View Full Version : Im SO Touch.....

13th February 2009, 07:34
Just want to share this email,From Adrian's Mother.And express how happy I am...:cwm38::cwm38::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

13th February 2009, 09:12
I am very happy for you and its good to see that your new family will take great care of you so enjoy your new life:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2009, 12:28
Wow , you will treat as a baby from Ady family i'm sure, you're so lucky girl

Mrs Daddy
13th February 2009, 12:32
congrats after all not all the word i heared about mother in law is bad not monster in law hehehe.we are happy for you:D

13th February 2009, 14:33
Nice to know shei that we feel assured and love by our in laws:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are lucky or we are:icon_lol: My in laws are so nice to me too. They always spoiled me:icon_lol:

Goodluck shei:)

13th February 2009, 20:42
What a lovely Email

14th February 2009, 03:31
Thanks a lot Guyss..

I am so glad you know my feelings lol. I am so excited to meet them in person na. I will tell you some about them (Adrian's Parents and Family) They are so thoughtful and so loving family. No doubt because I can see it to Adrian's personality. We constantly emailed each other, chat in YM, SMS and phone calls. And they spoiled us with their gifts especially ANgelica lol. When we have a Vacation in HK and Singapore..they called up everyday and keep asking if Angelica is OK,Enjoying and full (Busog). Because ANgelica is always hungry ^^ .
When we knew the result I called UP ADY and he returned call. When he called back i can hear her Mother (TITA EIRLYS) with a big voice..Sheila is coming..blaa blaaa lol...she phoned and talking to Lolo Eddie.

Yes I am so lucky to have them as my New family and IN LAWS.And Love them so much.


14th February 2009, 09:48
Just want to share this email,From Adrian's Mother.And express how happy I am...:cwm38::cwm38::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Mom and Dad said:
They can kick their son but not me

Mom's just bought me 48 inch wall T.V.
Always add some dosh in my savings
Bought my 2nd hand car
Always pay my schooling

That's the real spoiling:D

Nice to have LOVING IN-LAWS that loves/treat you like a real daughter. Isn't it?

18th February 2009, 20:01
That's great Sheila. Wish you all great happiness.