View Full Version : HSMP visa - need to go through POEA?

28th October 2004, 12:46
Hi, I'm in Manila and about to apply for an HSMP (highly skilled migrant programme) visa at the embassy here. I've been looking for info. whether I still need to go through the POEA after visa processing. I know for a sponsored work permit, it's required. Just want to be sure because I know stories of Filipinos being blocked at NAIA for not having gone through POEA processing.

I hope there are some Filipinos on this board who have this same visa and would know. Thanks :).

28th October 2004, 13:09
Hello and Mabuhay Millie, welcome to the forum, thanks for posting, its good that you took that step.

With regard to your visa, you would need to tell us somemore about what you are up to, are you applying to be a Nurse ? that is a skilled requirement that the United Kingdom is allowing however, we dont have much information here on how this is to be achieved, to be honest we deal more with relationship visa's than work visa's, thats are speciality, but tell us more and maybe we can find out for you.


28th October 2004, 16:16
thanks for the welcome and reply, pete.

the visa i am applying for is described here -
http://www.workingintheuk.gov.uk/working_i...ammes/hsmp.html (http://www.workingintheuk.gov.uk/working_in_the_uk/en/homepage/schemes_and_programmes/hsmp.html)?

i already have the approval from the home office and a job offer in the UK. the poea processing is a philippine-specific requirement most overseas workers have to go through. i was hoping there would be filipino workers in the uk on this board who could answer my question.

28th October 2004, 22:34
Millie thanks for your reply, if you have approval from the Home Office and a job offer, then Im not sure what you have to do, it seems you have to do something in the Philippines that we are not privvy to here in the UK, we have lots of readers, but most of our readers who are Filipino in the UK, tend to be married Filipinas to UK Husbands, we have readers on the forum also from the Philippines but most of the information posts are put on by the Forum Moderators.

I hope it works out for you, if you need any help about UK, or where you are going, let us know, I can advise you on most things to do with UK life, Keith is pretty good too, I live in the London area, Keith lives in the North West of the country, we will always be on hand to answer any questions you might have, sorry I cant be of any help on your paticular problem.


30th October 2004, 23:31
The IND in the UK has a wonderful policy of changing their policy without notice since 9/11 ::)

In order to ensure you have the best info at hand, and the latest, it is best to ask the IND in the UK directly, but not sure how long a response may take, probably 10 days knowing them ??? But better to do it that way than any other.

The address is indpublicenquiries@ind.homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

Supply them with as much info as possible, too much is never enough where the IND are concerned.

Sorry we can't be more helpful but best to get it from the horses mouth. ;)