View Full Version : Spot The Plonker!!!

21st March 2009, 11:06
Anyone care to explain why this muppet would even bother to take the time to email something so pathetic? :icon_lol:

The following message was sent to you via the Filipino UK Forum Contact Us form by Dancing spirit ( mailto:mrconga@hotmail.com (mrconga@hotmail.com) ).


ha ha this is a rubbish site i cant see the point lol by e byeEEEE


Referring Page: http://filipinaroses.com/search.php?do=getnew (http://filipinaroses.com/search.php?do=getnew)
IP Address:
User Name: Dancing spirit
User ID: 3497
Email: mrconga@hotmail.com (mrconga@hotmail.com)

21st March 2009, 11:17
hmmm maybe the phallus protruding from his forehead is playing up :)

21st March 2009, 11:20
That must be me.....:rolleyes:

This cerebrally challenged person posted a couple of things which in my view I considered as "trolling".:NoNo:

Then yesterday this....http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php?t=14806

So I took the step of re-adjusting his privilege of being a member here....:D

21st March 2009, 11:23
Probably she has got nothing to do with her boring useless rubbish life...

We should ignore people like her!

And oh just last one message for that B!aatch..

Will you just get on with your f*****g life. THere's no room for you in here and if you dont like this site, simply just don't come in here to read and post! Is that hard for you to do it? then you're a bloody attention seeker! My advice to you is to go to your GP because you need a help!

21st March 2009, 11:26
I guess he is a old member,that already banned ,pity cant he/she do other thing than bugging this peaceful family :rolleyes:

21st March 2009, 11:26
Host name: 82-35-202-164.cable.ubr04.enfi.blueyonder.co.uk

I'm sure his ISP, Blue Yonder (now Virgin Media) would love to hear about his activities.

21st March 2009, 11:28
I guess he is a old member,that already banned ,pity cant he/she do other thing than bugging this peaceful family :rolleyes:

Im sure she's a lady b!+ch because the way she type her english words:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2009, 11:30
Im sure she's a lady b!+ch because the way she type her english words:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ohhhh,so she just pretend because on the title of the thread was BORING WHITE GUY WITH A FILIPINO WOMEN:Erm::NoNo:

21st March 2009, 11:30
Couldn't match ISP to any past or present members...:NoNo:

So I bye-bye'd him/her, just in case.....:D

21st March 2009, 11:32
Couldn't match ISP to any past or present members...:NoNo:

So I bye-bye'd him/her, just in case.....:D

what about she/he had new ISP now Mod :D