View Full Version : Far from the one that you love...

31st January 2009, 06:22
I just realized that the hardest part of loving a foreign man is not during when one met online and talk but when you decided to meet and one needs to go..
After almost a month of being with him, it seems hard to do things alone especially sleeping at night and having tea...

I asked my bf to leave his used shirt so I can smell it all the time:cwm3:
It's hard because you already got used to being together and doing things together...

:Hellooo: So, thumbs up :xxgrinning--00xx3: to all the couple here...
I know how hard it is to be far from the one that you love..
The patience, trust and faithfulness....and the long wait...but still remained

31st January 2009, 06:29
I just realized that the hardest part of loving a foreign man is not during when they meet online and fall in love even both know of the distance in between them. But when both decided to meet and one needs to go..
After almost a month of being with him, it seems hard to do things alone especially sleeping at night and having tea...

I asked my bf to leave his used shirt so I can smell it all the time:cwm3:
It's hard because you already got used to being together and doing things together...

:Hellooo: So, thumbs up :xxgrinning--00xx3: to all the couple here...
I know how hard it is to be far from the one that you love..
The patience, trust and faithfulness....and the long wait...but still remained


31st January 2009, 07:05
I know just how your feeling, I'm now waiting for my girl to meet me in ym after leaving her 2 weeks ago and its the hardest feelings Ive ever had to deal with, I'm just trying to use that energy to make me work harder bringing her here. Good luck to everyone feeling the same.


31st January 2009, 08:25


31st January 2009, 09:22
ur right bieng far away is the hrdest feelings but we have to be patience and wait for the right time to come.i also have feel the same i been away from my husband sence sept.its really hard and so sad and so lonly i cried sometimes specially when ur in bed alone.we just always talk online 4 times a week coz his working there and tx phone emails and i sent him pic and video of myself so he feels close to me.hope im gonna see him on april i just pass my spouse application last week so more weeks to wait for me and him.all we have to hold on is to keep out love more stronger lots of patient and trust. good luck to everybody here same situations.

31st January 2009, 09:25

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: (opsss cant copy the attach thumbnails)


you can edit it faith,just click the edit at the right down part of your post :):xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st January 2009, 15:03
I asked my bf to leave his used shirt so I can smell it all the time

I left one of my shirts with Ruby at the end of my first visit. She slept in it every night ... but then her sister washed it one day, and it no longer had my smell!

Never mind, I came back to Phils only six weeks after my first visit, so I was able to add my smell once more!

31st January 2009, 15:22
its hard to leave my loveones to Phils as well but they are more happy i am here....more benefits:D I can't bring their t-shirts w/ me its loads of them

Don't worry for sure in few months from now you're here in UK...life is not that bad here just terrible weather:rolleyes:

31st January 2009, 22:14
:icon_lol::icon_lol: I left one of my shirts too...I should imagine it's a bit stinky now. :)

31st January 2009, 22:18
Wouldn't leaving a turd be better? She could then rub it on her own clothes! :rolleyes:

31st January 2009, 23:20
Wouldn't leaving a turd be better? She could then rub it on her own clothes! :rolleyes:

No, they go white if you leave them in the sun. :rolleyes: