View Full Version : two timer

16th February 2009, 08:50
Hi, i would like to just ask if how would you know someone from a long distance relationship is two timing someone?

dont get me wrong, im not involve in a relationship, just wanted to ask about the matter.
Given a situation, a filipina in the PI is having a "relationship" or "mutual understanding" with someone abroad, lets say from the UK.

Forgive me for saying this but usually Men (rather than filipina women) have the tendency to stray. And in a relationship, honesty is the one key that is very important. My question would be how would "you" know if the guy is seeing someone other than yourself, even if he say he isnt? (assuming he is seeing)

Is there some indications or perhaps tips that you might shed in this matter?

Answers/opinions are very much appreciated.:)

16th February 2009, 09:48
Hmm,actually you can feel it,seldom chat....not a valid reason,:NoNo: what about if he isn't always online as you expected him to be there:NoNo: or at least he keep calling you even though his busy,the rest of British guys are busy ,but at least they make sure that they always online or call their loved ones in PI,:doh

So hang on,for sure other members have their own opinion:)

16th February 2009, 11:13
I think it depends how long the relationship, if it's in early stage and you're not meeting yet expect that he's still chatting someone else but if it's tested by time you know him for a long time and you've met and has good communication then there's no reason for him to look for another:cwm38::)

But as a techy one try to hook up his password:D usually important dates to him:Erm::Rasp:

16th February 2009, 14:30
yes as mrs major says u will feels it if there is a change the way he treat u if b4 he is so sweet and always make sure that he call u and tx and gv time to chat with online.and u will feels the changes of his attitude there a saying that woman,s instinct.

16th February 2009, 14:36
Forgive me for saying this but usually Men (rather than filipina women) have the tendency to stray

Why is it always assumed that ?

... from a recent report...
Mr Brindley ......... had met (Precious) in the Philippines when they were working for the same firm. They married and had a son and in 2006 Precious went to salsa classes where she had an affair with the teacher. She later confessed to her husband, the jury heard.

... granted, stabbing her 5 times was a triffle excessive

... but it's not all "one-way" traffic.

16th February 2009, 22:07
Forgive me for saying this but usually Men (rather than filipina women) have the tendency to stray. And in a relationship, honesty is the one key that is very important. My question would be how would "you" know if the guy is seeing someone other than yourself, even if he say he isnt? (assuming he is seeing)

:doh, it takes 2 to tango or should i say salsa :doh

i think it depends on the person, and their morals, or lack of, not what sex they are if they are going to cheat :Erm:

16th February 2009, 23:23
:doh, it takes 2 to tango or should i say salsa :doh

i think it depends on the person, and their morals, or lack of, not what sex they are if they are going to cheat :Erm:


17th February 2009, 07:46
Hi, i would like to just ask if how would you know someone from a long distance relationship is two timing someone?

dont get me wrong, im not involve in a relationship, just wanted to ask about the matter.
Given a situation, a filipina in the PI is having a "relationship" or "mutual understanding" with someone abroad, lets say from the UK.

Forgive me for saying this but usually Men (rather than filipina women) have the tendency to stray. And in a relationship, honesty is the one key that is very important. My question would be how would "you" know if the guy is seeing someone other than yourself, even if he say he isnt? (assuming he is seeing)

Is there some indications or perhaps tips that you might shed in this matter?

Answers/opinions are very much appreciated.:)

Partner will surely feel it Filipinas knows how to! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Check hubby's collar if there's lipstics thats not match yours:action-smiley-081:
Smells your partnes used clothes if there's something fishy :D

17th February 2009, 08:06
Smells your partnes used clothes if there's something fishy :D


17th February 2009, 08:17
:doh, it takes 2 to tango or should i say salsa :doh

i think it depends on the person, and their morals, or lack of, not what sex they are if they are going to cheat :Erm:

:xxgrinning--00xx3:but TINIKLING now:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

17th February 2009, 08:20
Partner will surely feel it Filipinas knows how to! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Check hubby's collar if there's lipstics thats not match yours:action-smiley-081:
Smells your partnes used clothes if there's something fishy :D

Slightly difficult to do in a long distance relationship :)

17th February 2009, 08:23
Slightly difficult to do in a long distance relationship :)

smart reply lol :icon_lol:

19th February 2009, 00:51
My research here in the Phils suggests that in on line relationships (especially before having met) the Ladies will still be talking to potential partners and that a first past the post(arrival here) is the norm

Of course im not suggesting that is other than a fairly high percentage and of course does not apply to anyone here on the forum

This is not considered as cheating in the Phils but the opposite would be:xxgrinning--00xx3:

And as kukurakuk says checking out the multiple yahoo messenger IM accounts and email addresses can be very educational especially the chat archives held on personal pc,s and the sent box of yahoo emails

Do pm if you need more exaustive info