View Full Version : Embarrassing dates and dating situations

20th January 2009, 03:14
Has anyone had any? Particularly blind dates........!

I had one blind date at a cafe where the person was obviously not really interested, and they had to go and "ring a friend" half way through as if it was like something from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

Obviously I did not hear from them again after the date! Tragic but funny.

Feel free to discuss your most embarrassing dating experience!

Glen :)

20th January 2009, 07:38

And welcome.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Blind dates.......:Erm:

No, never.
It is not something that ever appealed to me.:NoNo:

20th January 2009, 10:10
Blind dates.......:Erm: .....It is not something that ever appealed to me.:NoNo:
Nor me, I always found the labrador hairs got everywhere :rolleyes:

20th January 2009, 13:05
Has anyone had any? Particularly blind dates........!

I had one blind date at a cafe where the person was obviously not really interested, and they had to go and "ring a friend" half way through as if it was like something from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

Obviously I did not hear from them again after the date! Tragic but funny.

Feel free to discuss your most embarrassing dating experience!

Glen :)

never happen to me:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

Pepe n Pilar
20th January 2009, 15:29
I had a college friend who was looking for someone for a date. I had known a guy friend who was also looking and so i and another friend arranged a date for them to meet. This lady friend asked me if the guy does or doesn't like a girl that smokes. When i learned that he prefers a girl that doesn't smoke and so i told the girl.

When the date came they were introduced to one another. I was surprised to see the girl lit a cigarette after the meal. So that was a hint that she doesn't fancy the guy.

20th January 2009, 19:44
a blind date, :yikes: that scouser cilla black might turn up and sing :doh .. " step in side love ..." not :censored: likely ... :Bolt:

20th January 2009, 19:48
Not really in to it:Cuckoo: My blind date will be blind in looking for me:icon_lol::icon_lol:

20th January 2009, 20:46
a blind date, :yikes: that scouser cilla black might turn up and sing :doh .. " step in side love ..." not :censored: likely ... :Bolt:

Always makes me laugh Cilla Black, she'a a professional scouser, but she's lived in Buckinghamshire most of her life. :doh

I do like some of her music though. :)

20th January 2009, 22:37

Blind date... yeah i think i can consider meeting my BF (now my husband) for the first time was a BLIND DATE! EYE-Ball date... EYE to EYE date... REAL-Date

21st January 2009, 01:38
Not on me,as i always aware of his look (how he looks like) and how he smells like :Cuckoo:

21st January 2009, 23:25
Not on me,as i always aware of his look (how he looks like) and how he smell like :Cuckoo:


21st January 2009, 23:56
One date called me an F and C!:yikes: You know it's not nice being called a flipping coot!:icon_lol:Yeah, flipping coot, I'm sure that's what she meant!:icon_lol:

22nd January 2009, 08:56
Not on me,as i always aware of his look (how he looks like) and how he smells like :Cuckoo:

hmmmmm he should be so cool and REFRESHING LOOKING hahahha... KOREK I agree, why you go on a date that's is not SMELLS GOOD :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: that IMPORTANT FACTOR sister :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hmmmmm I tried it... Well luckily all my BLIND DATE are all HANDSOME...there are few that I can say so-so :Rasp::Rasp::Rasp::Rasp: I'm aware of how he present his self, and also should have sense of humor and talkative.

22nd January 2009, 16:15
I had a first date once with someone I'd worked with for a long time. We just went out for a few drinks. Admittedly I wasn't overly interested in her, but out of curiousity I went.

The date went ok. Just chatting and a few drinks. Anyway, she never mentioned the night or another date afterwards until a few weeks later when it came up in a conversation with her. Apparently I spent the whole date talking about a female friend of mine. Worse thing for me is, I didn't notice and didn't remember any of what I'd be saying about this friend!

Must have been a subconscious thing I guess! :-)

30th January 2009, 09:52
I once went out with someone who liked to drink a lot. He got so drunk that it got really embarrassing and that I just left without even saying a word. It was really bad! Just imagine you would enter a relationship with someone who turns out to be an alcaholic....

30th January 2009, 10:04
I once went out with someone who liked to drink a lot. He got so drunk that it got really embarrassing and that I just left without even saying a word. It was really bad! Just imagine you would enter a relationship with someone who turns out to be an alcaholic....
I don't remember you! :Erm: :D

30th January 2009, 10:54
My “blind” date….

Many many years ago I joined a match/dating site but found no one on there I had any desire to contact or meet. And apart from the Nigerian/Russian “I’m so in love with you, please send me money for the airfare to my Western Union account because my friend tells me that’s the easiest way to transfer money” scammers, the only “sensible” contact I received was from a woman living in the USA.

I explained that I had no desire to live, visit or date someone from the States, but was happy to chat if she understood that. “No, that’s ok, all I want is a friend” she replied. So we chatted on-line for about an hour.
She was late 30’s, divorced, and worked as a nurse… and we chatted about the differences in European and US culture (what culture I hear you say !), our views on politics, the world in general etc etc. Anyway, at the end I added a throw-away comment .. “If you’re ever in London, drop me an e-mail and I’ll buy you a coffee”

Silly me !

About a week later I get an e-mail….. “Can you please contact me” with a telephone number.
“Hi Marc, I’m in London …… do I get this coffee ?”

I guess I was intrigued, so agreed to meet at Victoria Station.

There’s me sitting there, reading my newspaper, drinking my expresso……and suddenly I hear a “Hi, it’s me”.
My eyes almost popped out of my head as this 50+ , 6-foot 2 woman , wearing a maternity dress and carrying two suitcases walks up to me.
“Hello ?????” says Mr confused.
“It’s me …. Cathy”
“You’re not what I expected” was probably the understatement of the year.

Anyway, I like to believe I’m a gentleman….so I think, a quick coffee, an even quicker chat, and I’m OFF.
Oh no ! … she rambles on about her life… her 5 (yes, FIVE) marriages, about her work in a FUNERAL PARLOUR, the child she put up for adoption…. and on & on.
Eventually I see an opening … “Sorry, I really have to go”
At that she picks up her suitcases and says… “So, do we get the train or a taxi to your place ? … is it far ?”

At that point I beat a very hasty retreat.
(suffice to say, I cancelled my registration for that site !)

30th January 2009, 11:24
My heart goes out to you Bluebirdjones on that one mate. Of course, that's after I managed to clean up all the fanta I just sprayed over my laptop after reading the end of your post! :-)

30th January 2009, 16:37
Bit of a frightener that. :omg:
She's probably still trudging round London, with her suitcases looking for you.
...Better keep a low profile?

Having said that, if it was a few years ago, she's probably on husband no. 12 now! :cwm24: