View Full Version : Want some information guys

12th March 2009, 17:06
Hey i am an Indian guy and i love a Filipino girl and we want to get married , but the problem is we dont know how ? ( maybe you guys must be thinking what a stupid qus ?) but it is not, i mean what documents i required to get married to her an what documents she required ?

12th March 2009, 17:12
Welcome to the forum:)

Are you in the uk now? Are you a British citizen? or what is your status. I asked those questions to give us an idea on how to help you.


12th March 2009, 17:15
Welcome MR.R .omeo (LOL) first of all,where you want to get married ?:Hellooo: as i saw your location is in London

12th March 2009, 17:20
thank you i m so happy to join this forum . and thx Mrs.Jmajor for calling me romeo
i m in the uk but i m not a British citizen and i want to get married in the UK or Philippines or India it doesn't matter where for me really . :D

12th March 2009, 17:24
thank you i m so happy to join this forum . and thx Mrs.Jmajor for calling me romeo
i m in the uk but i m not a British citizen and i want to get married in the UK or Philippines or India it doesn't matter where for me really . :D

Nice to hear that you must be very eager now to marry your lovely lady:)
Since you are not a british citizen i have no idea how to process about getting her a visa once you are married or getting married here in the uk.

Maybe some members who have the same exp can help you with your queries.


12th March 2009, 17:25
hey guys i m sorry i m so stupid i post my question in introduce ur self :D , but still thanks for reply and i m new to forum so it will take a bit time to get use to it

12th March 2009, 17:28
actually she is here the visa is not a problem just i want to knw the doc ?

12th March 2009, 17:28
hey guys i m sorry i m so stupid i post my question in introduce ur self :D , but still thanks for reply and i m new to forum so it will take a bit time to get use to it

no worries:Hellooo: Mr.R.....omeo :D ohhh...what visa is she holding now ?

12th March 2009, 19:30
no worries:Hellooo: Mr.R.....omeo :D ohhh...what visa is she holding now ?

Hi Mr R,
Welcome to the forum. As Mrs Major says, to be able to advise you we would need to know her immigration status (what visa she holds) and as you ar not a British citizen either, what is your immigration status also.

12th March 2009, 19:32
Hi Mr R,
Welcome to the forum. As Mrs Major says, to be able to advise you we would need to know her immigration status (what visa she holds) and as you ar not a British citizen either, what is your immigration status also.

he didnt reply to me Iain,might the lady is o... s.... ,:Erm::D

12th March 2009, 19:45
Welcome here :)

12th March 2009, 19:55
he didnt reply to me Iain,might the lady is o... s.... ,:Erm::D
Looks like he's gone offline now. :Erm::Erm::Erm:

13th March 2009, 00:30
hi welcome to the forum

13th March 2009, 12:34
sorry guys i went offline last night , she is on student visa and i m also on student visa :D

13th March 2009, 12:51
sorry guys i went offline last night , she is on student visa and i m also on student visa :D

The 1st question is:
Are UK Student Visa Holders allowed to be wed here in the UK? :Erm:
(Need to do a lot of research here)...


Yes, you can be wed in the Philippines or India. (Both country has got different Immigration Rules).


13th March 2009, 13:29
ohhh but to do tht iwill need to get phil visa or she will need to get india visa but i dont think tht i will get phil visa coz i been there 2 time in a span of 3 months and they have rejected my visa also once if i apply now maybe they will reject my visa again ?

13th March 2009, 13:39
ohhh but to do tht iwill need to get phil visa or she will need to get india visa but i dont think tht i will get phil visa coz i been there 2 time in a span of 3 months and they have rejected my visa also once if i apply now maybe they will reject my visa again ?

You do not need to get a visa to go to the Philippines if you will not stay there more than 21 days* straight. (pls correct me if I am wrong).

So if you want, you & your fiancee can get married there within that allocated time.

If it is a church wedding (ex: Catholic Church). Your fiancee has got to register your intention to marry and maybe, the church will ask for your Baptismal Certificate (usually if mix religion marriages). Depends on the church...

If civil marriage, that's also different. Your fiancee will need to provide CENOMAR - Certificate of No Marriage, not sure about you though... (Just check your fiancee's local registrar).

13th March 2009, 13:47
no i cant get there without visa we need visa to go there even for 3 days .... but can u explain me in bit detail coz i knw nothing about legal stuff . thank you

13th March 2009, 13:57
The 1st question is:
Are UK Student Visa Holders allowed to be wed here in the UK? :Erm:
(Need to do a lot of research here)...


You probably need to obtain permission

"If you are planning to get married or register your civil partnership in the United Kingdom and you are subject to immigration control while in the United Kingdom, you may need to apply for a certificate of approval from the Home Office. "

"The rules on certificate of approval do not currently apply if you plan to get married at an Anglican Church in England or Wales, after marriage banns or with a religious licence. You should contact a member of the clergy at the church where you plan to get married for more help."


13th March 2009, 13:58
no i cant get there without visa we need visa to go there even for 3 days .... but can u explain me in bit detail coz i knw nothing about legal stuff . thank you

Hmmm... So Indian Nationals can't enter Philippines without a visa? :Erm:
British, Chinese, Tiawanese, Japanese, Canadian, Australian, American can visit Philippines without needing a visa (as long as it is within the allocated duration)...

Have you researched about this? Google: Philippine Immigration / Embassy...

13th March 2009, 14:01
thank u darren

13th March 2009, 14:01
yes i did but let me cross check it i will look again

13th March 2009, 15:31
Since you and your fiancee are here in the UK, why not phone up the Philippine Embassy in London and query them about your intention of getting married in the Philippines... I think that's the best way to find answers.

I've tried searching (you as Indian passport holder?), but no luck...

13th March 2009, 15:42
ohhh but to do tht iwill need to get phil visa or she will need to get india visa but i dont think tht i will get phil visa coz i been there 2 time in a span of 3 months and they have rejected my visa also once if i apply now maybe they will reject my visa again ?

I didnt realize that phil reject visa:doh my first time heared of it,they did tried denied those terrorist from
other country like.......:Erm:

13th March 2009, 15:47
its not polite to say tht mrs.jmajor , but anyways it was not like tht it was just coz of some doc i think .thank u

13th March 2009, 15:53
no i cant get there without visa we need visa to go there even for 3 days .... but can u explain me in bit detail coz i knw nothing about legal stuff . thank you

You both should be able to get married here. Check with the local registrar on procedures. You both probably need certified letters (certifcate of no impediment) from your home country to show that both are single.

Good Luck,

13th March 2009, 16:11
its not polite to say tht mrs.jmajor , but anyways it was not like tht it was just coz of some doc i think .thank u

well dont take it seriously,as i was just trying to make u at ease,
seriously we are always welcome other races or foriegner on our country because tourism is really big deal on us,phil govt making money on tourism and its always they report it on public that "our tourism last year and so and so.....is higher than last year and so and so".... so for me , knowing you that you been denied by visa :yikes:wondering why you need to prepare documents or anything to visit the country (phil)its just like the passport and you can enjoy the phil in 21 days, alright

13th March 2009, 16:30
well dont take it seriously,as i was just trying to make u at ease,
seriously we are always welcome other races or foriegner on our country because tourism is really big deal on us,phil govt making money on tourism and its always they report it on public that "our tourism last year and so and so.....is higher than last year and so and so".... so for me , hear you that you been denied by visa :yikes:wondering why you need to prepare documents or anything to visit the country (phil)its just like the passport and you can enjoy the phil in 21 days, alright


Indian nationals need visa to enter the Philippines. 21 days visa free does not apply to them unfortunately.

13th March 2009, 16:33

Indian nationals need visa to enter the Philippines. 21 days visa free does not apply to them unfortunately.

Oiiiii that was very nice info :xxgrinning--00xx3: benb thanks for giving me something to read :):)

13th March 2009, 16:34
yes i knw tht , its so ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but anyways i will get married to her anyhow, no matter wht happen .

13th March 2009, 16:38
yes i knw tht , its so ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but anyways i will get married to her anyhow, no matter wht happen .

hehe... that's the spirit! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2009, 16:39
yes i knw tht , its so ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but anyways i will get married to her anyhow, no matter wht happen .

Take one step at a time. Talk to your local registrar and get the ball rolling.

You can get married here, India or Philippines. All comes with complications and annoying paper work.

Good Luck.

13th March 2009, 16:41
Oiiiii that was very nice info :xxgrinning--00xx3: benb thanks for giving me something to read :):)

I wonder why India is out of that list. :Erm: overstayers?

13th March 2009, 16:49
I wonder why India is out of that list. :Erm: overstayers?

Indian nationals there in the PI are better known as bumbay or 5-6 (all pinays here know what that meant) :rolleyes: but they are good businessmen :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2009, 16:51
hiya!Mr.R,:doh:doh:dohwelcome aboard:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

13th March 2009, 16:55
Indian nationals there in the PI are better known as bumbay or 5-6 (all pinays here know what that meant) :rolleyes: but they are good businessmen :xxgrinning--00xx3:

A UK store card (typically over 20% APR) is worse than 5-6 (which is 20%). :icon_lol::icon_lol:

13th March 2009, 16:57
thank you guys for ur replies and help

13th March 2009, 16:58
yes paper work s***s , but i think we can make it

13th March 2009, 16:59
yes paper work s***s , but i think we can make it

just keep us posted Mr R. because your case is another unique one... This will be good for future references :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2009, 17:01
hehe thank you guys u boost my confidence , i really wish there is no rule for this thing . loving some is not a crime and getting settled is alos not . but why we need to face such problems in life . life is so tough 1st u nee to deal with ur job and than this paper works come rules and regulations . IS IT CRIME TO GET MARRIED TO SOME ONE FROM OTHER COUNTRY HA ? WHY WE NEED RULES HA .ITS SO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

13th March 2009, 17:04
hehe thank you guys u boost my confidence , i really wish there is no rule for this thing . loving some is not a crime and getting settled is alos not . but why we need to face such problems in life . life is so tough 1st u nee to deal with ur job and than this paper works come rules and regulations . IS IT CRIME TO GET MARRIED TO SOME ONE FROM OTHER COUNTRY HA ? WHY WE NEED RULES HA .ITS SO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Actually its to prevent human trafficking especially women, abuse, prostitution. The system is required.

13th March 2009, 17:06
its just because of few stupid people all people like me need to suffer .

13th March 2009, 17:08
its just because of few stupid people all people like me need to suffer .

Don't mean to be rude. But nowadays you cannot even trust your partner. e.g. how can you be sure that she has not being married before with kids. The system in place helps to some extent.

Good luck

13th March 2009, 17:08
and life wasnt that perfect always, :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

and if you really aiming something,by hook or by crook you'll gonna work for it to win the battle :rolleyes:

wish you all the best under the sun :)

13th March 2009, 17:12
yes i knw .hank u for u solutions but i sure for one thing i m gonna get married to her :D.
actually i want to get married in Filipino style ... . i m still searching for the doc i need .i hope it wil lgo fine

13th March 2009, 17:12
hehe thank you guys u boost my confidence , i really wish there is no rule for this thing . loving some is not a crime and getting settled is alos not . but why we need to face such problems in life . life is so tough 1st u nee to deal with ur job and than this paper works come rules and regulations . IS IT CRIME TO GET MARRIED TO SOME ONE FROM OTHER COUNTRY HA ? WHY WE NEED RULES HA .ITS SO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Actually its to prevent human trafficking especially women, abuse, prostitution. The system is required.


also, i think getting a visa in the Philippines is a lot cheaper than getting UK visa... we all go through that route... shedding loads of :REGamblMoney01HL1::REGamblMoney01HL1::REGamblMoney01HL1::REGamblMoney01HL1: in order to be with the person you love...

if only people (before us/our ancestors) did not abuse the system (as what Benb replied), we could have been to places/countries without needing visas... the word "VISA" may not exist in the dictionary...

but it is all good... Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice... Being in love isnt that easy hehehe (:omg::Erm:)

13th March 2009, 17:15
yes i knw .hank u for u solutions but i sure for one thing i m gonna get married to her :D.
actually i want to get married in Filipino style ... . i m still searching for the doc i need .i hope it wil lgo fine

Filipino style... eeeekkkk expensive (ah well)! lol especially if she has got lots of relatives hehehe... but it is fun fun fun!!! :omg::omg:

But the most important thing is: YOU WANT TO BE COMMITED WITH HER AS LONG AS YOU LIVE.... awww, hehe i am so cheesey...

13th March 2009, 17:16
ok tell me you guys think i will get visa again ? coz i already applied twice in 6 months , i have Philippines visa but i just been there recently i mean i was there in feb , and i want to go there again :D , and my current visa is already expired ........ will i get the VISA again

13th March 2009, 17:19
ok tell me you guys think i will get visa again ? coz i already applied twice in 6 months , i have Philippines visa but i just been there recently i mean i was there in feb , and i want to go there again :D , and my current visa is already expired ........ will i get the VISA again

yeah,just dont over stay,since you had one already,and our law is not that strict lol ,cause we are not that rich country like UK,but we are rich in PAGMAMAHAL ( love)

13th March 2009, 17:22
Indian nationals there in the PI are better known as bumbay or 5-6 (all pinays here know what that meant) :rolleyes: but they are good businessmen :xxgrinning--00xx3:

A UK store card (typically over 20% APR) is worse than 5-6 (which is 20%). :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Very true, but at least you will not be needed to be credit checked (as banks/lending agencies do). They will just show up in your door when it's time for collection... lol some Pinoys will just :222::222::Bolt::Bolt::Bolt::Bolt::Bolt::Bolt::Bolt: as fast as they can or :xxparty-smiley-004::xxparty-smiley-004::xxparty-smiley-004::xxparty-smiley-004::xxparty-smiley-004::xxparty-smiley-004: hehe!

13th March 2009, 17:23
hehe yes i dint over tayed but what reason i should give them now coz ast time immigration officer asked me wht is ur purpose here again , and i said i love Philippines and he smiled and said go hehe its really kool , but i really love Philippines even its hot i knw how to speak ur language love teaches u so many thing tht u have not done before .salamat po

13th March 2009, 17:25
hehe yes i dint over tayed but what reason i should give them now coz ast time immigration officer asked me wht is ur purpose here again , and i said i love Philippines and he smiled and said go hehe its really kool , but i really love Philippines even its hot i knw how to speak ur language love teaches u so many thing tht u have not done before .salamat po

GETTING MARRIED WITH THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2009, 17:28
GETTING MARRIED WITH THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

yes, just be honest :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2009, 17:30
but for the truth my real reason was to see my gf hehe :D , i want to apply again for my visas but i dont knw wht to tell them this time ??????

13th March 2009, 17:30
hello Mr. R what a spirit u have just go go go.

Gud Luck :)

13th March 2009, 17:32
but for the truth my real reason was to see my gf hehe :D , i want to apply again for my visas but i dont knw wht to tell them this time ??????

I thought she is here for student visa ?

13th March 2009, 17:41
yes she is here on student visa but i went with her there .... coz she was facing some problem back there . so i go with her both the time .

13th March 2009, 17:42
hehehe you are now making us confuse Mr R. lol

so you wanted to go back to PI with your fiancee (who is also in the UK as Student Visa Holder) and get married there... then tell them what your intention really is... GETTING MARRIED...

13th March 2009, 17:45
no no no no u guys r getting misunderstand , lol i mean to say i went with her in Philippines twice coz she was having some problem back there , and i visited there in very short time mean in just period of 2 month there was my nest visit in Philippines .... we study here in uk :D , i was just replying mrs. jmajor its my fault i dint mention

13th March 2009, 17:52
no no no no u guys r getting misunderstand , lol i mean to say i went with her in Philippines twice coz she was having some problem back there , and i visited there in very short time mean in just period of 2 month there was my nest visit in Philippines .... we study here in uk :D , i was just replying mrs. jmajor its my fault i dint mention

click the quote ( right hand) if you are replying her/his post specifically :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

so that wouldnt make the member confussed,lol

wowwwwwwwwww,see that you are on page 3 now ,lol

13th March 2009, 17:54
oh ok , sorry but still new will lean thank u for helping

13th March 2009, 19:10

Indian nationals need visa to enter the Philippines. 21 days visa free does not apply to them unfortunately.

Hmmm thats new to me:cwm12::cwm12::cwm12:
My husband hated gettin visa:Erm::Erm::Erm:, so he just fly everytime he wants and stay in the philippines 20 days without visa:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
It was alright. :Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:
Unfortunately i got my spouse visa in two yrs marriage hmpt:Brick::Brick::Brick::Brick:

If you are entending to marry in the philippines, it is very necessary for you to carry "Non impediment to marry" document. They will not issue marriage contract without it. If you are divorced, carry divorce paper also.

good luck!!!:ARsurrender: