View Full Version : my philippine passport

10th March 2009, 05:30
hello to all

am bit confuse of idea here..my passport have been expired alst year
and we are applying for visa other suggest i hv to attend first CFO Seminar and get certificate other say renew first my passpost and amend later when
i finish attend CFO seminar..but to which i was surprised the DFA change my passort now to married name form single name i just show my marraige contract..is this alright...so after if i grant the spouse visa i will attend that CFO seminar right..which i think mush near to me am from Davao..pls anyone have the idea correct me if am wrong..does attending CFO seminar really require..wouild i get sticker after that i attend or that certificate whats the use of that have already change my single name to married name...

any idea of comment are wlcome
thank you and more power ;)

10th March 2009, 13:44
hello to all

am bit confuse of idea here..my passport have been expired alst year
and we are applying for visa other suggest i hv to attend first CFO Seminar and get certificate other say renew first my passpost and amend later when
i finish attend CFO seminar..but to which i was surprised the DFA change my passort now to married name form single name i just show my marraige contract..is this alright...so after if i grant the spouse visa i will attend that CFO seminar right..which i think mush near to me am from Davao..pls anyone have the idea correct me if am wrong..does attending CFO seminar really require..wouild i get sticker after that i attend or that certificate whats the use of that have already change my single name to married name...

any idea of comment are wlcome
thank you and more power ;)

lucky you got ur passport without submitting a CFO certificate, but still you need to attend the seminar..
you can do that after u get ur visa approved , so u wouldn't have to go back in CFO for the sticker. or if you want to attend now it's up to you, but then u have to go back when ur visa application is granted for the CFO sticker.
You wouldn't be able to pass in the immigration in the airport without the CFO sticker, so it's a must.
goodluck! :Hellooo:

10th March 2009, 14:03
as chryss say so,you need to go CFO,thats different from what you are saying from the passport,ok ? Its a must ......

10th March 2009, 16:44
hello to all

am bit confuse of idea here..my passport have been expired alst year
and we are applying for visa other suggest i hv to attend first CFO Seminar and get certificate other say renew first my passpost and amend later when
i finish attend CFO seminar..but to which i was surprised the DFA change my passort now to married name form single name i just show my marraige contract..is this alright...so after if i grant the spouse visa i will attend that CFO seminar right..which i think mush near to me am from Davao..pls anyone have the idea correct me if am wrong..does attending CFO seminar really require..wouild i get sticker after that i attend or that certificate whats the use of that have already change my single name to married name...

any idea of comment are wlcome
thank you and more power ;)

The nearest place for you to attend the CFO seminar is in Cebu.

10th March 2009, 17:01
Wow lucky you!

11th March 2009, 01:49
yes i will attend cebu for semonar

but is it ideal to attend now cfo seminar? or i ll wait until i get granted a visa..

am not yet applying though as lots to get sorted yet but hopefully soon

am just sorting bits and pieces so later wont be rushing so much

anyone couild comment..it will help a lot

thank you and more power

11th March 2009, 06:47
If you are not from Cebu, just do it after the visa.
The CFO will only give you the Certificate of Attendance & the Guidance Counseling Certificate now if you still don't have the visa. And will just give you the sticker after you have the visa.

11th March 2009, 12:15
can anyone justufy why this happen i just try my luck to renew my expired passport with the DFA just submitt the requirements then olaaaahhh pay 500 pesos to claim for 25 working days ..i was really surprised how it happen i tought they will ask me to attendd first CFO seminar before i can proceed to process....hmmmmm but anyway i just share what it happen ;)

good luck to us all ;)

11th March 2009, 12:22
Ross,pay wxtra 250 and you can have it in 7 working days :Hellooo: but since you already paid 500,you cant change it all,wonder if you can ask them that you want "rush"

13th March 2009, 05:08
can anyone justufy why this happen i just try my luck to renew my expired passport with the DFA just submitt the requirements then olaaaahhh pay 500 pesos to claim for 25 working days ..i was really surprised how it happen i tought they will ask me to attendd first CFO seminar before i can proceed to process....hmmmmm but anyway i just share what it happen ;)

good luck to us all ;)
Hi Ross,
I had the same experienced like you. I renewed my passport yesterday(DFA Manila). It will be release after 7 working days (P750 for overtime processing fee).They did not required me to present my CFO certificate, though I had already one. I attended the CFO seminar the day before I went to the DFA. I had been told by the processor that I am just renewing my passport into my married name so there's no need to present the CFO certificate.
You have 2 options, by the time you will get your new passport you can attend the cfo seminar, then include the certificates to your supporting documents for your visa application (just come back again for the CFO sticker when you have your visa),or on the other hand you can just wait for your visa to arrive, then attend the seminar so you can obtain the CFO certificate and sticker on the same day. Good luck to you Ross....


13th March 2009, 13:01
Hi Ross,

You have 2 options, by the time you will get your new passport you can:

1) attend the cfo seminar, then include the certificates to your supporting documents for your visa application (just come back again for the CFO sticker when you have your visa),

2) or on the other hand you can just wait for your visa to arrive, then attend the seminar so you can obtain the CFO certificate and sticker on the same day.



Option Number 2 is less costly & will save you time. All you need is a day to have all things sorted! :xxgrinning--00xx3: