View Full Version : Application REference NUmber

2nd February 2009, 06:03
Hi Everyone! I've been too preoccupied since the year started and wasn't even able to visit here often.

I've finally submitted my application on the 2nd week of January, and luckily, VFS reconsidered and accepted my application (It's still to early for the "3 months prior to flight application date") since I only have 1 day left before my payment will be forfeited. Though of course they offered to reimburse it first then I apply anew for February. Really glad they accepted it, so now, I'm just waiting for the result.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Like everyone here who are on the same boat as I am, I'm anxious to know the status of my application.

I tried to log in to VFS to track my application, but I always get "invalid Search". I log in the application reference number I got when I signed my application, which was the same number I had when I got my appointment letter for application.

Question.. is the application number for tracking different from the ones I got while preparing for my application? I thought they're the same, but then how come I can't get through?

PLease advise.


2nd February 2009, 06:13
Hi Everyone! I've been too preoccupied since the year started and wasn't even able to visit here often.

I've finally submitted my application on the 2nd week of January, and luckily, VFS reconsidered and accepted my application (It's still to early for the "3 months prior to flight application date") since I only have 1 day left before my payment will be forfeited. Though of course they offered to reimburse it first then I apply anew for February. Really glad they accepted it, so now, I'm just waiting for the result.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Like everyone here who are on the same boat as I am, I'm anxious to know the status of my application.

I tried to log in to VFS to track my application, but I always get "invalid Search". I log in the application reference number I got when I signed my application, which was the same number I had when I got my appointment letter for application.

Question.. is the application number for tracking different from the ones I got while preparing for my application? I thought they're the same, but then how come I can't get through?

PLease advise.


Hi there!

Try to check your application status in this site. www.vfs-uk-ph.com then click track your application..

About the reference number it starts with AMAN/ and so on. Click caps lock so it wont be invalid search.

Hope it helps!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd February 2009, 06:18

I am waiting for My Visa too and Submitted it last Dec 18. I know what you mean...1st week to 2 after the submission..it says..Invalid Search.Maybe because they didn't log it yet. But later it has a status na. Just look at your Reciept from VFS...The Ref number is there..start from Capital Letters. I think AMAN then the number. Try to log it.
Good Luck to your Application.

2nd February 2009, 06:50
Thanks a lot!!!

Just checked.. it's been forwarded to the British High Commission.

Wish me luck!!!

May all of us be lucky with our applications!

2nd February 2009, 08:15
Hi sheila and haiku, good luck on your application...start counting for a stressful days of waiting...

2nd February 2009, 08:28
Hey, sheila. I also submitted my application last Dec. 18. Pls. let me know when there's news about yours. I lost my receipt so there's no way I can track my application online...

2nd February 2009, 09:42
try checking it with vfs, i know persons who applied last dec 19 and they already got the result...the receipt is really important and you need to bring it once you get it via vfs. but if you chose to have it delivered, you need to wait....

girl england
2nd February 2009, 10:20
Hi sheila and haiku, good luck on your application

2nd February 2009, 10:49
Thanks a Lot for the wishes.....
Looking forward for the Positive Result. Yep Very stressful lol.ANd YesI will let you know Mrs. OFarell. Good Luck to us Too.

2nd February 2009, 13:25
yes.. best of luck to everyone!!!

and God Bless...

2nd February 2009, 13:59
gooduck to all of us am also awaiting the result been more than a month....

2nd February 2009, 23:24
Be prepared to be disappointed by the "Visa processing tracking." Our experience was that the only tracking was to say that the application had been forwarded to the British Embassy. The status only changed the night before the papers were available for collection from VFS - and Daisy had received a text saying the same thing.
Just be prepared for 8 - 10 weeks of patience: mulling over the application, its strengths and weaknesses and how to approach an interview if called.
And check the forums here for help and encouragement..............

3rd February 2009, 01:01
Be prepared to be disappointed by the "Visa processing tracking." Our experience was that the only tracking was to say that the application had been forwarded to the British Embassy. The status only changed the night before the papers were available for collection from VFS - and Daisy had received a text saying the same thing.
Just be prepared for 8 - 10 weeks of patience: mulling over the application, its strengths and weaknesses and how to approach an interview if called.
And check the forums here for help and encouragement..............

I agree with your post Xebec, and about me I've been waiting for more than 10 weeks now and still no result yet. My passport status in the vfs site never change..:Erm::Erm::Erm:

I'm very scared and nervous but what will be will be. Only God's will. Hope it's positive result.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd February 2009, 01:04
gooduck to all of us am also awaiting the result been more than a month....

Goodluck on your application too Dyannesky,

I've been waiting for more than 10 weeks now and still the status of my passport never change. Still in the British High Commission.

It drives me crazy waiting here for the result lol and mixed emotions.:icon_lol:

4th February 2009, 10:05
me as well been mo0re than 5 weeks now, i lodged my documents last dec 22, but still no avail i hope the waiting will give us good results...thanks i know everything will be fine soon :)

4th February 2009, 11:01
me as well been mo0re than 5 weeks now, i lodged my documents last dec 22, but still no avail i hope the waiting will give us good results...thanks i know everything will be fine soon :)

Hi Dyannesky,

Can I ask what kind of visa did you applied for? Non-settlement or Settlement? Thanks!

Wish u luck!. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2009, 11:15
non settlement, student visa...

4th February 2009, 11:17
Goodluck shyla.....

4th February 2009, 11:34
non settlement, student visa...

Thanks and good luck for both of us.Wish we both have a positive result. Who knows your visa is on the way because it's only 1 month processing for non-settlement visa I think :Erm:.

Hope the result of my application will be ready sooner than later. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2009, 11:43
i wish but usually, it is 60 days...i have friends who recieved their visa last yr after 60 days....thanks thanks

4th February 2009, 11:48

i hope this will help..updates on the visa processing time for all UK visa

4th February 2009, 11:50

you can click on this link for processing times of UK visa

4th February 2009, 14:25
Goodluck shyla.....

Hi there!

I think we will both hear the result same week...in 2-3 weeks time.

4th February 2009, 14:26

i hope this will help..updates on the visa processing time for all UK visa

I'm not sure if I'm included with this because I submitted my visa application last November 24, 2008 and the new processing took effect in December.

4th February 2009, 14:28
Hey, sheila. I also submitted my application last Dec. 18. Pls. let me know when there's news about yours. I lost my receipt so there's no way I can track my application online...

you need to make affidavit of loss,as i heard the couple when they're getting their result that day,they ask to make affidavit of loss,for you to claim your documents as well the result of your visa