View Full Version : RE:RE: Desperate Adivce

22nd February 2009, 13:27
:Brick:indeed for your very in depth and honest sentiments in my quest to just love my girlfriend. It is a bad state of affairs when I have to ask the ''Government'' can I love and marry another human being-who has not done a bad thing in her life, but yet, they they are willing to let people from the EU come across the borders ....some of them hard workers, but others who are murderers. My girlfriend is a humble and caring person just born outside the EU. Oh well, our fight will continue, and can I thank you all for your support. I will keep u guys up dated. Thank you so much John

22nd February 2009, 20:50
if they made it to cheap to bring our loved ones here,it would take so long for the visa to be processed because so many would be appyling.

to be honest i think getting a visa is far to easy and should be far more restrictions on who can apply and get given one.

22nd February 2009, 21:32
it should be your legal right to bring your wife or husband to the uk, as long as they don't have a criminal record like your average scouser :D


23rd February 2009, 08:32
:Brick:indeed for your very in depth and honest sentiments in my quest to just love my girlfriend. It is a bad state of affairs when I have to ask the ''Government'' can I love and marry another human being-who has not done a bad thing in her life, but yet, they they are willing to let people from the EU come across the borders ....some of them hard workers, but others who are murderers. My girlfriend is a humble and caring person just born outside the EU. Oh well, our fight will continue, and can I thank you all for your support. I will keep u guys up dated. Thank you so much John

The thing you need to remember is that your girlfriend might not be a bad person, but she has come to another country and chosen to break the law for a long period of time. You might not see overstaying/illegal working as a bad thing, but the Government does, and does not want to encourage it in any way, so you can't expect it to be easy for your girlfriend to legalise her stay here.

Mrs Daddy
23rd February 2009, 12:17
go go go john fight for you love and we`re behind you :)

23rd February 2009, 15:12
it should be your legal right to bring your wife or husband to the uk ...

... as long as it is a genuine marriage, and not one of 'convenience'.

I believe that this is the reason why each and every application has to be scrutinised.

23rd February 2009, 23:52
... as long as it is a genuine marriage, and not one of 'convenience'.

I believe that this is the reason why each and every application has to be scrutinised.

and how do they know that ?

and why they so bothered about money and somewhere to live ? what it got to do with the gov who you marry or where they are from ?

i agree about the marriage of convenience thou, but how do they decide it is ??

24th February 2009, 05:34
i agree about the marriage of convenience thou, but how do they decide it is ??

I guess that they attempt to do that by weighing up all the evidence presented to them. Inevitably, they will get it wrong sometimes. However, from the reports on this forum (where, I hope, all the marriages are genuine), it would seem that really genuine cases are rarely denied. However, we all have to suffer that agonising wait while the decision is made.

What I do think is really unfair is the apparent assumption that no one can form a meaningful partnership below the age of 21. I really hope that discretion will be used when applying this rule.

24th February 2009, 06:07
What I do think is really unfair is the apparent assumption that no one can form a meaningful partnership below the age of 21. I really hope that discretion will be used when applying this rule.

I thought the aim of raising the minimum age to 21 was to try and stop the number of forced marriages in the UK (especially involving spouses from India) rather than because the Government believes that no one can form a meaningful partnership below the age of 21. I've since figures from 2005 stating that about 1 in 5 applications for a marriage visa from India involved a spouse under the age of 21.

24th February 2009, 15:05
I thought the aim of raising the minimum age to 21 was to try and stop the number of forced marriages in the UK...

So, effectively saying that marriages involving a party who is under 21 are probably arranged marriages - therefore we will prevent them from coming to UK.

Anyway, if it's to stop forced marriages in UK, why does the law now not allow visa applications from those under 21 who are already married?

24th February 2009, 19:29
So, effectively saying that marriages involving a party who is under 21 are probably arranged marriages - therefore we will prevent them from coming to UK.

I guess it must be a high enough proportion to make it sensible to put the restriction in place. The age limit was only raised from 16 to 18 a few years ago for the same reason.

To be honest I've been following this forum for a while and I've only noticed a few couples who would be affected by this restriction.

Anyway, if it's to stop forced marriages in UK, why does the law now not allow visa applications from those under 21 who are already married?

There's no point blocking fiancee visas and then allowing marriage visas as the British spouse would just get married abroad first.

25th February 2009, 00:12
they raised it to 21 because people were being forced into marriage, look at the doc who was 33yrs old in the news recently who was held hostage be her parents, after being tricked into going to Bangladesh for an arranged marriage.

i watched a tv program i think it was filmed in India, where the British embassy had a help line, where they would go and visit with police, British citizens who were being forced into arranged marriages by their parents and try to free then , and get them back to the uk. those who worked at the british embassy went out of their way to help and free them, so for once a :xxgrinning--00xx3: to the embassy..

25th February 2009, 03:52
they raised it to 21 because people were being forced into marriage, look at the doc who was 33yrs old in the news recently

So, how much does this change help? There must be another way to police this than simply blocking entry by age. There are two people on this forum right now who are suffering undue stress because of this arbitrary law.

25th February 2009, 07:18
So, how much does this change help? There must be another way to police this than simply blocking entry by age. There are two people on this forum right now who are suffering undue stress because of this arbitrary law.

my point was if they can do this to a 33yr old, whats happening with the under 21yr olds :yikes:

25th February 2009, 21:29
So, how much does this change help? There must be another way to police this than simply blocking entry by age. There are two people on this forum right now who are suffering undue stress because of this arbitrary law.

A better way would be to only block marriage visas to under 21s from certain countries/communities, but I guess that might cause problems with the countries/communities involved.