View Full Version : worried

18th March 2009, 09:40
Hi everyone, i just want to ask if its not normal that i am afriad to go out if my hubby is not with me?any advice of how can i overcome my fear:(, i want to be able to leave the house with my son even if my hubby is not with me.coz thats what he wanted me to do. thanks everyone..


18th March 2009, 09:50
Did you get here with your baby in the UK?
Its normal at first to feel that way coz its totally different the environment plus the weather:yikes::yikes::yikes: But once you get used to it everything will be ok. Takes an effort and confidence to do it but eventually you will be alright:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have a 1 year old baby plus 28 weeks pregnant. Everytime im off from work i always go out for a walk with my wee boy or attend playgroup in our local area or visit my british friends who has a baby too. In that way i can be more of myself and never rely on my husband:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

You will be alright trust me.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
18th March 2009, 09:52
yes i agree with what ann said.i was like that before but i manage to overcome my fear.you will be alright.its much more safer here than in PI.:)

18th March 2009, 09:53
Hi everyone, i just want to ask if its not normal that i am afriad to go out if my hubby is not with me?any advice of how can i overcome my fear:(, i want to be able to leave the house with my son even if my hubby is not with me.coz thats what he wanted me to do. thanks everyone..


When Jet first arrived in the UK, she was also very wary of going out on her own.:omg:
Everything seemed so strange to her.:Erm:
But slowly, due to necessity she learnt her way around and now she so very confident that she gets the bus into town, does her shopping and comes back the same way.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Sometime she meets up with her Friend Ann from CDO and they spend time together window shopping and chatting in Klingon over a cappuccino....:doh

It take a while, but if you don't take that first step out of the door you will be confining yourself within the walls of the house, and end up missing your relatives too much.

Take the plunge and go out, plan ahead, bus routes and bus numbers. Decide where you want to go and how long you will stay there, etc.
Take yourself to Church and meet some other Pinays there, try to make friends, although I must warn you that some of them can be quite stuck up and ignorant.:NoNo:

Good luck

18th March 2009, 09:59
:D:D you made me smile on your thread,yeah today will be my first time Im going out too w/o my hubby,going Morrison looking for rice:icon_lol::icon_lol: and hubby said 15 minutes walk :yikes:
he just told me "dont get lost princess":icon_lol: I said as long as i know how to read the signage of the strret i wont

:Hellooo::Hellooo: Have fun yuhoooo:BouncyHappy:

18th March 2009, 10:04
Hi everyone, i just want to ask if its not normal that i am afriad to go out if my hubby is not with me?any advice of how can i overcome my fear:(, i want to be able to leave the house with my son even if my hubby is not with me.coz thats what he wanted me to do. thanks everyone..


I would suggest you attend the playgroup in your local area for your baby to have fun with other babies plus you will get to know many mums as well.
In my place I am the only Pinay :Erm::icon_lol:

You can ask your gp or health visitor for info.

18th March 2009, 10:29
When my wife Louella first arrived in the UK, I took a week off work to help her settle in. Besides showing around the shops in our local area and where the nearest catholic church was, I took her 3 times on the bus into the city centre and showed her around, pointing out various shops and landmarks that she could use to find her way around and also, help her to find her way back to the correct bus stop so she could get home.

When I returned to work the following week, I was half expecting a phone call saying "I'm lost", but she got on great all on her own and has done ever since.


18th March 2009, 10:33
To tell you honestly, I so want to go out alone too! lol
I've been here for years already but still doenst have the courage to go out without my loving husband (maybe we enjoy doing things together..lol:D)

But really we should be independent. It builds confidence (but just be very cautious & careful) :xxgrinning--00xx3: I think streets in Manila or in the Philippines are way too dangerous than UK streets hehehe :rolleyes::Erm:

18th March 2009, 10:37
It takes time amiga due to so many things different and unfamiliar. Pia has been out about 3 times on her own - twice when I was out. I am amazed and a little worried about some of the places where she ended up going. I have been here in Leeds for almost 5 years and never knew there was a fishmarket in the city centre.

I suggest going for regular walks with hubby and baby. Then when you are ready you will venture out without him to the places you are familiar with and then, eventulally further afield.

Good luck!

18th March 2009, 10:44
i was like that too at first... but staying at home makes me bored. today me and my son are going out to find him a costume for his school. it will be our second time to go out without hubby and will just use a bus.
my hubby printed me the bus timetable...
i suggest before going out by yourselves (you and your baby). go around in the town with your hubby so you'll be familiar with it, and make sure where the bus station is. always bring ur mobile phone too so in case you'll get lost but i'm sure you won't. you can call your husband anytime.

18th March 2009, 10:57
Hi everyone, i just want to ask if its not normal that i am afriad to go out if my hubby is not with me?any advice of how can i overcome my fear:(, i want to be able to leave the house with my son even if my hubby is not with me.coz thats what he wanted me to do. thanks everyone..


It's not unusual to feel this way, my wife has been here for 4 weeks and has only been out once alone to the local corner shop.

She says its cold outside and worried she will get lost.

At the moment I am at home as im out of work so I am walking around our town so she can get familiar with it.

My tip would be to start with small trips outside, then try to go for longer each time.

18th March 2009, 11:24
Don't worry,
like everyone has said just take your time. Where are you in West Yorks, there may be another member fairly close who could come over and you perhaps take you to the nearest shopping centre for coffee and chat.

In a few months time you will look back at this thread and laugh at yourself..

take care

18th March 2009, 11:25
i've been here 3 years now but until now i didnt try to go anywhere w/o my hubby.coz we always go together anywhere,after we finish to our pigeons we visit our greyhounds in the kennels of our trainer.and after that we visit some of our friends in thier houses.we go to ireland,phils,thailand,cambodia,manchester,oxford,etc,etc:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

18th March 2009, 11:56
i've been here 3 years now but until now i didnt try to go anywhere w/o my hubby.coz we always go together anywhere,after we finish to our pigeons we visit our greyhounds in the kennels of our trainer.and after that we visit some of our friends in thier houses.we go to ireland,phils,thailand,cambodia,manchester,oxford,etc,etc:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: doing things together!!! i love that! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

parehas tayo hehe...

18th March 2009, 12:05
i got here with my 17 months old son.Actually i am 5 months already.as others say here i go out with my hubby always and we use the car. we went for a walk few times. i am just worried that i will be lost.hit by a car or stub(lol). You know some racist:(

I'm happy that it wasnt only me experiencing this things. Thank you very much for all the eply guys.. it made me feel better. i am at Huddersfield btw. We go to town every weekend hoping we will meet some filipina that is married to a british coz its quite uneasy if just normal phil..

Anyway, Thank you again everyone:)

18th March 2009, 12:06
Hi everyone, i just want to ask if its not normal that i am afriad to go out if my hubby is not with me?any advice of how can i overcome my fear:(, i want to be able to leave the house with my son even if my hubby is not with me.coz thats what he wanted me to do. thanks everyone..


As long your hubby want you to go out alone, you are alright.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
Nice to have some experience sometimes, if you get lost phone him:icon_lol:
Im in England almost 2 yrs, but didnt try to go out nor ride a bus with my own.:cwm34::cwm34::cwm34:
Its not that im afraid, i really love to go out alone
but hubby is afraid and wont let me go:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:
he is afraid, somebody will take me away from him:doh:doh:doh

bcoz, when we are in the gym. Men eyes was at me:Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

not my fault:Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

18th March 2009, 12:07
:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: doing things together!!! i love that! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

parehas tayo hehe...

I enjoy doing things when i am with him aswel. everything is boring when i am just alone:(

18th March 2009, 16:05
We go to town every weekend hoping we will meet some filipina that is married to a british coz its quite uneasy if just normal phil..
Anyway, Thank you again everyone:)

Yeah, I have the same feeling as well, I've been dying to see Pinays married to Brits, been here for almost 3 yrs now, havent met anyone yet. It is just different right? Being in the same boat?
I've seen lots of Pinays here, they are either snobbish or just doesnt care... Just sad...

I enjoy doing things when i am with him aswel. everything is boring when i am just alone:(

Aww bless you:xxgrinning--00xx3::Hellooo::Hellooo:

18th March 2009, 16:49
i got here with my 17 months old son.Actually i am 5 months already.as others say here i go out with my hubby always and we use the car. we went for a walk few times. i am just worried that i will be lost.hit by a car or stub(lol). You know some racist:(

I'm happy that it wasnt only me experiencing this things. Thank you very much for all the eply guys.. it made me feel better. i am at Huddersfield btw. We go to town every weekend hoping we will meet some filipina that is married to a british coz its quite uneasy if just normal phil..

Anyway, Thank you again everyone:)

Hi amiga, I had no idea you werre so close to us. Pia and I were in Kirklees on a couple of days ago and most of our BritFil network live in areas such as Cleckheaton, Batley, Middleton, etc. so not far from you. If you would like to you can drop me a line and I will introduce you to Pia and maybe you could come to one of the many parties we attend near your area.

Our friends vary from Pinoy-Pinoy, Brit-Fil, Brit-Brit, Nigerian-Brit and Polish. They are all really nice, very welcoming and great fun.

18th March 2009, 17:15
Hi amiga, I had no idea you werre so close to us. Pia and I were in Kirklees on a couple of days ago and most of our BritFil network live in areas such as Cleckheaton, Batley, Middleton, etc. so not far from you. If you would like to you can drop me a line at I will introduce you to Pia and maybe you could come to one of the many parties we attend near your area.

Our friends vary from Pinoy-Pinoy, Brit-Fil, Brit-Brit, Nigerian-Brit and Polish. They are all really nice, very welcoming and great fun.

Can I join too...? lol

Anyone from Swindon or near Swindon? Oxford? Faringdon? Lechlade? Ashbury? huhuhu

18th March 2009, 17:28
Can I join too...? lol

Anyone from Swindon or near Swindon? Oxford? Faringdon? Lechlade? Ashbury? huhuhu

you made me laugh :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: it shows on how many post you made it on one day,:Beer: toast zobel


18th March 2009, 17:33
been here for nearly 3 years now,i usually go on my own,especially when i go
shopping,coz its irritating me if my hubby always rushing me,takes me ages to find what i want..sometimes it takes me a week to decide.:Erm::Erm::D

18th March 2009, 17:33
you made me laugh :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: it shows on how many post you made it on one day,:Beer: toast zobel


Errrmm... I know! :bigcry: I noticed too... lol I am bored hahahaa :Cuckoo::Cuckoo:... The doctors said I need to rest and stop working hehe, so my only resort is replying to different THREADS hahaha... huhuhuhu not fun for me though, i still want real physical friends hahaha... But having this online community makes me at home... lol cheers :D:D:D:D:D

also, i have noticed, it was couple of days ago when I reached my 1000 posts hehehe... :icon_lol::icon_lol:

18th March 2009, 17:38
Errrmm... I know! :bigcry: I noticed too... lol I am bored hahahaa :Cuckoo::Cuckoo:... The doctors said I need to rest and stop working hehe, so my only resort is replying to different THREADS hahaha... huhuhuhu not fun for me though, i still want real physical friends hahaha... But having this online community makes me at home... lol cheers :D:D:D:D:D

also, i have noticed, it was couple of days ago when I reached my 1000 posts hehehe... :icon_lol::icon_lol:

No worries,b4 you gave birth aim to get 2000 post,hows that ? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2009, 18:10
No worries,b4 you gave birth aim to get 2000 post,hows that ? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

lol... I joined in 2006 and it took me 3 years to reach my 1000th posts hehehe:omg::omg: but we will see... lol, we might not know hahahaa :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

18th March 2009, 19:35
Can I join too...? lolAbsolutely! You are very welcome. :)

18th March 2009, 21:05
Can I join too...? lol

Anyone from Swindon or near Swindon? Oxford? Faringdon? Lechlade? Ashbury? huhuhu

:Hellooo:Swindon? Not so far from me in Bicester, Oxfordshire. Good to know it...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2009, 21:21
i got here with my 17 months old son.Actually i am 5 months already.as others say here i go out with my hubby always and we use the car. we went for a walk few times. i am just worried that i will be lost.hit by a car or stub(lol). You know some racist:(

I'm happy that it wasnt only me experiencing this things. Thank you very much for all the eply guys.. it made me feel better. i am at Huddersfield btw. We go to town every weekend hoping we will meet some filipina that is married to a british coz its quite uneasy if just normal phil..

