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8th March 2009, 09:37
Hey guys, I've had a great idea. When your wife is asleep, get her passport and rip out the page with her visa on it and send it to me. I shall then stick it in Hanna's passport and give it back to you when we get to the UK.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

D'ya think it'll work? :Erm:


8th March 2009, 09:43
It might work if she can manage to get through the checks and controls in Phils Al, after all, to the blokes who work in immigration in the UK, these pinays probably all look the same anyway.

8th March 2009, 09:44
Sorry, Prof Al, I got curious. :D

8th March 2009, 09:49
It might work if she can manage to get through the checks and controls in Phils Al, after all, to the blokes who work in immigration in the UK, these pinays probably all look the same anyway.

Thanks Iain - I KNEW it was a terrific idea!!

BTW - as my ideas and thoughts are now becoming more and more lunatic, do you think I could get a job as Prime Minister or Home Secretary? Then I could get Hanna into the country no prob. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


8th March 2009, 10:35
Thanks Iain - I KNEW it was a terrific idea!!

BTW - as my ideas and thoughts are now becoming more and more lunatic, do you think I could get a job as Prime Minister or Home Secretary? Then I could get Hanna into the country no prob. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


I suppose if you were to land here, wearing flowing robes and some kind of tea towel on the head, preferably gingham, yell death to the infidel, carry some king of liquid in a bottle and shout political asylum among other threats of destroyal and maiming people that bat for the other team... you should breeze in no problem....:doh

But if you were to try the honest, law abiding route, visa fee paying, all singing all dancing correct way of doing things...... Forget it....:NoNo:

I really feel for your plight, my friend.:cwm24:

8th March 2009, 11:20
Sorry, Prof Al, I got curious. :D



8th March 2009, 11:24
oh sorry Prof Al, I thought it was an advice with regards to...:censored::Erm::rolleyes::icon_lol::icon_lol:

8th March 2009, 11:26
I suppose if you were to land here, wearing flowing robes and some kind of tea towel on the head, preferably gingham, yell death to the infidel, carry some king of liquid in a bottle and shout political asylum among other threats of destroyal and maiming people that bat for the other team... you should breeze in no problem....:doh

But if you were to try the honest, law abiding route, visa fee paying, all singing all dancing correct way of doing things...... Forget it....:NoNo:

I really feel for your plight, my friend.:cwm24:

Ah, hang on here Dom - I think you are right my friend. If I WERE to become a criminal, maybe it would be easier to get Hanna in. After all, criminals get treated better than law-abiding citizens don't they?


8th March 2009, 11:26
Sorry, Prof Al, I got curious. :D

oh sorry Prof Al, I thought it was an advice with regards to...:censored::Erm::rolleyes::icon_lol::icon_lol:


8th March 2009, 11:28
oh sorry Prof Al, I thought it was an advice with regards to...:censored::Erm::rolleyes::icon_lol::icon_lol:

KIMMI!!!! Shame on you!!! :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:


8th March 2009, 11:35
Ah, hang on here Dom - I think you are right my friend. If I WERE to become a criminal, maybe it would be easier to get Hanna in. After all, criminals get treated better than law-abiding citizens don't they?


As is demonstrated with the treatmeant of the Guantánamo detainee Binyam Mohamed recently. That guy hasn't got a leg to stand on legally as far as his residency in the UK is concerned, but he's here, likely to to remain here and he's probably coining it in now he's sold his story to one the Sunday tabloids. :cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:

8th March 2009, 11:50
As is demonstrated with the treatmeant of the Guantánamo detainee Binyam Mohamed recently. That guy hasn't got a leg to stand on legally as far as his residency in the UK is concerned, but he's here, likely to to remain here and he's probably coining it in now he's sold his story to one the Sunday tabloids. :cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:

And in a few months time, after he's spent the money he will go and definitively try to collect his 72 virgins.....:doh

8th March 2009, 15:03
And in a few months time, after he's spent the money he will go and definitively try to collect his 72 virgins.....:doh

If I lived in UK and you were not the moderator I would suggest your comment was too racist to remain here. You are in effect saying all Muslims are terrorists. I pretty broad minded but I that remarks is going too far and, as friendly voice, I suggest as you probably live in UK that you remove it as you may be inviting a prosecution both for you and our forum

8th March 2009, 15:32
If I lived in UK and you were not the moderator I would suggest your comment was too racist to remain here. You are in effect saying all Muslims are terrorists. I pretty broad minded but I that remarks is going too far and, as friendly voice, I suggest as you probably live in UK that you remove it as you may be inviting a prosecution both for you and our forum
Let's play SPOT THE PLONKER! :rolleyes:

Look in the dictionary at the word RACIST....and then try and discover the correct word you should have used :NoNo:

8th March 2009, 16:08

I do not want to enter into an argument on the semantics of the word I used.

am sure most readers will realise the point I was making was that most people would find it offensive to make derogatory remarks against a group/nationality based on the actions of but a few in that population.

We know that stereotyping of groups or nationalities can in most case be extremely offensive.

In this forum many of us know that uneducated people can believe that all non white, non indigenous English are inferior just because they are not like themselves.

I am fairly sure that was the reason the Gov put the Racial Offences Acts on the statue books.

I have not researched it but I am fairly sure that if one publishes anything which says, “all ++++++ are terrorist” then they may be open to prosecution, as of course such a satement cannot be true.

Thanks for your comments.

Please excuse me but I will not be contributing any more to this string: That I do not do so does not imply I agree with you.

8th March 2009, 16:13
If I lived in UK and you were not the moderator I would suggest your comment was too racist to remain here. You are in effect saying all Muslims are terrorists. I pretty broad minded but I that remarks is going too far and, as friendly voice, I suggest as you probably live in UK that you remove it as you may be inviting a prosecution both for you and our forum

If you care to look and read properly, I never said anything of the sort.:cwm23:

I referred to the guy that got repatriated from guantanama to a country which was not his own and has no allegiance to thanks in part to my tax money and yours and a lot of other people's that do not agree to it, but have no choice in the matter.

The guy was arrested in a war zone, with a fake passport, bearing arms against the allied forces. I bet that as soon as he has " recovered" from the years of abuse dished out to him by his captors he will be back into the fray.

Churchill had some fairly strong views on Islam.
"No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. And were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall."

And don't call me racist.:cwm23:

8th March 2009, 16:28
I referred to the guy that got repatriated from guantanama to a country which was not his own and has no allegiance to thanks in part to my tax money and yours and a lot of other people's that do not agree to it, but have no choice in the matter.


:xxgrinning--00xx3: your right about the guy, he should not have been allowed back in the uk, this country gave him asylum and thats how he pays the country back.. he is not a citizen of the uk, and so he has no right here

8th March 2009, 17:09
Bring back the death sentence for terrorist, seriously. its good enough
for Hussein. :behead:

8th March 2009, 20:47

I do apologize if your thread degenerated into something else.:doh

9th March 2009, 01:36
We know that stereotyping of groups or nationalities can in most case be extremely offensive.
Close. You see nothing in anyone of the above somes under the meaning of the word 'Racist'. However, a small minority of people may find it offensive, but as we live in a democracy, and this forum is democratic, and I have not received a majority of complaints, then we do not cater to the minority here.....that is democracy :)

Plenty of other dreary unhumorus forums about that the minority of folk who find simple things offensive can go to :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th March 2009, 12:14

I do apologize if your thread degenerated into something else.:doh

NO problem at all Dom. Also, no need for apology from you mate.
