View Full Version : New at all of this :P

5th February 2009, 00:35
Hello my name is patrick I have recently meet asha online playing a game we both enjoy. Weve both kind of fallen for each other, and i was looking for any advice no matter big or small. I don't know much about the phillipino culture but am currently looking on the internet to better understand them. Was hopping to hear from someone with first hand experience i do appreciate any helpful advice.

5th February 2009, 00:58
Spend loads of hours looking through the forum then if you have anymore questions feel free to ask:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2009, 01:05
theres plenty couples here but what will you like to know?

you will see and hear lots of problems but dont let that worry you theres many cute and lovely women there.

my advice have a think about the girl you will like to meet..

like age?
things incommon?
where you both want to be in the furture?

you are aware its a poor country so you may might someone from different backgrounds and different levels of education.

and when you marry a asian you marry the family :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2009, 01:09
Spend loads of hours looking through the forum then if you have anymore questions feel free to ask:xxgrinning--00xx3:

second the motion ,

:Hellooo:welcome Patrick,:BouncyHappy:

5th February 2009, 01:10
and when you marry a asian you marry the family :xxgrinning--00xx3:

extended family :D

great place and people,

but beware keep your hand on your wallet and your heart or there is a small risk you could lose them both :doh

5th February 2009, 01:25
but beware keep your hand on your wallet and your heart or there is a small risk you could lose them both :doh

it doesnt matter if you lose them to the right girl,if you lose your heart your wallet will soon follow? :Erm:

5th February 2009, 01:38
it doesnt matter if you lose them to the right girl,if you lose your heart your wallet will soon follow? :Erm:

oh i meant he could lose his money to the gal of his dreams, and find he was scammed and then have a broken heart :cwm24:

5th February 2009, 04:24
Lots of people here with first hand experience here. Some, like Ruby and myself, have settled together in Philippines. Many more have settled together in UK.

As others have said, read the forum and ask questions - there will be lots of answers!

5th February 2009, 07:12
well lil about me im 25 already hd heart broken once so i know what its like. Asha is 29 weve been playing runscape together for about 4 months. We are interested in each other but by looking at things its going to be along time till we would even get to me each other. I am currently unemployed so ya that doesnt help much. But im not worried so much bout the money, ive kind of already been ripped by ex. But i understand why, loaned her the money partly knowing she would never be able to pay me back. Um so far i doubt its a scam, if was i wouldnt have to make 2-3 trips to go see her and make a good impression infront of her family. Asha is very family oriented, so I am going to have to work to impress her family. Pretty much right now im reading online bout her culture and way of life, think she deserves alot better. She has a college degree and a bachelors in computer engineering. Me on the other hand squeaked thru high school :P, smart just don't aplly myself. Ill be looking thru all of the posts figure it will be 2-3 years before things get serious so i got some time to do my homework. thanks for all ur supportwas shocked to have so many replys this fast :P

5th February 2009, 07:25
. thanks for all ur supportwas shocked to have so many replys this fast :P

:xxgrinning--00xx3: we are friendly members here , so just stay tune lol:D

5th February 2009, 10:06
...... I don't know much about the phillipino culture ......

....jungle, voodoo, bananas, mud huts......I'll get my coat :Bolt:

5th February 2009, 15:50
Yup you'll need to be working, primarily because you'll need to visit her to see if the "virtual attraction" is real face to face.
It will be hard carrying on a long distance relationship for 2-3 years unless you can afford to travel to the Philippines often.
In my situation, after our initial meeting I went back 3 months later and brought her to the UK to live.
Bear in mind you are unlikely to be able to get her a visitors visa to come to the UK so the onus will be on you to go out there.

If you do get on, want to marry, bring her to the UK it's going to cost you thousands in fares and immigration visas.
There's lots of info on this forum about the process but the costs keep increasing exponentially.

Good luck. If it all works out you'll be a very lucky man.

5th February 2009, 15:59
If you do get on, want to marry, bring her to the UK it's going to cost you thousands in fares and immigration visas.

On the other hand, life is pleasant in the Philippines, and you can live quite cheaply - but don't expect to earn a meaningful wage!

13th February 2009, 02:50
just wanted to thank you guys again for the help. A little more about me I am not from the UK actually i live in the states in texas so ill have to figure out the costs on my own. As for the living arrangements talking to her she would move to texas, but depending on how were doing financially we may move to phiilipines to raise our family. I know we havent gotten to meet face to face yet so theres a chance all of our plans are for naught but heres to hoping it all works out. Virturally we are a great match, I am hoping that we are physically aswell. I am still not employeed this recession has put a hold on any plans we might make. Tomorrow ill be opening up a savings account tho with my income tax and hopefully in the next few months will find work. I currently have no clue how hard it is to get a visa in the states, I am hoping tho with her college experience that she will be able to attain one. Good news is that I have no bad habits so saving money should be easy, just gotta find a way to get it comming in thats the hard part. Thanks again for all of your support.

13th February 2009, 07:35
currently have no clue how hard it is to get a visa in the states .

Howdy cowboy........:D

As far as I know it is much harder than applying for a British one.
Embassy Interview, I believe, is mandatory.

Welcome aboard.