Anyway, Thank you again everyone:)


You are in UK now my dear, far away from Phils which is there you are more likely to get stub or hit by a car!

Dont be afraid of going out, there are plenty of nice people around here in UK, specially old people:D -their first words? is about weather! :icon_lol:

It's very useful aswell to watch tv as you will learn a lot about UK.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2009, 21:28
:omg: It's very useful aswell to watch tv as you will learn a lot about UK.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:DHope you don't mean UK soaps like Emmerdale or Coronation Street???:Erm::omg::Brick:

18th March 2009, 21:56
:DHope you don't mean UK soaps like Emmerdale or Coronation Street???:Erm::omg::Brick:

Any tv program really. what I was trying to point out is by watching tv might topped up your knowledge about Life in the UK:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Haven't you learned a lot of things from Emmerdale or Coronation StreeT? have you?

18th March 2009, 22:24
Hi everyone, i just want to ask if its not normal that i am afriad to go out if my hubby is not with me?any advice of how can i overcome my fear:(, i want to be able to leave the house with my son even if my hubby is not with me.coz thats what he wanted me to do. thanks everyone..

At first its really strange to go out on your own.... my hubby only have 3days to show us around and he needs to go back to work.... no choice but to take my daugther to school by myself as she got a place reserved in school even before we got our visa. At first i dunno what to say to Mr. Bus Driver and its annoying that he's having a hard time understanding my accent....:furious3::Brick::furious3::Brick:... surprise cuz he thought we came from America he said i got American accent...:doh

19th March 2009, 07:08
Errrmm... I know! :bigcry: I noticed too... lol I am bored hahahaa :Cuckoo::Cuckoo:... The doctors said I need to rest and stop working hehe, so my only resort is replying to different THREADS hahaha... huhuhuhu not fun for me though, i still want real physical friends hahaha... But having this online community makes me at home... lol cheers :D:D:D:D:D

also, i have noticed, it was couple of days ago when I reached my 1000 posts hehehe... :icon_lol::icon_lol:

ahahahahah.... don't worry Zobel... if and when things go well with me and bf (and I know it will because God will make it happen).. we can go around town with your baby... woooohoooooo.... :Hellooo::Cuckoo:

19th March 2009, 07:39
Hi everyone, i just want to ask if its not normal that i am afriad to go out if my hubby is not with me?any advice of how can i overcome my fear:(, i want to be able to leave the house with my son even if my hubby is not with me.coz thats what he wanted me to do. thanks everyone..


I used to be very independent :D and free. Can go out with friends, family and alone. When I arrived here, it's different:doh. I want to be independent too like taking a bus going to work/ shopping etc. But I can't stand with the cold waiting for the bus and hard for me to be able to drive. So my dad, my husband are always there to drop me and pick me up.:doh
Unlike in the Philippines, there's jeepney, bus, tricycle:D
You'll be alright then as british wants their wife to be an independent:BouncyHappy:

19th March 2009, 20:02
:Hellooo:Swindon? Not so far from me in Bicester, Oxfordshire. Good to know it...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Driving directions to Bicester, Oxfordshire, UK
40.5 mi – about 1 hour 2 mins :omg::omg:

Absolutely! You are very welcome. :)

Salamat po!

ahahahahah.... don't worry Zobel... if and when things go well with me and bf (and I know it will because God will make it happen).. we can go around town with your baby... woooohoooooo.... :Hellooo::Cuckoo:

That's what we call positive mental attitude:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

I used to be very independent :D and free. Can go out with friends, family and alone. When I arrived here, it's different:doh. I want to be independent too like taking a bus going to work/ shopping etc. But I can't stand with the cold waiting for the bus and hard for me to be able to drive. So my dad, my husband are always there to drop me and pick me up.:doh
Unlike in the Philippines, there's jeepney, bus, tricycle:D
You'll be alright then as british wants their wife to be an independent:BouncyHappy:

:D:D:D:D:D same here

20th March 2009, 00:07
I can relate the feelings too, it's only at 1st but once u started going out that fears will all gone... What i did was, i study the route or road maps then start to walk just within near the house, increase the distance evrytime i go out, then i went to bus station just to sitdown there read information and observe. Few days i started to take a bus to nearby town, it's funny coz driver ask me what street and have no idea, i just said the town name and i keep busy looking for signage hehehe. And whenever i feel this is the place, i just follow other passenger then i will cross the road and ride back to the bus station. And now I am more knowledgeable about the place than my husband:)

20th March 2009, 06:09
I can relate the feelings too, it's only at 1st but once u started going out that fears will all gone... What i did was, i study the route or road maps then start to walk just within near the house, increase the distance evrytime i go out, then i went to bus station just to sitdown there read information and observe. Few days i started to take a bus to nearby town, it's funny coz driver ask me what street and have no idea, i just said the town name and i keep busy looking for signage hehehe. And whenever i feel this is the place, i just follow other passenger then i will cross the road and ride back to the bus station. And now I am more knowledgeable about the place than my husband:)

:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: so brave!!!

20th March 2009, 09:23
oh Thank you so much all. those are not my thing lady jay. Actually when i was in phil i used to look at the news about uk in the internet and that was horrifying all the time. do you know about those teenager that has been stub to death?

Anyway. yesterday i went out on my own with my son. Finally. my hubby says he is proud of me lol.

Thank you for inviting. i would want to join you and your firends.maybe we could met sometime first in town:)

You got it. Filipino are snobish and got a so high ego. when they look at you its just intolerable.

20th March 2009, 10:18
Thank you for inviting. i would want to join you and your firends.maybe we could met sometime first in town:)
Wala problema amiga. Anytime at all. Glad you managed to go out.:)

20th March 2009, 10:31
it's kinda funny..... in the philippines my wife always told me not to go out by myself.
Of course, I did anyway and luckily my wife's a filipina, so she don't like to walk too much :)

I did as some in here suggested; go a little further each day - then after a while I dared to take a jeepney alone. I had no idea where it went, but I knew that somehow there'd be jeepney going back again.

I should perhabs mentioning, that my wife was very worried but with no reason because I only met nice, helpful people there (yeah I got lost a few times, but being a man I would never admit that :) )

20th March 2009, 11:02
When Jet first arrived in the UK, she was also very wary of going out on her own.:omg:
Everything seemed so strange to her.:Erm:
But slowly, due to necessity she learnt her way around and now she so very confident that she gets the bus into town, does her shopping and comes back the same way.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Sometime she meets up with her Friend Ann from CDO and they spend time together window shopping and chatting in Klingon over a cappuccino....:doh

It take a while, but if you don't take that first step out of the door you will be confining yourself within the walls of the house, and end up missing your relatives too much.

Take the plunge and go out, plan ahead, bus routes and bus numbers. Decide where you want to go and how long you will stay there, etc.
Take yourself to Church and meet some other Pinays there, try to make friends, although I must warn you that some of them can be quite stuck up and ignorant.:NoNo:

Good luck

I agree with that...:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2009, 13:21
it's kinda funny..... in the philippines my wife always told me not to go out by myself.
Of course, I did anyway and luckily my wife's a filipina, so she don't like to walk too much :)

I did as some in here suggested; go a little further each day - then after a while I dared to take a jeepney alone. I had no idea where it went, but I knew that somehow there'd be jeepney going back again.

I should perhabs mentioning, that my wife was very worried but with no reason because I only met nice, helpful people there (yeah I got lost a few times, but being a man I would never admit that :) )

you can't blame us for wrrying about you guys. my hubby once go out by him self to. i don't want him to go out by himself because its quite dangerous.
one time we ride on a jeepney to a resort and therewas this very odd man who wants to sit beside him. I felt sure he is planning something bad coz my brother was sitting beside my hubby and this man where trying to force himself to sit beside my hubby. i am on the other side of the jeepney so when i saw what this man is doing. i move and sit between my hubby and this man....

20th March 2009, 13:23
Wala problema amiga. Anytime at all. Glad you managed to go out.:)

How about this sat? are you free? maybe you can go with your hubby. Lets meet in huddersfield town or if you want to meet somewhere else you decide.

20th March 2009, 15:37
you can't blame us for wrrying about you guys. my hubby once go out by him self to. i don't want him to go out by himself because its quite dangerous.
one time we ride on a jeepney to a resort and therewas this very odd man who wants to sit beside him. I felt sure he is planning something bad coz my brother was sitting beside my hubby and this man where trying to force himself to sit beside my hubby. i am on the other side of the jeepney so when i saw what this man is doing. i move and sit between my hubby and this man....

hehe yeah he did sound a little weird. However, there are weird people everywhere - even here in Denmark where I live, we have a few. Here we just give them a large amount of money and call them goverment officials.

I will bet that your husband are worried too when you go out on your own, because perhabs you'll meet weird people out there too.

But it's just taking it in small steps at a time and very soon it will be your husband who ask you for directions ;)

On another note; Philippines are just as dangerous as UK - it has to do mostly on where you are, what time a day and who you spent the time with. With the wrong persons at the wrong place you are almost asking for trouble.

21st March 2009, 09:54
As I have been out of work this week, I have been able to go out more with my wife to get her more confident of her surroundings.

Yesterday I was enjoying the lovely sunny weather on the golf course, when I returned home; my wife told me she had been out into town for a walk and to the supermarket, I was very proud of her.

Next week we plan to explore more of the local area. If the weather is good maybe a trip to the beach, Lowestoft or Yarmouth.

21st March 2009, 10:43
its normal to worry just be cautious and always alert everything around you.

I do disagree with some people here saying UK street is more safer than Phils. Have you been out at night on your own here in UK or even in daylight in a crowded place and in Phils? The biggest problem here in UK is the teenager they don't know what's the meaning of respect at all even Brits are worried when group of young people gathered in one place.

For my 5 years here I never experienced any trouble bec I am trying to be alert and cautious and I know how to take care of myself (I mean I don't go home very late walking on my own even with my friends I'd rather get a taxi even its only 10 mins walk specially on a weekend here) same thing in the Phils.

With my bf now I am trying to brief him what he will expect in the Phils things that will amuse him like filipinos like staring at white people or colored people or foreigners in generals. What kind of public trasport we have etc although I can drive in the Phils so its not a prob but I want him to experience the tradition in the Phils like tricycle, jeepeney and bus. Hold up is a big possibility specially with foreigners bec most filipinos think that foreigners have plenty of money but he said he got a villa in Spain and its the same case there that many Brits being mugged and police are not bothered to do something. I think we shouldn't worry too much with our loveones if they are in the Phils they are not young anymore to tell them what to do and what they can't do. As long as we tell them to be cautious and giving them the freedom to exploit themselves a bit and they will learn the system, imho.

21st March 2009, 11:12
I'm proud of mrsjarv for venturing out alone (well with the Rafa hehe) I guess it took some sunshine to spur her on :)

I agree that both phil and uk can be dangerous or safe depending on time and location, I think it is the same everywhere. I certainly feel safer going to the ATM with a guard brandishing a pump-action shot-gun lol


21st March 2009, 11:38
[. I certainly feel safer going to the ATM with a guard brandishing a pump-action shot-gun lol


Yeah it is a bit surreal when the hotel guard walks with me less than 100 yards to the ATM by the hotel we use where he then chats to the Bank guard. Like a lot of major cities the key to safety is awareness, common sense and not being too flash (nice watches, jewellry etc).... oh yeah an armed guard helps hehehehehe.

Well done Mrs Jarvs, where are going next on your own?

21st March 2009, 12:10
[. I certainly feel safer going to the ATM with a guard brandishing a pump-action shot-gun lol

:yikes: sure, until you remember the reasons why every bank and mall has to have guards with shot guns :Erm:

and also how many police and security guards are in prison themselves, and visit the PNP website and see those who are wanted for murder, kidnapping, robbery.

yes the UK has problems, much of it down to kids causing trouble, but i've definitely felt safer in the uk than the phils.

but as you said, minimise the risks you take, and it doesn't matter what country you're in, there are always low life's about :doh

21st March 2009, 12:29
How about this sat? are you free? maybe you can go with your hubby. Lets meet in huddersfield town or if you want to meet somewhere else you decide.

Hello there thejarvs :)

Piamed ( Kuya Toks ) is busy at this moment i think :Erm: coz today they will have a Baby Shower at home March 21. If u want i will ring him and let him know that u want to meet him and ate pia ... hey btw , load of visitors later :Hellooo:

21st March 2009, 13:10
Hello there thejarvs :)

Piamed ( Kuya Toks ) is busy at this moment i think :Erm: coz today they will have a Baby Shower at home March 21. If u want i will ring him and let him know that u want to meet him and ate pia ... hey btw , load of visitors later :Hellooo:

its alright misscarie,Thank you for the thought:) Lets just let them enjoy thier baby shower:) if you happen to see them just give them my regards. and best wishes for their baby. Maybe i could talk to them again sometimes here and arrange a different date to meet them:)

I don't know where to go next yet lol

Anyway, What am i doing on this thread (NEWS PHIL)? i am lost lols :Erm::doh:cwm12:


21st March 2009, 14:40
Some great advise on this thread.

The WIfe was like you back in Late 2005. Now she travels up to London on her own and alsorts. But it took time and she needed to get to know her local area around the home first.
I read on here how couples travel all over the UK and further abroad etc. But dont forget to really explore the local area together. The Wife and I used the local buses together Visit the various town centres so the Wife felt comfortable and familiar in them.

One thing she now uses (Well she has never used for real yet just in practise) is using her phone if a little lost to tell her where she is.

Two ways, first GPS (but this can take time and fiddly) and a not so accurate way is to use google maps which uses the postion of the transmitters around you to work out roughly where you are often much much quicker but uses data. Simply by selecting my postion.

My Wife found the best way of meeting people was via the bus she even knows a few local pinoy bus drivers now. She met filpinas of all ages. Found that either those recently over or those who had been here for many many years were the nicest to her. She also met all the local phills as many also used the bus. Even found many who were neighbours.

With A baby as others have said you have many chances to meet others for company (playroups, medical centre) also in many areas as rightly said older people or others with babies will stop and chat/help you talk about the weather:D and your lovely baby.

21st March 2009, 15:28
Hi Amiga

I just heard you left a message for us. It was really nice to chat with you amiga.



23rd March 2009, 14:20
When Jet first arrived in the UK, she was also very wary of going out on her own.:omg:
Everything seemed so strange to her.:Erm:
But slowly, due to necessity she learnt her way around and now she so very confident that she gets the bus into town, does her shopping and comes back the same way.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Sometime she meets up with her Friend Ann from CDO and they spend time together window shopping and chatting in Klingon over a cappuccino....:doh

It take a while, but if you don't take that first step out of the door you will be confining yourself within the walls of the house, and end up missing your relatives too much.

Take the plunge and go out, plan ahead, bus routes and bus numbers. Decide where you want to go and how long you will stay there, etc.
Take yourself to Church and meet some other Pinays there, try to make friends, although I must warn you that some of them can be quite stuck up and ignorant.:NoNo:

Good luck

Great advice! :) I guess i will have to start doing that. Coz i for one, have thesame dillema since i just got here last week. And everytime my husband is at work, it gets really boring for me and i wanted to go out and do something else beyond the four walls of our house :) And sooner or later, i will want to get a job here too and make myself more productive and earn my own money.

23rd March 2009, 14:29
I used to be very independent :D and free. Can go out with friends, family and alone. When I arrived here, it's different:doh. I want to be independent too like taking a bus going to work/ shopping etc. But I can't stand with the cold waiting for the bus and hard for me to be able to drive. So my dad, my husband are always there to drop me and pick me up.:doh
Unlike in the Philippines, there's jeepney, bus, tricycle:D
You'll be alright then as british wants their wife to be an independent:BouncyHappy:

Exactly like me! :) Like you, i used to be so independent in manila, i can go anywhere and drive on my own. I would bring my husband and inlaws to nice places around manila and out of town. I felt so secure and confident of myself, then all of a sudden, when i got here, i became the opposite! :Brick:
I became dependent, clingy, scared and not confident enough and secure of myself, and that is so not me! And i don't like me that way. But good thing i came to my senses now, thanks to this forum. I will need to bring back the old independent me :)