View Full Version : 15 Feb BBC 2 at 9.20pm

10th February 2009, 10:46
"Explore - Manila to Mindanao"

A BBC2 TV programme called Explore has an episode about the Phils.......

http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00htg7d (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00htg7d)

Unfortunately, they meet that awful b**ch Imelda Marcos & give her publicity. This just perpetuates the only thing most Brits know about the country – Imelda and her shoes.


10th February 2009, 11:06
Thanks! I will watch it.

10th February 2009, 13:45
I was about to post something similar. I may record it and send it to Shei.

It's a programme called "Explore: From Manila to Mindanao". I just watched the last episode when he was in Turkey. The main presenter, Simon Reeve, has a refreshing style. While walking through a Kurdish area with a former mayor, followed by lots of kids he said "Bloody hell, there's little hands going into my pockets... the little scamps".

I am disappointed I missed this series, but have Sky Plussed for next week. I think it will open people's eyes to a country seldom featured. Remember, the Philippines is the third largest English speaking nation in the world, and all most of us know is Manila and Marcos.

10th February 2009, 15:33
I think it will open people's eyes to a country seldom featured. Remember, the Philippines is the third largest English speaking nation in the world, and all most of us know is Manila and Marcos.

I agree, other SE Asian countries (I'm excl Thailand which is popular) are mentioned in holiday TV progs, travel sections of newspapers, cookery but never the Philippines. You see/read info on other "low profile" countries - Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, but never the Philippines. When something eventually arrives it's got that bloody woman in it - for God's sake they were kicked out over 20 years ago. Hopefully her segment of the programme will be small. The Filipinos should have done the same as the Romanians in 1989 - put against a wall & shot.

10th February 2009, 15:41
i write it down in paper already as a reminder hehehe...

10th February 2009, 15:51
:icon_lol:I always watch explore since it started in ARgentina:)

After I watched it last sunday in turkey when they showed the next show will be in the PI i was shock:omg::icon_lol: And we set a reminder in our telly for that:xxgrinning--00xx3::D

My husband is excited to watch it:Erm::omg::icon_lol:

10th February 2009, 17:28
Lets hope they show a more positive side of the phils and not the usual negatives like smokey mountian/corruption etc

10th February 2009, 19:37
Simon Reeve and his group are really good when they present and go around and explore other countries, I hope they do give good justice as well when they explore our beloved country..Philippines..:)

10th February 2009, 23:35
I'm also hoping they'll give a more balanced view of Philippines! It could be a great tourist destination but the bad news makes people feel twitchy about going there..:cwm34: