View Full Version : I need your prayers guys

27th February 2009, 17:34
I was on the phone a while ago talking to my younger brother while he is lying in his bed in the hospital. He cannot say anything he just listen to me while tears coming out in his eyes. A few mins after he stops breathing and i cud hear people screaming and crying. He passed away today nearly 12 midnight philippine time. He just waited for my phone wanna hear ate's voice before closing his eyes.

He is the closest to me off all of my siblings. A very good person, loved by all ,thrustworthy so talented and so intelligent.

I am asking for all your prayers guys for my loving brother's soul.

salamat po.


Mrs Daddy
27th February 2009, 17:38
I am really really sorry to hear that ann.May his soul rest in peace! If you dont mind me asking what was the cause of his death?my deepest symphaty ann for this very sad day of yours.

27th February 2009, 17:42
hi ann sorry to hear the sad new condolence amy he rest in peace.

27th February 2009, 17:44
I am really really sorry to hear that ann.May his soul rest in peace! If you dont mind me asking what was the cause of his death?my deepest symphaty ann for this very sad day of yours.

He had an operation last year in his kidney. He is only 19 yrs old. I am still waiting for my mum to tell me everything.

Thanks sa prayers


27th February 2009, 18:03
im really sorry to hear that Ann,my deepest symphaty to you and your family.

27th February 2009, 18:21
So sorry to hear that, Ann. I pray, not just for your brother, but that God will give you all strength and comfort

27th February 2009, 18:26
My deepest condolence Ann. May he rest in peace.

Rob & Anne
27th February 2009, 18:27
our condolences to u and ur family...be strong and remember that God is with u.

27th February 2009, 19:01
I will ask for prayers for you and yours at our local Filipino church in Birmingham when I go on Sunday, I will ask Ligaya to do the same at her church in Pangasinan where she is home visiting with our little one right now.

deepest sympathies

Scott and Ligaya

27th February 2009, 19:10
Amiga, we are so so sorry to hear about what has happened to your brother. May he rest in eternal and perfect peace.

27th February 2009, 19:40
Our condolences to you and your family.

27th February 2009, 20:27
MY deepest sympathy and condolence to you and to your family back home. May God give enough strength for you to overcome this sorrow.

27th February 2009, 20:33
While we fondly remember the departed.. I understand what you're going through.. The one we've lost will remain in our hearts always..... to our deepest sympathy to you and your family from both of us mick and diane

27th February 2009, 21:05
our condolences to you and your family.

colin and ailene

27th February 2009, 21:56
Our condolences to you my friend. May he rest in peace. Surely, he loves you.

27th February 2009, 21:59
I was on the phone a while ago talking to my younger brother while he is lying in his bed in the hospital. He cannot say anything he just listen to me while tears coming out in his eyes. A few mins after he stops breathing and i cud hear people screaming and crying. He passed away today nearly 12 midnight philippine time. He just waited for my phone wanna hear ate's voice before closing his eyes.

He is the closest to me off all of my siblings. A very good person, loved by all ,thrustworthy so talented and so intelligent.

I am asking for all your prayers guys for my loving brother's soul.

salamat po.


Ate Ann, our deepest sympathy to you and to your family. May he rest in peace. I remember those times that we were talking online about him and it's really sad hearing the bad news.

Anyway are you going back home to PI or can't be because ur pregnant?..Take care!

27th February 2009, 23:48
im sorry to hear of your loss!

try not to be to sad when you think of him,always think of the good times you had shared together and celebrate his live :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th February 2009, 23:54
Sorry to hear that sis. My prayers will be with u and ur family.. My deepest condolences.

28th February 2009, 00:36
Hi Ann Im sorry to hear your loss.. Be strong, my sympathy and condolence to you and your family.

Rest In Peace Anthony.

28th February 2009, 01:14
Sorry to hear about your bother Ann,my condollence to you and your family...

28th February 2009, 01:49
Sorry to hear it ann,be strong ! condolence to your family,

28th February 2009, 04:22
Condolence to you Ann and to your family. I know how sad and painful to lose someone whom you dearly love. I do hope and pray that God will give you more strength to accept and overcome this trial in your life.

Shirley and Paul

28th February 2009, 05:10
My deepest condolences Ann. May God give you and your family strength to face this ordeal.

28th February 2009, 06:16
Oh Ann07 I'm so sorry.
My thoughts are with you.


28th February 2009, 06:39
My deepest sympathies to you and family.

Your loss is God's gain!


28th February 2009, 09:59
I was on the phone a while ago talking to my younger brother while he is lying in his bed in the hospital. He cannot say anything he just listen to me while tears coming out in his eyes. A few mins after he stops breathing and i cud hear people screaming and crying. He passed away today nearly 12 midnight philippine time. He just waited for my phone wanna hear ate's voice before closing his eyes.

He is the closest to me off all of my siblings. A very good person, loved by all ,thrustworthy so talented and so intelligent.

I am asking for all your prayers guys for my loving brother's soul.

salamat po.


We are so sorry for such a horrible loss!

I wish you could make a way back home to pay your last respect.
It happend to me when I was just newly arrived in Taiwan for work. I felt crazy because I am thinking I'm just newly arrived, no wages yet, no money. But thanks God, I am blessed with a generous taiwanese friend who gave her bank card and said I can withdraw money all I need and no need to pay back.

My condolence to your family in the Philippines.

28th February 2009, 10:21
Ate Ann, our deepest sympathy to you and to your family. May he rest in peace. I remember those times that we were talking online about him and it's really sad hearing the bad news.

Anyway are you going back home to PI or can't be because ur pregnant?..Take care!

Thanks very much. Everything happened so fast. I wish I can but I cannt go home. Thats why I feel so helpless.

28th February 2009, 10:22
I will ask for prayers for you and yours at our local Filipino church in Birmingham when I go on Sunday, I will ask Ligaya to do the same at her church in Pangasinan where she is home visiting with our little one right now.

deepest sympathies

Scott and Ligaya

Thanks very much, thats a realy nice gestures for you both Scott and Ligaya.

GBU always


28th February 2009, 10:23
Amiga, we are so so sorry to hear about what has happened to your brother. May he rest in eternal and perfect peace.

I really appreciate the phone call yesterday AMigo and Pia.
Thanks very much


28th February 2009, 10:28
Thanks very much to you all guys. Your words are really comforting. WE really appreciate it. Please continue praying as we badly need it. Me and my husband decided to name our second baby after my brother. He may be away but he is always with us. We love him to bits.

Salamat po

Robert, Ann and James

28th February 2009, 11:15
Our deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family, we will pray for them and you may your brother find eternal peace.
May the choirs of angels come to greet him and take his soul to paradise.

28th February 2009, 11:56
But thanks God, I am blessed with a generous taiwanese friend who gave her bank card and said I can withdraw money all I need and no need to pay back.

Wow! What a friend!

28th February 2009, 14:28
oh Ann so sorry to hear this very sad news coming from you....my condolence to you and the rest of your family who is grieving now for the lost of your brother. He may rest in peace

28th February 2009, 15:01
Condolence to ur family ate ann ...

deepest sympathy be strong.

Simon & Elena

28th February 2009, 15:42
Wow! What a friend!

Yes really. I always cherished that, will never forget her and other chinese friends in Taiwan.
Akala ko nga mga kuripot ang chinese but I was wrong! :doh They have helping hands and golden heart:xxgrinning--00xx3::D

28th February 2009, 15:54
I was on the phone a while ago talking to my younger brother while he is lying in his bed in the hospital. He cannot say anything he just listen to me while tears coming out in his eyes. A few mins after he stops breathing and i cud hear people screaming and crying. He passed away today nearly 12 midnight philippine time. He just waited for my phone wanna hear ate's voice before closing his eyes.

He is the closest to me off all of my siblings. A very good person, loved by all ,thrustworthy so talented and so intelligent.

I am asking for all your prayers guys for my loving brother's soul.

salamat po.


Hi Ann,

My deepest condolences to you and your family. I may not know you personally but I know what you're going through. I also lost my sisiter, our bunso, December 23, 2007. It was a very sudden death... a few hours ago we were laughing and swimming at our farm's creek.. then on our way home she had an asthma attack.. 30 minutes later, she died. Any death is very very tragic.. but I was comforted with the fact that she'll never suffer again as she is with our Creator... your brother is in a better place.... he has been called for God had wanted him to be at His side.. and he's your angel now...

Again, my deepest sympathy to you and your family. I will pray for you and your brother.


28th February 2009, 16:09
sorry to hear that sis Ann..Our deepest sympathy to u and ur family.

Just be strong and take care.

28th February 2009, 18:04
I am not very good with religion or prayers Ann, but I do wish you and your family's pain does not last for too long.
We remember our lost loved ones forever and I am sure you will remember your brother in your heart when he was at his best.
Let the tears flow, they ease your grief.
My sympathy and best wishes go out to you.

28th February 2009, 20:56
Sorry to hear that Ann...my deepest condolence to u and your family. I know how it feels to lose someone you love, my Dad had cancer and stayed with him for a few months before moving to UK sadly he died when I was here but came home for his cremation. Be strong and my prayers are with u.

28th February 2009, 21:34
our deepest condolonces to you Ann and your family...

adam and chryss

1st March 2009, 06:43
My prayers and condolence Anne.

1st March 2009, 09:13
My condolences to you and your family...

1st March 2009, 10:07
Hi ann, sorry to hear about your lost ...

our deepest sympathy and condolence to you and your family.

1st March 2009, 11:17
Sorry to hear the bad news Ann my deepest condolence and sympathy to you and ur fam in the Philippines.

Be strong and keep the faith.

1st March 2009, 14:09
Thanks po for all your words and prayers. That is the pixz of my brother in my avatar. He was sick already but carry on playing with his band and stop until he was really ill. He loves his guitar and drums.

Robert, Ann and Baby James

1st March 2009, 14:49
My condolence to you and your family. God bless

Arthur Little
1st March 2009, 17:49
Hello Ann,

Even though we do not know one another, I felt moved to add my name to all the others here who've written expressing sorrow at the tragic loss of your much-loved younger brother. Please be assured that the prayers of each and every one of us are with you in your grief.

I realise it's small consolation at this difficult time, but the Church to which I belong holds a Healing Group which meets regularly to offer prayer on behalf of people who have been bereaved and/or are suffering distress of any kind, and I've taken the liberty of mentioning your name for inclusion in their ongoing Prayer List. I do hope you don't mind.

May God always be with you and your loved ones in the days ahead.
Most sincerely,


1st March 2009, 17:53
Hello Ann,

Even though we do not know one another, I felt moved to add my name to all the others here who've written expressing sorrow at the tragic loss of your much-loved younger brother. Please be assured that the prayers of each and every one of us are with you in your grief.

I realise it's small consolation at this difficult time, but the Church to which I belong holds a Healing Group which meets regularly to offer prayer on behalf of people who have been bereaved and/or are suffering distress of any kind, and I've taken the liberty of mentioning your name for inclusion in their ongoing Prayer List. I do hope you don't mind.

May God always be with you and your loved ones in the days ahead.
Most sincerely,


WE really need that Arthur. Thanks very much.

Robert, Ann and Baby JAmes

1st March 2009, 17:57
I'd been to Church this morning and offered a prayer for my brother. And the Mass for the next sunday will be offered to my younger brother at the same time it is his funeral in the Philippines.

Thanks very much guys. I didnt realized how many of you would respond. So nice its very comforting. We really appreciate all the words of encouragement and prayers you offer for my family and especially for the soul of my younger brother.

GOdbless us all

Robert, Ann and Baby James

2nd March 2009, 12:44
Thanks very much to you all guys. Your words are really comforting. WE really appreciate it. Please continue praying as we badly need it. Me and my husband decided to name our second baby after my brother. He may be away but he is always with us. We love him to bits.

Salamat po

Robert, Ann and James

My Deepest Sympathy to u Ann and ur Family

2nd March 2009, 13:07
Hello Ann,

Even though we do not know one another, I felt moved to add my name to all the others here who've written expressing sorrow at the tragic loss of your much-loved younger brother. Please be assured that the prayers of each and every one of us are with you in your grief.

I realise it's small consolation at this difficult time, but the Church to which I belong holds a Healing Group which meets regularly to offer prayer on behalf of people who have been bereaved and/or are suffering distress of any kind, and I've taken the liberty of mentioning your name for inclusion in their ongoing Prayer List. I do hope you don't mind.

May God always be with you and your loved ones in the days ahead.
Most sincerely,


Well done Arthur - you are a true gentleman. May God also bless you and yours!


Pepe n Pilar
2nd March 2009, 13:35

Allow me to extend my deepest condolences in your loss of your brother. Loosing a love one, I know from personal experience, is one of the heavy losses. May you find God's presence with you as you journey through the time of grief.

2nd March 2009, 19:11
I am not a believer and I never pray but I feel sympathy for you and hope you can overcome this ordeal.

3rd March 2009, 22:42
hugs & kisses to you Ann...

4th March 2009, 16:56
It's so sad to hear that.... but at least, he is now safe in God's hands!


girl england
6th March 2009, 09:44
im really sorry to hear that Ann,my deepest symphaty to you and your family.

6th March 2009, 10:15
Condolences Ann and to your family. You're always in my prayer.

6th March 2009, 12:20
Thank you... Thank you po sa lahat:)

6th March 2009, 17:26
Condolence to you Ann & the rest of the family. It feels really sad when someone close to you passed away. But life moves on Ann, you have to be strong for the rest of the family. Take care!


18th March 2009, 21:01
Hello Anno7, so sorry to hear about your loss..our condolence to u n to ur family.

18th March 2009, 21:38
so sorry to hear of your loss, i dont know what its like to loose someone so close i can only imagine it. my thoughts are with.
congrats on your new born

18th March 2009, 22:01

My brother is at peace now. His funeral was last MArch 8 more than 200 people attended the funeral we never expected that. I also offered the 2 sundays mass here in ou town for him.The funeral was really nice his mates sung a song at the end of the mass and it was so emotional. His classmates carry his coffin all over the funeral. Now my family always visit his tomb every monday. He was a gift for us and we were so blessed to have him we miss him loads.

Again thanks po sa lahat.

19th March 2009, 09:47

My brother is at peace now. His funeral was last MArch 8 more than 200 people attended the funeral we never expected that. I also offered the 2 sundays mass here in ou town for him.The funeral was really nice his mates sung a song at the end of the mass and it was so emotional. His classmates carry his coffin all over the funeral. Now my family always visit his tomb every monday. He was a gift for us and we were so blessed to have him we miss him loads.

Again thanks po sa lahat.

I can totally relate to you. I miss our bunso as well.. miss her sweet words and her texts whenever she says "luv you te"... my parents always offer a mass for her every sunday and visits her tomb after mass... i so wish i can see her in my dreams every night.. miss talking to her... i know how much you miss your brother as well... again, condolence and god bless you.. will include your brother when I pray for my sister. :):xxgrinning--00xx3: