lng friend...Di ba penny?

4th January 2009, 18:27
Its my secret too..he..he..I just want to laugh and laugh.Hey! be careful of being Kimmis solicitor,coz u will be defending her from a high ranking ones.Its hard to fight people on high ranks...he..he..But anyway, your attitude is like a "General" so its just ok to be her solicitor, mas mataas yan kesa "major.." This is just a joke mrs major..he..he..pampabata lng friend...Di ba penny?

Thanks Gemini for promoting my rank! I have already told to Mrs. Major that I am just a private.
That is Kimmi's decision if ever ! By the way, who is that high ranking one? Can't get it :D
I'll comeback to work on tuesday, so I'm gonna miss everybody. :Hellooo:
Wo shang ni!

4th January 2009, 21:57
what's going on??? Have no idea...

5th January 2009, 01:01
what's going on??? Have no idea...

:Rasp::Cuckoo: as u read the ladies post,its their secret :icon_lol:

Its my secret too..he..he..I just want to laugh and laugh.Hey! be careful of being Kimmis solicitor,coz u will be defending her from a high ranking ones.Its hard to fight people on high ranks...he..he..But anyway, your attitude is like a "General" so its just ok to be her solicitor, mas mataas yan kesa "major.." This is just a joke mrs major..he..he..pampabata lng friend...Di ba penny?


5th January 2009, 01:06
Wo shang ni!

Hmmm,y samo ni sitaw taygi eh ? wo iyang ah,
ni sitaw mah ?:Hellooo: (:action-smiley-081: << your favorite smiley)

wo ay ni fengyu :Hellooo:

5th January 2009, 10:55
Hmmm,y samo ni sitaw taygi eh ? wo iyang ah,
ni sitaw mah ?:Hellooo: (:action-smiley-081: << your favorite smiley)

wo ay ni fengyu :Hellooo:

Ni Hao!
Wei shemo ni un wo?
Wo sampan Taiwan u nien. Wo huey chang kuoyi itien tien.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Wo fu-shitao ni wei shemo iyang chang kuoyi. Ni iyang sampan Taiwan ma?
Tsai nali? Ni sampan Taiwan to shao nien?:BouncyHappy:

Tsai tien:)

5th January 2009, 11:25
Ni Hao!
Wei shemo ni un wo?
Wo sampan Taiwan u nien. Wo huey chang kuoyi itien tien.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Wo fu-shitao ni wei shemo iyang chang kuoyi. Ni iyang sampan Taiwan ma?
Tsai nali? Ni sampan Taiwan to shao nien?:BouncyHappy:

Tsai tien:)

Twey ah,iyang ah,wo sampan taiwan,wo sitaw itien tien
Wacoal Company,chungli ,wong chi la :doh

psssssh tanisha forum po yaw chang kouyi :icon_lol:

5th January 2009, 11:28
English please.

5th January 2009, 11:54
Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor
Hmmm,y samo ni sitaw taygi eh ? wo iyang ah,
ni sitaw mah ?

wo ay ni fengyu

Originally Posted by pennybarry
Ni Hao!
Wei shemo ni un wo?
Wo sampan Taiwan u nien. Wo huey chang kuoyi itien tien.
Wo fu-shitao ni wei shemo iyang chang kuoyi. Ni iyang sampan Taiwan ma?
Tsai nali? Ni sampan Taiwan to shao nien?

Tsai tien

Sorry Sconnie! Here's my translation:)

Why do you know chinese mandarin language? I do the same
1, 2, 3, 4, 5-9
you know?
Love you friend!

Why did u ask me:)?
I work in Taiwan for 5 years, I know how to speak mandarin a little. Did u work in Taiwan b4? Where? How long?

5th January 2009, 11:59
Twey ah,iyang ah,wo sampan taiwan,wo sitaw itien tien
Wacoal Company,chungli ,wong chi la :doh

psssssh tanisha forum po yaw chang kouyi :icon_lol:


Yes,same here, I worked in Taiwan too,I do understand Mandarin too
Wacoal Company at Chungli,forget already :doh

pssssssh later forum will complain we speak mandarin:icon_lol:

.....................Apologized about that Sconnie

5th January 2009, 12:08

Yes,same here, I worked in Taiwan too,I do understand Mandarin too
Wacoal Company at Chungli,forget already :doh

pssssssh later forum will complain we speak mandarin:icon_lol:

.....................Apologized about that Sconnie

I hope not all will complain:D. Interesting to learn some basic chinese:xxgrinning--00xx3: :Hellooo::ARsurrender:

5th January 2009, 13:36
Another funny thread :icon_lol::icon_lol: I pee myself here reading this thread. :icon_lol:


Hey Toyang, I think you are out of topic here.:doh
We are not talking about Divorce here. :NoNo::doh

5th January 2009, 13:40
I hope not all will complain:D. Interesting to learn some basic chinese:xxgrinning--00xx3: :Hellooo::ARsurrender:

Nei Ho Amigas,
Whats going on here in Manila? Super SALE everywhere!:yikes:
I did shopping all day!:BouncyHappy::icon_lol:

5th January 2009, 13:40
Another funny thread :icon_lol::icon_lol: I pee myself here reading this thread. :icon_lol:


Hey you,shut up we are friends here now :rolleyes:

Just go on caught illegal migrants :icon_lol::icon_lol::Hellooo:

5th January 2009, 13:56
Hey, Ruby has been translating too. She learned from her Taiwanese employer while working as DH in Singapore!

5th January 2009, 14:00
Hey, Ruby has been translating too. She learned from her Taiwanese employer while working as DH in Singapore!

Wow, Ni Hao Ruby,Ni kae ma,ni yo ku lai Manila kai ma? wo ni kan kan lol
ask if she can translate and i will reply the meaning of it later :Hellooo:

5th January 2009, 14:06
Hey you,shut up we are friends here now :rolleyes:

Just go on caught illegal migrants :icon_lol::icon_lol::Hellooo:


5th January 2009, 14:07
Wow, Ni Hao Ruby,Ni kae ma,ni yo ku lai Manila kai ma? wo ni kan kan lol
ask if she can translate and i will reply the meaning of it later :Hellooo:

out of topic, too!:D:action-smiley-081:

5th January 2009, 14:08

joke!! don't get mad,come on its new year :Hellooo::BouncyHappy::cwm38:

5th January 2009, 14:09
Hey Toyang, I think you are out of topic here.:doh
We are not talking about Divorce here. :NoNo::doh

wHY you said its out of the topic huh? its still about Kimmi that thread. :yikes::angry:

5th January 2009, 14:36
Thanks Gemini:) That's my secret to stay young so it's not a secret anymore:Erm::D

Kimmi is innocent yes! She is not guilty. I would love to be her solicitor in this thread:action-smiley-081:

You mean, when Kimmi files her Divorce 2 years from now you will be her Solicitor? :icon_lol::icon_lol:

How much it cost to file Divorce in the UK?

5th January 2009, 14:39
You mean, when Kimmi files her Divorce 2 years from now you will be her Solicitor? :icon_lol::icon_lol:

How much it cost to file Divorce in the UK?


Not as much as expensive in the PI,:bigcry: i spend 150 thousand pesos :CompBuster:

5th January 2009, 14:42

whats wrong Mrs. JMajor? :NoNo:

5th January 2009, 14:47
You mean, when Kimmi files her Divorce 2 years from now you will be her Solicitor? :icon_lol::icon_lol:

How much it cost to file Divorce in the UK?

Why Toyang, are you going to file Divorce, too?

Lucky people that theres Divorce in the UK,
we have no Divorce here in the Philippines.
Annulment, but it cost a FORTUNE!!:yikes: :bigcry::bigcry:

5th January 2009, 14:52
You mean, when Kimmi files her Divorce 2 years from now you will be her Solicitor? :icon_lol::icon_lol:

How much it cost to file Divorce in the UK?

Toyang, I think Penny is not a solicitor, she was just joking when she said that, right Penny?

and I understand that Kimmi just got married last year, so I think you just mis interpret that Kimmi`s thread about Divorce.

5th January 2009, 15:02
out of topic, too!:D:action-smiley-081:

Sorry :doh but you manage to put it back :yikes:

5th January 2009, 15:03
Toyang, I think Penny is not a solicitor, she was just joking when she said that, right Penny?

and I understand that Kimmi just got married last year, so I think you just mis interpret that Kimmi`s thread about Divorce.

Why she just do not ask her Husband about Divorce, infact her husband was a divorcee?:NoNo:

5th January 2009, 15:20
Nei Ho Amigas,
Whats going on here in Manila? Super SALE everywhere!:yikes:
I did shopping all day!:BouncyHappy::icon_lol:

Dont be too happy :action-smiley-081: that was left over of xmas :Rasp:

as in tira-tirahan :action-smiley-081:

5th January 2009, 15:55
Why she just do not ask her Husband about Divorce, infact her husband was a divorcee?:NoNo:

Toyang, I think its OUT of the topic again. :Hellooo:

5th January 2009, 16:45
Wow, Ni Hao Ruby,Ni kae ma,ni yo ku lai Manila kai ma? wo ni kan kan lol
ask if she can translate and i will reply the meaning of it later :Hellooo:

"How is Ruby, can you come to Manila, I want to meet you."

I guess that the answer is that we won't be flying for a little while ... the baby is due early March. Why don't you come down here?

5th January 2009, 17:03
Toyang, I think Penny is not a solicitor, she was just joking when she said that, right Penny?

and I understand that Kimmi just got married last year, so I think you just mis interpret that Kimmi`s thread about Divorce.

Hep HEP! Hurray! You are right simplelife, I was just joking.

Oh Toyang, to tell you frankly, I am a FRUSTRATED SOLICITOR:action-smiley-081:.

5th January 2009, 18:32
You mean, when Kimmi files her Divorce 2 years from now you will be her Solicitor? :icon_lol::icon_lol:

How much it cost to file Divorce in the UK?


5th January 2009, 18:38
Toyang, I think its OUT of the topic again. :Hellooo:


5th January 2009, 21:43

Not as much as expensive in the PI,:bigcry: i spend 150 thousand pesos :CompBuster:
Must have been a :censored: retarded :icon_tonguew: head for divorcing you.

6th January 2009, 03:05
"How is Ruby, can you come to Manila, I want to meet you."

I guess that the answer is that we won't be flying for a little while ... the baby is due early March. Why don't you come down here?

wowwwwwwwwwwwwww :xxgrinning--00xx3::appl:

yes ,that was it :xxgrinning--00xx3: hao pang ah,

6th January 2009, 03:08
Must have been a :censored: retarded :icon_tonguew: head for divorcing you.


His lost not me :rolleyes::BouncyHappy:

6th January 2009, 06:26
Oh Toyang, to tell you frankly, I am a FRUSTRATED SOLICITOR:action-smiley-081:.

:Brick: still not too late though to pursue it, am sure you will get more clients there. :)

HIya! someone will give me a shout again, OUT OF TOPIC! :yikes:
what is the topic here by the way? :CompBuster:

6th January 2009, 11:27
HIya! someone will give me a shout again, OUT OF TOPIC! :yikes:
what is the topic here by the way? :CompBuster:

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2009, 12:22
:Brick: still not too late though to pursue it, am sure you will get more clients there. :)

HIya! someone will give me a shout again, OUT OF TOPIC! :yikes:
what is the topic here by the way? :CompBuster:

Hi Toyang,
Have you caught illegal immigrants already?:icon_lol: Because I saw you are now promoted.

Congratulations you are now a Respected Member of this Forum.

Keep posting Maa`m.:Hellooo:

6th January 2009, 12:24
Oohhh yeah !!! yeheyyyyy congratulation toyang lol:REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08:

7th January 2009, 13:17
Oohhh yeah !!! yeheyyyyy congratulation toyang lol:REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08:

Thanks Mrs.JMajor,
I wondered how I got promoted though..:)

Anyway, whats going on here now?

7th January 2009, 14:00
Thanks Mrs.JMajor,
I wondered how I got promoted though..:)

Anyway, whats going on here now?

How you get promoted ? well b4 u are lazy bam,you didn't post much,but now a days , we saw you keep posting ,so your post reach on the # that you are qualified to be respected member, and you can use the PM etc....etc... blah-blah :D

7th January 2009, 14:23
How you get promoted ? well b4 u are lazy bam,you didn't post much,but now a days , we saw you keep posting ,so your post reach on the # that you are qualified to be respected member, and you can use the PM etc....etc... blah-blah :D

waaaaaaaaaaahhh.. thanks for the info.

8th January 2009, 02:38
Originally Posted by simplelife
after reading your post, I got cutious which thread you talking about and this I found out. Its a nice thread though.


Well Congrats for being Famous
You are a big star like H. Mills
Keep up th good works girl.

I thought this one:


But Kim is not famous like H. Mills:D. I can say, she is famous like Angelina Jolie:BouncyHappy:

Another funny thread :icon_lol::icon_lol: I pee myself here reading this thread. :icon_lol:


Hey Toyang, I think you are out of topic here.:doh
We are not talking about Divorce here. :NoNo::doh

Thanks Mrs.JMajor,
I wondered how I got promoted though..:)

Anyway, whats going on here now?

There's really something going on:NoNo::NoNo: I wonder they keep insisting that link, it was deleted already and suddenly edited their post and put it back again:doh

To our new respected member Toyang I want to congratulate you:rolleyes: but be warned about your RED REP let me remind you and to other members here we are family here and nobody deserved to be offended by anyone:NoNo:

8th January 2009, 02:59
you filipina's should be locked in a room with my misses, and i'll tell her you all said i should get another dog, she will go :furious3::cwm23::cwm3::xxsport-smiley-002::action-smiley-060:

time this thread was locked scouser Keith :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th January 2009, 03:36
To our new respected member Toyang I want to congratulate you:rolleyes: but be warned about your RED REP let me remind you and to other members here we are family here and nobody deserved to be offended by anyone:NoNo:

waaaaaaaaaaaah..:icon_lol: whats going on here? I thought its just all about sense of humour..! no big deal Kukurokuk.:icon_lol:

I did not meant to offend anybody here :icon_lol: if no offense why then not depend herself. Walang pikunan.. tawanan lang. hahhahaha.

I was not the one who started this thread though...:icon_lol::icon_lol:

8th January 2009, 04:34
To our new respected member Toyang I want to congratulate you:rolleyes: but be warned about your RED REP let me remind you and to other members here we are family here and nobody deserved to be offended by anyone:NoNo:

And what do you think you doing to me right now? huh.:action-smiley-081:
If that Kimmi who started this thread got offended from those quoted thread that she wrote, that just a karma means. All things you do will be bounch back to you. If she got offended why you having a go at me? Are you her solicitor? waaaaaaaaaaahh:icon_lol:

8th January 2009, 05:52
And what do you think you doing to me right now? huh.:action-smiley-081:
If that Kimmi who started this thread got offended from those quoted thread that she wrote, that just a karma means. All things you do will be bounch back to you. If she got offended why you having a go at me? Are you her solicitor? waaaaaaaaaaahh:icon_lol:

ive been reading this thread and i can`t help myself laughing out loud. its all ive been missing there in the philippines, all the good sense of humours, intrigues, seems low but found it funny and interesting.

I dont see anything offensive here. Some filipinos are too conscious that even other people does not mean bad it taken seriously that get them offended. I still found some people here like that, even they already living in the other side of the world, still not open-minded and very sensitive.:NoNo:

8th January 2009, 06:51
Someone should get out in their house sometimes! :rolleyes:

It seems like Kimmi is a butt of jokes here, can you not just leave here alone please?.
I really like this forum thats why my username is luv8here, but some members are just OTT, childlike, and just humiliate someone.
They kept saying its just sense of humour, but i don't found it funny at all. It's like kids at school who like to bullied other kids. Well sounds like it anyway. :NoNo:

8th January 2009, 10:26
we are family here and nobody deserved to be offended by anyone:NoNo:

Yes you are right Kukurokuk, we should be one family here .
I can`t see any reason why is it offensive for Kimmi.

So whats wrong if someone wants to talk about Divorce?
I cant see any reason that talking about divorce in her thread is such a big deal and humiliating.