View Full Version : What is your job?

22nd September 2006, 10:12
I'm just being nosey :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You know mine, run my own business, websites, programming & pro-gambler. I'm a slave driver :yikes:

22nd September 2006, 10:27
Well Keith I'm a Pro painter and decorater/Tiler, but at the moment have taken a year off to drive a taxi,found it much easyier to keep in touch with my wife ging that way. So hopefully when ging arrives in the UK on 16th Oct I will turn things back round. cheers Keith

22nd September 2006, 10:38
PS. and I also like to have a gamble on the nags,you know it was only 18 months ago that 1 horse let me down for my biggest win,I do the heinz bet which you will know involves 6 nags, and I like the handicap races,anyway the story is 1 horse let me down for £300,000, but cant moan my returns that day was £4000 for £6 75p not bad eh.

22nd September 2006, 10:48
I'm just being nosey :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You know mine, run my own business, websites, programming & pro-gambler. I'm a slave driver :yikes:

Oh this and that....work part time in a petrol station (what pump is that sir :cwm23::icon_lol:), fixing & building computers and working on a radio station on weekends.

22nd September 2006, 10:49
I do the heinz bet

I didn't know they sponsor horses :doh

22nd September 2006, 10:59
It's names such because it is 57 bets :)

So Rob....do you help other men with there hose, if they can't get it in the hole? :D

22nd September 2006, 11:05
I'm an IT (Computer) Technician at the Dept of Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, which is actually in Coventry, not Warwick

22nd September 2006, 11:30
It's names such because it is 57 bets :)

So Rob....do you help other men with there hose, if they can't get it in the hole? :D

Keith your not funny :NoNo:

22nd September 2006, 11:38
I feel out of place here...

I sell wine for a living, rep for a german company based in Luton...
Not your average cheap supermarket stuff. But high quality.
It keeps the wolf from the door....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I don't gamble much, last time I placed a bet, was on Italy to win the Wold Cup... When it was 16/1.
In retrospect I wish I had placed more than the £50, but as I see it, the winnings, paid for my next flight to Cebu in February. So I am happy enough with that.

22nd September 2006, 12:05
Well Keith I'm a Pro painter and decorater/Tiler, but at the moment have taken a year off to drive a taxi,found it much easyier to keep in touch with my wife ging that way. So hopefully when ging arrives in the UK on 16th Oct I will turn things back round. cheers Keith

SNAP!!Been a decorator all of my life plus a little dabble in property development etc although next year all that will be history as my 10 year early retirment plan will kick in.
To be honest,I hate work..Always have.

22nd September 2006, 12:06
Keith your not funny :NoNo:

Sorry Rob :angry: Somethings just fuel my humour, and pump me up. I guess you've had a gallon full of stupid comments eh? I won't even mention it again, I'll remain at my station till the gas runs out. :rolleyes:

22nd September 2006, 12:10
Sorry Rob :angry: Somethings just fuel my humour, and pump me up. I guess you've had a gallon full of stupid comments eh? I won't even mention it again, I'll remain at my station till the gas runs out. :rolleyes:


22nd September 2006, 12:27
Oh I forgot to mention, I'm also an entertainer, kind of guitarist/one man band sort of thing playing pubs and clubs etc, though I've put it on the back burner a bit lately and only tend to do just 1 gig a week if I can.

23rd September 2006, 15:29
I pay tax for a living.. :doh:NoNo:

23rd September 2006, 21:30
I pay tax for a living.. :doh:NoNo:

Absolutely :cwm3:

23rd September 2006, 22:14
As for me i do emergency glazing ,,,i got sick of working on building sites as a joiner,, and i was lucky enough in 1994 to get a contract with the police boarding windows up at night. so now i am in business putting glass back in windows

23rd September 2006, 22:42
At the moment i am a Resident Supervisor for a private Housing Association but next year i hope to move to the Philippines to live and work:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th September 2006, 09:08
As for me i do emergency glazing ,,,i got sick of working on building sites as a joiner,, and i was lucky enough in 1994 to get a contract with the police boarding windows up at night. so now i am in business putting glass back in windows
That's handy...I think my scouse mates are keeping you in a job :icon_lol:

24th September 2006, 13:20
Lots of jobs:

Sundays: Computer accountant in our PArish
Mondays-Thurs (Morning and afternoon) : Preschool Teacher
Fridays-Saturdays: Construction Accounting Assistant
Sundays-Saturdays: (night time) Tutor
and full time girlfriend of my Jay (hehe)

doing some sidelines too: I sell Avon products and inflatable pillows..

hard sched but im enjoying!

24th September 2006, 20:39
Oh I forgot to mention, I'm also an entertainer, kind of guitarist/one man band sort of thing playing pubs and clubs etc, though I've put it on the back burner a bit lately and only tend to do just 1 gig a week if I can.

Twas I that pelted you with eggs !!!!!!! sorry :icon_lol:

24th September 2006, 20:44
I import timber from Scandinavia and Russia, then sell it to manufacturers and timber merchants in the UK.

I would love to import timber from Philippines too, but there is a logging ban in place at present, so if the tax man sees my expenses spent on a 'business trip' to PI I am in the dark brown stuff, but I go to Scandinavia often, and its a beautiful (but cold) place to see. The people are very serious though, unlike the Russians, who are just crazy.

It pays the bills, and if thing continue as succesfully as planned I will be retired in PI, probably doing agency work for Malaysian and Thai sawmills before I am forty.

24th September 2006, 21:06
Keith ,, i can put your mates on commision if there looking for a new job,,lol


25th September 2006, 09:54
Keith ,, i can put your mates on commision if there looking for a new job,,lol
Then you'll be funding the drugs trade :yikes: