View Full Version : hi from Leyte

19th September 2006, 04:13
Hi guys:Hellooo:
i have not been on for a while to busy getting ready for our wedding :BouncyHappy: but at last i am here in Tacloban wedding is on sunday it seems to have come around very quickly whilst we are waiting we are just prepreing the visa paperwork so my mahal asawa can come home to england so while you guys are getting used to the cold weather we are having to get used to 30 or so degrees of heat :cwm24: ...its ok i dont expect any sympathy hahaha:icon_lol:
anyway hope to see you on the forum soon
Dave ...and Jasmine

19th September 2006, 04:43
Hello guys! welcome..... wish you all the best and a healthy life :Hellooo:

19th September 2006, 05:16
Hi guys:Hellooo:
i have not been on for a while to busy getting ready for our wedding :BouncyHappy: but at last i am here in Tacloban wedding is on sunday it seems to have come around very quickly whilst we are waiting we are just prepreing the visa paperwork so my mahal asawa can come home to england so while you guys are getting used to the cold weather we are having to get used to 30 or so degrees of heat :cwm24: ...its ok i dont expect any sympathy hahaha:icon_lol:
anyway hope to see you on the forum soon
Dave ...and Jasmine

Hi Dave,

i am glad you are struggling to cope with the weather out there in Leyte:NoNo: lol

All the best for your big day and have a great honeymoon mate!!

But remember it will not be long before you will be back here for the great British weather...


19th September 2006, 05:28
thanks guys i have been trying to explain to jasmine what english tempretures are like :NoNo: she still thinks 20 degrees is cold:doh but wants to see some snow :icon_lol: and go on a ski-ing holiday:Help1:
also the concept of walking instead of taking the pedicabseem strange to her:doh
bye for now catch up with you all after the wedding and a week in boracay .....envious yet hehehehe

19th September 2006, 09:37
It's been 25C here for a week.....I've been sleeping with my feet out the window :)

19th September 2006, 10:50
Hi Dave,
Good luck with the wedding and also with your visa process.