View Full Version : IMF - Money fundy thingy.....

28th January 2009, 19:48
We're broke :cwm24:

The country is sinking faster than a :icon_tonguew: in Jordan's :action-smiley-081:

28th January 2009, 20:49
We are fine dont worry about it, you might even get rid of Keane:rolleyes:

Why would a upside mushroom fall on to jordan:Erm:

28th January 2009, 22:31
how do you know jordan likes it up the :action-smiley-081::Erm:

doesnt bother me how the country is doing a bit of chaos will make life more fun?:Cuckoo:

28th January 2009, 23:04
from 4th riches country in the world now.....bancrupt:Brick:

29th January 2009, 07:58
from 4th riches country in the world now.....bancrupt:Brick:

Funny enough, the last time something like that happened, Labour was in Government.....:omg:

And also borrowed huge amounts of money which "Maggie" had to find a way to repay.

So it seems to be following the trend, Borrow, borrow, borrow.........:Brick:

They couldn't organize a knees-up in a brewery....

29th January 2009, 10:13
So this debt Gordon is now running up, that is doing BUGGER ALL, will take till 2030 at the earliest to pay back! :doh

Would someone like to attach his last budget to a stick of dynamite and shove it up his :action-smiley-081:? I said at the time that it was already a disaster with the economy and what he said would make him look less intelligent than Georgie Bush :Cuckoo:

29th January 2009, 10:20
Funny enough, the last time something like that happened, Labour was in Government.....:omg:

And also borrowed huge amounts of money which "Maggie" had to find a way to repay.

So it seems to be following the trend, Borrow, borrow, borrow.........:Brick:

They couldn't organize a knees-up in a brewery....

It was Maggie's lot that started all of the de-regulation of everything that got us to where we are today. And remember how we all cashed in when our nice safe building societies de-mutualised etc etc.

29th January 2009, 19:25
It was Maggie's lot that started all of the de-regulation of everything that got us to where we are today. And remember how we all cashed in when our nice safe building societies de-mutualised etc etc.

Ie Iain it takes Labour and the Tories to be both incompent to produce the perfect storm:NoNo:

I think Brown will be as hated by many as Maggie is.

29th January 2009, 21:04
I think Brown will be as hated by many as Maggie is.
At least she won a war :rolleyes: