View Full Version : Chat Logs.

8th March 2009, 08:58
Hi everyone, just starting to put together everything need for a fiance visa and wondering if I need to print off just the page showing the dates we chatted in ym or each and every page of the chat itself to submit with the visa application? Many thanks. Carl.:BouncyHappy:

8th March 2009, 09:23
This will help you, Smiler. But keep searching, other threads will surely help you.

8th March 2009, 09:28
Ah perfect empott, silly me should have looked at older posts, guess I was just to stressed trying to get my printer to work wireless with my laptop like it says it SHOULD !!!!!!!

Thanks again.

8th March 2009, 09:48
Your welcome. I'm glad to be of help.

8th March 2009, 11:17
Hi everyone, just starting to put together everything need for a fiance visa and wondering if I need to print off just the page showing the dates we chatted in ym or each and every page of the chat itself to submit with the visa application? Many thanks. Carl.:BouncyHappy:

I remember printing a few pages and when it got to about 57 out of nearly 3k i gave up, and printed a list of chat dates and duration, plus a few emails.

All the rest of the chats were copied on a DVD and included in the documentation, but it was not necessary.

8th March 2009, 11:59
Very good idea thanks, will save me going down pc world to buy more bloody ink now ive finally got the printer to work with the new laptop!!! Just talked to my girl in Manila and she tells me to relax, its stressful for her also!! but in a strange way the fact I found that so funny made me relaxed and I got the printer working[B]:Brick: