View Full Version : At 35.......

28th January 2009, 23:58
I am a bit surprised that many members here are quite too young and married already. I wonder if their parents are not surprise either? Or its just me getting older? When Im 20 im still studying not in a million years thinking of getting married yet. After school, all Im thinking is to get a job coz its pay back time to my parents.
At 25 still working hard and not thinking of settling down coz I said to my self Im not in a hurry Im still young.
At 28 my BF asked me to marry him and I turn it down coz I still have dream of working abroad for a better future.
At 30 my dream came true I get a work permit here in UK and I enjoyed every wages I earned here that I can't earn in a million years in the Phils. I work hard in my 5 years here and if Im right in those 5 years never I'd been late to work and been absent twice and just been to Phils once since I got here.
At 32 I met a Brit and Im still not thinking of settling down. I just want to enjoy life to the fullest I think and help my family as much as I can. Unfortunately me and bf broke up after a year of relationship.
At 33-34 still single and working hard. Met a Brit again and talking about marriage but I realized that I can't live with someone with excess baggage.
At 35 still single and working doubly hard as usual and got a new BF. Let see what will happen:)

May be I am right I am getting older that I can't imagine some young filipina as young as 19 have a foreigner fiancee and thinking of marriage already. Even having a fiancee with children that they don't even experience to have a child of their own yet.

Being single at my age is my choice and I am happy. I almost thinking of not getting married at all just have a partner (live-in as filipino called it) or just have a kid and be a single parent.

Whatever the future lies on me...who knows.

29th January 2009, 00:41
Well as being Ate to you ( Cause I am 43),let me give you sisterly advice,go get married ,hope I am wrong, you will regret it at the end,can u imagine at your 70's hunchback and no children or grandchildren saying "mama" and "lola" to you:NoNo: sitting on a rocking chair....:D

29th January 2009, 02:21
It's nice to have our own family and have our own kids. But that comes at the right time when we are ready emotionally and financially. Your time will come, cheezewiz, when you can't say no to the man you love. :D
In my case, I got married at 36 to my first bf. Don't laugh fellas, coz i stayed single by choice. :D

29th January 2009, 06:46
I am a bit surprised that many members here are quite too young and married already. I wonder if their parents are not surprise either? Or its just me getting older? When Im 20 im still studying not in a million years thinking of getting married yet. After school, all Im thinking is to get a job coz its pay back time to my parents.
At 25 still working hard and not thinking of settling down coz I said to my self Im not in a hurry Im still young.
At 28 my BF asked me to marry him and I turn it down coz I still have dream of working abroad for a better future.
At 30 my dream came true I get a work permit here in UK and I enjoyed every wages I earned here that I can't earn in a million years in the Phils. I work hard in my 5 years here and if Im right in those 5 years never I'd been late to work and been absent twice and just been to Phils once since I got here.
At 32 I met a Brit and Im still not thinking of settling down. I just want to enjoy life to the fullest I think and help my family as much as I can. Unfortunately me and bf broke up after a year of relationship.
At 33-34 still single and working hard. Met a Brit again and talking about marriage but I realized that I can't live with someone with excess baggage.
At 35 still single and working doubly hard as usual and got a new BF. Let see what will happen:)

May be I am right I am getting older that I can't imagine some young filipina as young as 19 have a foreigner fiancee and thinking of marriage already. Even having a fiancee with children that they don't even experience to have a child of their own yet.

Being single at my age is my choice and I am happy. I almost thinking of not getting married at all just have a partner (live-in as filipino called it) or just have a kid and be a single parent.

Whatever the future lies on me...who knows.

That is new generation by now Cheez:D
I married late because same as you, I was still at school at 21,
At 25, there were 2 offers of marriage from my BF and Irish man I met thru friend. I refused them because I still want to achieve my goal and never meet in person that Irish man and afraid to marry a foreigner that time.
At 40, I achieved almost all I want, travel, properties,good job, helped my parents etc.

Then one day I realised I am in the last trip:action-smiley-081: but I'm in the front seat :action-smiley-081:. I'm married now:BouncyHappy::Hellooo:

Come on Cheez! start to search your future papa:D I wish cupid is on his way to attack you:icon_lol:

29th January 2009, 13:20

In my opinion it depends on your situation, like some of my friends who are in their late 30s and very busy with their careers and enjoying being single...marriage is not an option yet for them. And some like me, after years of working professionally, I just got tired of being single at 30 and wanted to have a family of my own. So here I am now with 2 little boys and another boy coming in a few months time. Oh dear.


29th January 2009, 13:44
Its not only members of this forum who got married too young. You can find them around the world.

Whatever your age or situation you are in and fell deep in love, you wouldn't think any other person in the world except your partner.

Age doesn't matter right?

Also there's a fact that women near age 40 have a very small chance to have a baby.

29th January 2009, 15:35
It is an interesting topic to tackle on... and definitely an interesting age and time to be in... and an interesting thought-provoking life article to touch on... Commitment has been devoured on each individual's system, yet, we are so fixated and cautious about not being able to lose, in every possible way. We always want certainty... you know the "what if's"... What if he is not the one? What if, in the long run, he is not who or what i like? what if he changes and finds someone else? What if... what if... all those questions that create clouds of confusion and indecision... I am somewhat finding myself in the same boat, sometimes, specially when i have void moments... at least there is a room for reflection...

But, we will never know what's in there, unless we try... unless we pray hard for it and achieve it... experience life without hesitation ( i know it is full now) but give it a little push... we will see the light after this tunnel...

spill your thoughts, friends... we all need each other to strengthen our fellas...

29th January 2009, 18:02
I admire your achievements at your age Cheese, let's hope that this new bf will be the one to get your "YES". I still believe that all the success in life will just be useless if we have no one to share it with. Yes we can share it with our family and relatives and friends but it's still different if you share it with someone you really love and loves you...

29th January 2009, 18:54
I am a bit surprised that many members here are quite too young and married already. I wonder if their parents are not surprise either? Or its just me getting older? When Im 20 im still studying not in a million years thinking of getting married yet. After school, all Im thinking is to get a job coz its pay back time to my parents.
At 25 still working hard and not thinking of settling down coz I said to my self Im not in a hurry Im still young.
At 28 my BF asked me to marry him and I turn it down coz I still have dream of working abroad for a better future.
At 30 my dream came true I get a work permit here in UK and I enjoyed every wages I earned here that I can't earn in a million years in the Phils. I work hard in my 5 years here and if Im right in those 5 years never I'd been late to work and been absent twice and just been to Phils once since I got here.
At 32 I met a Brit and Im still not thinking of settling down. I just want to enjoy life to the fullest I think and help my family as much as I can. Unfortunately me and bf broke up after a year of relationship.
At 33-34 still single and working hard. Met a Brit again and talking about marriage but I realized that I can't live with someone with excess baggage.
At 35 still single and working doubly hard as usual and got a new BF. Let see what will happen:)

May be I am right I am getting older that I can't imagine some young filipina as young as 19 have a foreigner fiancee and thinking of marriage already. Even having a fiancee with children that they don't even experience to have a child of their own yet.

Being single at my age is my choice and I am happy. I almost thinking of not getting married at all just have a partner (live-in as filipino called it) or just have a kid and be a single parent.

Whatever the future lies on me...who knows.

Everyone has a choice as long as you are happy with that then be it then:D

In my case i said to myself i should be married between 25 to 30 yrs old and have babies hehehehe once i got my plans ( get a degree, passed the board, finished my masteral):doh:Erm:

I will be turning 30 this year and i am so happy. :xxgrinning--00xx3::Erm::icon_lol: beautiful family with my husband and wee boy and another one coming:D

Enjoy life cheesewiz and goodluck to all your plans:xxgrinning--00xx3::)

29th January 2009, 19:08
Plenty of old git Brits on here Grandpa joe and all:D

But seriously horses for courses, many dont plan it as others have said it comes round the corner and wallops you in the face.

30th January 2009, 01:18
you cheeky :action-smiley-081: uncle andy :D

i'm not much older than you :doh

my misses was 32 when she finally finished uni :Hellooo:, after more than 10yrs of being at uni :NoNo:, it didn't stop her having 2 kids, you can have a career and kids. just have to be good at doing more than one thing at once :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i think its better in many cases to have kids when your young, my sis is 45, and her kids are 27 and 23, with her kids leaving home, her and hubby can enjoy life now without one foot in the grave :D

30th January 2009, 10:00
Why do we have to get married? As long as you live in a happy relationship everything is fine. I just don't understand why everyone is so crazy about getting married. Actually I am pretty convinced that once a couple gets married everything seems so final that eventually they break up somewhere down the path. Of course it works for some but how high is the divorce rate? Don't know excatly, but it's high. So come on, stop thinking of marriage as the ultimate goal. As long as you have a partner you love, you are fine!

30th January 2009, 10:04
Why do we have to get married?
Because the government chuck the other half out of the country if you don't! :doh

30th January 2009, 10:46
Why do we have to get married? As long as you live in a happy relationship everything is fine. I just don't understand why everyone is so crazy about getting married. Actually I am pretty convinced that once a couple gets married everything seems so final that eventually they break up somewhere down the path. Of course it works for some but how high is the divorce rate? Don't know excatly, but it's high. So come on, stop thinking of marriage as the ultimate goal. As long as you have a partner you love, you are fine!

you are aware that most wifes are here on visas and without a visa they wont be in the country? :Erm:

30th January 2009, 14:43

Pessimistic views: :
Marriage is a gamble!
Marriage is a punishment;
Marriage is an evil that
Most can’t but accept.

Optimistic views:
Marriage is a gift of God;
Marriage is a blessing;
Marriage is an enjoyment,
We make the best of it.

Marriage is so wonderful;
Marriage is so fulfilling;
Marriage is so wholesome;
Marriage is an endless love,
More priceless than all wealth!

Marriage is a way of life;
Marriage is so natural;
Marriage is the better way,
For two, to reach Heaven.

30th January 2009, 21:36
thanks for the comments guys:)

don't worry i am not going to be an oldmaid...i am just waiting for the right time and the right person i don't want to get married for the sake of i am getting older. For me marriage is a commitment for life.

Right now I am happy that's what matters most.

30th January 2009, 21:45
Its not only members of this forum who got married too young. You can find them around the world.

I don't need to find them all over the world and I am not questioning their purpose bec its non of my business. I am only giving my opinion about as young as 19 etc on this forum, so i am not generalizing members of this forum.

30th January 2009, 21:48
Why do we have to get married? As long as you live in a happy relationship everything is fine. I just don't understand why everyone is so crazy about getting married. Actually I am pretty convinced that once a couple gets married everything seems so final that eventually they break up somewhere down the path. Of course it works for some but how high is the divorce rate? Don't know excatly, but it's high. So come on, stop thinking of marriage as the ultimate goal. As long as you have a partner you love, you are fine!

I agree with you. But for filipino cultures its not acceptable specially if you have a devoted catholic parents:doh

and most of members here are married to Brits....no marriage no UK