View Full Version : I am beginning to get........

15th February 2009, 13:31
......curvature of the spine from getting into, and out of, jeepneys!!!!

Most of the time though, I ride my big, red, throbbing chopper!!


15th February 2009, 13:33
......curvature of the spine from getting into, and out of, jeepneys!!!!

Most of the time though, I ride my big, red, throbbing chopper!!


For a change Al, why don't you sit on top of the jeepney? I used to travel that way when I was younger.:)

15th February 2009, 13:50
For a change Al, why don't you sit on top of the jeepney? I used to travel that way when I was younger.:)

But Grace, I am not younger any more!!!

I mean, I am younger than my dad, or William Shakespeare or John the Baptist. But I am not younger than my children, or YOU!!! In fact, I am BLOODY old now, which upsets me somewhat!!:bigcry:

However, I am A LOT younger than most of the jeepneys that miraculously trundle their way through Cebu City! Some of them must have been built in the 19th century I am sure!!!

Also, when a jeepney is full, there is somehow room for another 20 people, just by the guy who rides on the back moving along the outside, hitting everyone and shouting, 'Eeey!!!!' One of these days I will smack one of those guys - and when I smack, I smack HARD!!! That will probably mean I shall end up in jail, in a cell with millions of cockroaches!! (A bit like my apartment really!!)

I am waffling!! Time for another San Mig. and then bed - work tomorrow - no rest for the wicked!!! (What a silly expression!! Anybody know from whence it came?)


15th February 2009, 13:56
Sir Al,sometimes i was thinking the reason why u keep drinking San Miguel beer is because you want to get numb with the bites of all the cockroaches in your apartment :D

15th February 2009, 14:05
Opppsss sorry forgot how young you are Al! Anyway, I was going to suggest you ride outside too but then I realised any other way won't help. Why don't you get a car instead?

15th February 2009, 14:06
Sir Al,sometimes i was thinking the reason why u keep drinking San Miguel beer is because you want to get numb with the bites of all the cockroaches in your apartment :D

But cockroaches don't bite do they? This morning I was checking the pockets of my jeans before getting dressed and I felt something inside my left pocket. I withdrew it and it was a bloody ginormous cockroach which proceeded to fly all around the bedroom!!!!

I felt SICK!!!

Not a nice start to the day.


15th February 2009, 14:38
Opppsss sorry forgot how young you are Al! Anyway, I was going to suggest you ride outside too but then I realised any other way won't help. Why don't you get a car instead?

Eh he wouldn't want to get a new car here anyway, I have had 5 people crash into my car within 32 months of having the car!:furious3: No wait a minute you need a tank, so you can barge the crazy little s**** out the way, or ah even better a helicopter!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th February 2009, 15:36
Eewww! :yikes: I'm petrified of roaches/cockroaches specially the flying ones! I'd say it's a phobia, I'm absolutely terrified of them! Can't go near them even if it's dead. You should buy loads of bug spray or water based Baygon and spray it all over your apartment Sir Al. Do it before leaving the house for work so you won't have to breathe in the air. Or you can buy and use one of those sticky paper traps.

With regards to riding the jeep, perhaps you should go and sit in the front so you won't have to hunched your back too much.

15th February 2009, 15:39
But cockroaches don't bite do they? This morning I was checking the pockets of my jeans before getting dressed and I felt something inside my left pocket. I withdrew it and it was a bloody ginormous cockroach which proceeded to fly all around the bedroom!!!!

I felt SICK!!!

Not a nice start to the day.



15th February 2009, 18:25

Should have fried it and eaten it with a nice wine:Help1::D

15th February 2009, 18:30
Them jeepneys are just wicked! If things go wrong in the U.K. I will happily move to Philly and be a jeepney driver!:D But it's got to be the most flambouyant colourful Jeepney in the whole of the Philippines! hehe:icon_lol:

16th February 2009, 11:53
But cockroaches don't bite do they?

Yes they do Al.. (usually after they have been dining in a sewer)
They usually bite at night when you have crashed out after a SMB session..
They always used to bite me on the eye lids for some reason.

16th February 2009, 11:56
But cockroaches don't bite do they?

Yes they do Al.. (usually after they have been dining in a sewer)
They usually bite at night when you have crashed out after a SMB session..
They always used to bite me on the eye lids for some reason.

I second the motion..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Cockroaches do bite,and the infected area will be swollen and feels hot..

16th February 2009, 13:13
I second the motion..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Cockroaches do bite,and the infected area will be swollen and feels hot..

Hmmmm! Perhaps I should get one to bite my willy!! It might please Hanna! :xxgrinning--00xx3:


16th February 2009, 13:22
Hmmmm! Perhaps I should get one to bite my willy!! It might please Hanna! :xxgrinning--00xx3:



16th February 2009, 13:25
Hmmmm! Perhaps I should get one to bite my willy!! It might please Hanna! :xxgrinning--00xx3:


I doubt it Al..
There`s more chance her directing you to an STD clinic.:cwm24:

16th February 2009, 13:28
I doubt it Al..
There`s more chance her directing you to an STD clinic.:cwm24:



17th February 2009, 09:51
I second the motion..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Cockroaches do bite,and the infected area will be swollen and feels hot..

Hmmmm! Perhaps I should get one to bite my willy!! It might please Hanna! :xxgrinning--00xx3:


I doubt it Al..
There`s more chance her directing you to an STD clinic.:cwm24:


...then stay away to cockroach Prof...:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

I'm suffering curvature of spine as well coz of sitting infront of the computer most of the time:doh maybe i'm not positioning proper:NoNo::NoNo: