View Full Version : More help please.....

25th February 2009, 12:47
I would appreciate more help again about accounts of my fiance and the budget statement we are currently trying to do,it shows wage that not enough to pay monthly expenses but profit of business is exceeding 10,000 sterling.How can we make it good on budget statemnet, Please we would be very grateful .

25th February 2009, 12:56
If it's an "official" business, then you've probably returned a statement to the
Inland Revenue (UK Tax authorities) which will show a £10,000 income. Just put in a covering letter (attached to budget statement), divide the income
by 12 (months), ansd add it to your monthly income statement.

But ... if "unofficial" ......then a little more complicated.
I'd suggest again, a covering letter explaining the nature of the business, and
the net yearly income. To "prove" this, the income should show up on a bank
statement, ie additional & regular cash deposits into the account, even
better if cheques !
Again, sub-divide the income by 12, and add to your monthly income
Basically, the money going into your bank account(s) every month is much
greater than the outgoings.

Hope this helps

25th February 2009, 13:10
I run my own limited company and my pay is made up of salary and dividends.

The information I supplied with our visa application was pay slips and a letter from my accountants stating the earnings from the company and my total earnings.

25th February 2009, 13:11
If it's an "official" business, then you've probably returned a statement to the
Inland Revenue (UK Tax authorities) which will show a £10,000 income. Just put in a covering letter (attached to budget statement), divide the income
by 12 (months), ansd add it to your monthly income statement.

But ... if "unofficial" ......then a little more complicated.
I'd suggest again, a covering letter explaining the nature of the business, and
the net yearly income. To "prove" this, the income should show up on a bank
statement, ie additional & regular cash deposits into the account, even
better if cheques !
Again, sub-divide the income by 12, and add to your monthly income
Basically, the money going into your bank account(s) every month is much
greater than the outgoings.

Hope this helps

Thank you very very much Bluebirdjones for the quick response,its so much appreciated.

25th February 2009, 14:58
I run my own limited company and my pay is made up of salary and dividends.

The information I supplied with our visa application was pay slips and a letter from my accountants stating the earnings from the company and my total earnings.

Hello rusty,thank you so much for the response.We glad to share what you did in your application.it helps us.

25th February 2009, 20:09

I know this is not directly realted to your concern however I feel it may have some use. When we was researching for our fiancee visa we looked at many many website :Erm:, lots of them seemed useless but one common thing that stood out was these few little words:

' on a balance of probablility' :cwm24:,

This came up on several posts on here when pple have been refused various visas and on other sites. the reason I think this might be useful is because this means if a normal person looked at something, would they say probably or probably not. It may sound obvious but its maybe worth keeping in mind when you are putting your application together. You dont have to be rich or have excellent finances, all you need is for the ECO to look at ur application and when they are thinking if you can maintain yourselfs, all you need is a probably.

Hpe it helps, good luck :Hellooo: